4.10 star(s) 54 Votes


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2018
whats the point of announce the release the date and then fucking dissapear. the fuck is wrong with u nergal
You ever have that day when nothing seems to be going right? When, no matter what you do, or who you talk to, from the big projects right on down to remembering to put your shoes on the right feet, nothing fucking works?

Extrapolate that upwards to having to design, code, create, run, test, redo, and ultimately implement before it all comes crashing down around your head because you typed a '1' instead of a '0'. And then, after you've thought of that, imagine that your work is being critiqued by a horde of nameless, faceless pissheads bitching and moaning because they expected something that you just can't quite figure out how to do.

Lay on top of all that bills, a career, a family, a life, various random ailments and tragedies, upswings and downturns in your moods, and bundle all of that together with a voice in your head that keeps telling you that nothing is ever going to change and you're going to be looked down on for the rest of your pathetic existence.

You, sir or madam, do not help matters by complaining; you exacerbate a problem, heaping fuel to the fires and then admonishing the person trying to put it out. If you think it's so easy, do it yourself; just don't except much sympathy when suddenly you can't get things done.

Hope you're having a good holiday season!


Jun 3, 2017
You ever have that day when nothing seems to be going right? Imagine that, but somehow it goes on for 4 months, trust me, it's just a slight bump in the road, that nobody can do anything about.

Extrapolate that upwards to having to do work anyone else has to do. And then, after you've thought of that, imagine that after you don't show any of your work, people have the gall to question "where the fuck is the game, Nergal?"

Lay on top of all that regular responsibilities of a normal human being.

To be frank, I am a total bitch that can't handle any form confrontation, so please stop being mean- expecting Nergal to keep his word or work at all is ridiculous anyway.

Never forget the six million!
Couldn't agree more.
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I agree with both of the posts above.
Life happens, problems happen, shit happens.
And with those things, i wish Nergal all the best in the world...

This is not the first time, not the second time or even the third time that something like this happens.
The thing that annoys me is not that it's delayed again, i kind of expected that already.
Things that are annoying me are
-The lack of communication.
-And the fact that he makes the same mistakes relating to deadlines and promises again and again.

If he would just STOP giving out dead-lines and promises the fallout and annoyance of many people would be so much less.
Just say.. The game is going to be delivered somewhere in Q1 2019, or something like that..

As far as that he can't handle the negative comments of people.... I am sorry, but you know that when you are creating something for the public that there are yay and nay Sayers..
It comes with the territory, and if you can't handle that or ignore that.... Well, exclude yourself from the social aspect of this development and hire someone to do those things for you.

Again, i understand when life takes precedence... Life before fiction... No question about it.
But i think that it's also quite reasonable that some people are rather annoyed at this stage.

A zombie's life will always remain one of my favorite games.
And the same goes for Urban Demons.
For those 2 games i used to pledge quite a big amount overall

And i wish all the best for the person Nergal, but my trust and confidence in him as a developer is at 0%

All above is not a hate post, or to attack him or others in any way...


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2018
I decided to stop giving out deadlines, too - making vague assumptions on a release date does offer "wiggle-room", but there are limits to vagueness. Giving somebody a deadline of "Soon (tm)" can be disastrous (read: Half Life 3), but then again, having some kind of deadline also means you have that pressure looming over you...

So, all in all, I agree with you - some kind of far-off date would at least be better for a developer like Nergal, if aggravating for the rest of us. Still doesn't mean that you should just shit all over their work due to your own impatience, though.
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I decided to stop giving out deadlines, too - making vague assumptions on a release date does offer "wiggle-room", but there are limits to vagueness. Giving somebody a deadline of "Soon (tm)" can be disastrous (read: Half Life 3), but then again, having some kind of deadline also means you have that pressure looming over you...

So, all in all, I agree with you - some kind of far-off date would at least be better for a developer like Nergal, if aggravating for the rest of us. Still doesn't mean that you should just shit all over their work due to your own impatience, though.
Don't know if you mean me with that last part, but i am a fan of his games like i said... I am a fan of his work.
Only thing that i am not fan of are those things i mentioned above :p .

I agree that shitting on someone else his/hers game can be a little bit to much on this site sometimes.

I like the comments that are actually going into details on why they don't like something, that actually give a reason on something.
Or comments that give constructive advice or why they disagree on something with a normal discussion/post.

But there are way to many "people" on this website who just spew hate and nonsense, people who think that their opinion is a fact and games are made for them alone.. Comments like
-I fucking hate this game
-What the fuck is Nergal doing.
-Worst game ever
-Or attack a developer just because they don't like the direction of the game.
That's just wrong...

I spew a lot of nonsense on this website, i will be the first one to agree with that... I am not the nicest person to people who ask stupid questions... But i like to think that i am at least a decent person against developers and the "normal" users on this website ;)


Sep 28, 2017
I am yet to see anyone shitting on the game itself.

Or maybe he could work. Maybe the missed deadlines and lack of communication wouldn't be such a big deal, if he would put out some work on a semi-regular basis? Maybe the angry mean people aren't the problem, and it's him not doing shit and taking money is the problem? Maybe "he can leech as long as he isn't setting deadlines" doesn't really solve anything, and is kind of fucking stupid?
I mean, it's not like Nergal hadn't abandoned a game before. People who still put money to Nergal must understand what they are getting into, otherwise, they deserve to lose money. Nergal is not talentless either, just.... well we all know.


Jul 17, 2018
only blizzard used that kind of logic , now blizzard is ded ,and now to add my 2 cents to this whole debaucle , because MY OPINION MATERS!!!! As much as im looking forward to the next update to this game , im also expecting it to be playable when it releases so i rather he delay the game and release a playable game then keep to release date and release a broken mess .. idk maybe im weird like that .


Dec 8, 2017
only blizzard used that kind of logic , now blizzard is ded ,now to add my 2 cents to this whole debaucle , because MY OPINION MATERS!!!! As much as im looking forward to the next update to this game , im also expecting it to be playable when it releases so i rather he delay the game and release a playable game then keep to release date and release a broken mess .. idk maybe im weird like that .
I was speaking of 3dRealms.
Oct 22, 2017
Comparing this game to a AAA release or any Patreon game to a AAA is outlandish but just to clear things up, Blizzard is not the only company that delayes game, they all do. Code vein has been delayed 4 times just this past year alone lol


Jul 17, 2018
well 4drealms is small time compared to EX Blizzard , theyr responses became meme`s , "you will get it when we think its ready" XD
P.S. i dont really think anyone is actually comparing AAA games with pareon , on one side you have full teams of hundreds if not more ppl , on here you have at the most a hand full if not ONLY 1 ...


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2018
I was making more of a comparison to Square-Enix and their constant delays for games (for both big series and one-off titles), but they do have certain standards that they try to live up to. Imagine that, people trying to actively make something worth taking note of, instead of rapidly shooting out half-finished plots and buggy messes that closed the entire game every time you pressed the "Esc" key which opens up a menu in every other fucking game... sorry, getting FF13 flashbacks there.

Yes, it's wrong to promise something and then not live up to that promise.
Yes, it's annoying and it's happened many times before.

And yes, chances are, it won't change.
4.10 star(s) 54 Votes