So, I've been away for a while - and I apologize if this feels like beating a dead horse for some of you - but I just read Nergal's statement about abandoning Patreon and his two current projects. All I wanted to say on the matter was that both my heart and my penis feel thoroughly betrayed by this turn of events. If it is genuinely as serious as Nergal claims, I can only hope that the situation gets resolved and progress can be finished on A Zombie's Life and Urban Demons. Especially when you realize that AZL was ONE update away from having all the artwork, and UD was TWO versions away from being a complete game. I am so depressed to think of how these two projects will remain unfinished.
I found it amusing that Nergal mentioned SmurfyBlue in the latest post, but there is only so much any mod can do with a game that is missing the needed artwork. If this game is to be finished without Nergal, who didn't do any of the artwork, we will need our own artists to mimic the style of Urban Demons. The only other option would be to have an artist willing to redo all of the content that will be available in version 0.8 as well as creating new art for the unfinished game. There is a flood of emotions running through me, and sadly most of the hope I feel is drowned under feelings of anger. I am not sure what your plans are SmurfyBlue, or how much help I can provide to you, but I do not want this to die.
(EDIT1)- Having read the posts on the previous page, I just want to explain that my logic of "TWO versions away from being a complete game" came from the Trello progress page of planned content. If every release (0.9 and then 1.0) were as promised (and Nergal always delivered) then it was near finished. So obviously Nergal could have drawn out the game by going "0.11" and wasting our time, but I feel that Urban Demons really was close to completion.
(EDIT2)- I also want to explain that the anger I feel isn't directed towards Nergal for abandoning the project. My anger is directed towards the universe for allowing Nergal to abandon both projects. In the case for AZL, I was really looking forward to all three orgy endings. In the case for UD, I was really looking forward to the threesomes & 10H Scenes.
(EDIT3)- Nergal, if you are reading this... I was one of the people who actually wanted the Fred threesome with Mrs. Jennings. I also consider Mrs. Jennings as my favorite character to romance in Urban Demons (her husband can go fuck himself with a rusty rake, because she is ALL MINE NOW) and the Fred Threesome was more of an "optional" scene. I imagine Mrs. Jennings would have asked Peter (you) if you wanted Fred to join in, and the player could just as easily say "HELL NO" to keep Mrs. Jennings all to themselves. I do realize that I contradict myself by saying that I would be willing to share her with my best friend, after having declared her as "ALL MINE NOW" earlier. Truly, my appreciation of the threesome scene depended on which "end" Fred was getting. If Fred only had access to oral stuff, I would be fine with the scene. Whereas if Fred had access to her more intimate parts ... I would reject the offer to include Fred when the question was asked in-game. Boy, this edit sure was a lot longer than I had originally intended. Long story short, if you are still with me, I was fine with the proposed Fred content since it was all optional anyway. Nergal was never forcing people into that threesome. It was only an OPTION. Ergo, it was OPTIONAL. XD
@SmurfyBlue: I missed out on your easter-egg, and don't know how to trigger it. I am not asking you to spoil it, but can you please give me some kind of hint so that I know where to search for it? Thanks in advance if you do tell. Also... you made a patch in secret for AZL? You sly Smurf. Any plans on making that public? (fingers and toes crossed)