Its a fact thats people are different.
So existing some devs who don't care for much contact. Progress messages, content discussion, planing, bug problems etc. Name it. They develop and do their thing till the next release. Its in their character and ok.
(Ok, another reason is sometimes that they have not much to say. If the whole project is build on a idiotic wish, no knowledge and basically is build on quicksand.)
Problem is:
User contact is one of the most important things for the open development/release sys. Another is regular infos, peeks and such. If the dev cant/want to do this things, find someone. 10 days without some contact is at least 5 too much.
Without this the players feel forgotten or ignored and get frustrated. This behavior takes the devs steam away and this makes it worse... Rinse, repeat.
At the end the project is death.(Possible other reasons add to this)
Another example of this is the Humbling Experience.
Whats too say. The release move from feb too march without a peep was a big low blow. End of month and still nothing... is not good. 3 days and we know.