Ren'Py - Completed - V.I.R.T.U.E.S. [v17] [NoMeme]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The Story is 9/10 though i don't care much about the story so the plot is my thing.
    Characters are so well renderd, awesome character backgrounds, 10/10.
    Gameplay is a bit so-so, repetitive pre-events are too much but doesn't matter.
    Animation same as the character models is very very good, their model QUALITY during animated scenes doesnt fall off 10/10, 60fps! 100/10.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Its a great sandbox game. It was not grind for me more like events happens and you can choose time and place. Writing it was pleasure for me after poor writen games you can tell the difference more. I assume writer knows about seduce and girls because MC's thoughts seems quite accurate. Protagonist is a rich playboy young man who knows how treat girls well so it was fresh for me. Graphical appearence is okay asian girls are beauty and as I see they act like asian girls too which is cool usually they just look like them. Lewd scene animations are smooth.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Update as of v16
    I still like the game but docking a star, over the months the dev backed down to fet shamers and removed content, it's still a really good game but it blends into the market more now and stands out a little less. Lactation content is still solid though, renders and sex scenes good, so still going with 4 and recommending it.

    Update as of .5
    WOW... the lactation alone is done by someone who's at least watched a porn vid of it. The new scenes put it with enough content if you haven't played before it's got enough to warrant your time. I'm going 5 stars.
    It's not perfect, it's added all these mini scenes that aren't in the gallery only you rewatch some of them 20 times trying to see the orange circle that's something you haven't seen, I question the decision to go multipath while hiding art you didn't pick, games at this level just don't have the replayability for that but damn it, it's just such an up and comer (which is what that lactation scene made my wiener be...) among the games out there. Worth patreoning.

    Original Review
    At this time (.40)... Amazing renders, a workable storyline, amazing renders, a quality interface, amazing renders, it was fun to play. Actually let's add it was fun to play a second time as well.

    If you're asking if you should try it for yourself, assuming you liked the preview art (and if you didn't why are you here? I didn't go to your weird loli game and pretend it was my thing ;) )... the answer is yes. Try it for yourself as there's a chance you find it worth donating towards. This is blossoming towards 5 star.

    My only issues limiting it to 4 stars are,
    (major) If it's going to do the whole big open world with time of day and triggers deal, needs to continually improve the ingame guide/hints. It's never fun to play a game with (times of day)x(girls)x(locations)x(options to spend time) in a guessing storm of what decision do I do progresses things or gives me scenes. If this game ever loses it's being fun my guess is that would be why.
    (minor) It is limited in it's current content, although not too bad. My guess is if you're a stickler for that, wait maybe 2 more versions.
    Those considered, against how good it is, it's still worth playing.

    ... and, while I haven't used the feature yet, if I'm reading it right, credit to it for allowing scenes with multiple paths to have the alternative paths you didn't view as options to see later. Every game that goes multipath should allow that.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Very impressive start to a game. The characters are well designed if a little samey, body-type wise. The menu and UI is surprisingly good, lots of elements added that are usually not seen till the end, like BGM, sound effects when you highlight menu options and the portraits shake when you hover over them. You can already access the gallery in this game and all the menus are available with just a right-click. The animations are really good as well. Also, the bikinis/pool sections, A++. Other nice touches include being automatically teleported to your room at night once there is nothing more to do that day and indicators on the various places to show there is an event there right now.

    As for the downsides, there are only a few animations in the game so far. You'll find yourself moving down the pathway for a particular girl and suddenly, "You've hit the end of the content for this girl for this version." This review is for v.4 however and that's to be expected, especially when so many of the elements around the base game are already so fleshed out. It's a funny double-edged sword since the content is so good it hits that much harder when it ends.

    A slightly bigger issue is around the core gameplay loop. It's your traditional time of day based system where an interaction or story event will progress you later into the day until nighttime, fall asleep and repeat. This so far is the least fleshed out system, which is odd, given all the attention already given to things like the menu. There is often nothing to do during certain parts of the day and too many things to do during others. You will quickly find yourself skipping the same part of the day over and over(mornings, forenoon) with nothing new to show, all to get to the plentiful afternoon/evening events. I'm also pretty sure there are quite a few areas where there is only one event or even absolutely nothing to do/find and the only way you find out is having gone there a lot with nothing to show. The game tells you one girl will like you more if you study but if you go to the Library, it just says you study. The reality is the only way to progress her is to go to class.

    Overall, well worth any support you can throw this talented developer. Other than making sure the times of day are better fleshed out with more activities, which will obviously happen with continued updates, the only downsides are that I found this game too soon and have to wait for more updates.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    While this is a Renpy game, I was amazed by the amount of modifications done to make it seem like a proffessional level game instead of another visual novel.

    The game has a good balance of gameplay and lewdz. It satisfies the gamer within me, as well as the horndog well.

    The cast of characters are also ok. Diverse characters which will probably please most people (but more so boobs people)

    The only criticism is the english in some places which can be a bit off, yet 98% of the game is perfect already.

    There's also only 1 sex scene at the start of the game. TO avoid spoilers, let's just say that it's a little concerning logically and needs more thought put into it.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    story: is well writed but...

    characters: they are well done but...

    scenes (all of them): they are hot.

    music: is not anoying.

    gameplay: is not that good.

    draws (cg): really well done.

    conclussion: in one hand, this game has great graffics, the characters are well done, and it has lots of content, and in the other hand, the gameplay is tedious, the intro is like way too long, the story and characters are well writed but, they lack of charm. in a PERSONAL OPINION it feels empty like those reality shows about rich people fixing their problems with money and good contacts.

    psdt: others game in this page, do way more with less.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Actually pretty good. At first when I saw sandbox screen I got disappointed, but it happened to be that rare case when the sandbox is done right. Coz 1. there's almost no grind and after 2 or 3 exercises something happens with this or that girl and 2. you almost always know what to do next. Story is good so far, models and characters as well (especially for HS engine), so I recommend it for sure.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a h-game that could be call a game to is so much similar to a date simulator that you have to improve your realations with the girls meanwhile you no more about they ans their histories with a great art and game sistem real goos. A GREAT GAME TO SUPPORT ON PATREON
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Wanna some vanilla ?

    A lovely game with cute atmosphere and a nice interface.
    That being said, it lacks a bit of action and a striking story.

    --- Chara Design :
    Cute faces, especially considering it is made with HS
    Regarding the body, I regret that all the girls except the small sister has more or less the same body, meaning huge HHH cup breast...the dev could have limited that fetish to one or 2 girls, not to every girl.
    Their personality is quite nice eventhough I feel they lose their temper and become more generic while the story progress

    --- Story/Background :
    Writing is quite good. Humor is there from times to times. The setting is interesting, but as it's more a management game than a visual novel game, the story is not really leading of the game, you will mostly pursue a route with each girl which will build a part of your story. Kinda classic, but well done.
    The music is nice but some other tracks would be appreciated

    --- Animations/Sex :
    Well this is the point that has to improve. Just some raw HS animation. Also unlocking is very slow, not necessarly a bad point, but here it is way too slow considering the story is not that interesting.

    --- Gameplay/Contents :
    I'm not really fond of sandbox games, but this one didn't bother me. The interface is really nice and efficient at the same time. The B&B management can be interesting, the money management too (but a bit too easy though, you should increase the expense to 2000$ per week to make it more interesting). Contents outside of sex scenes are good.
  10. S
    5.00 star(s)


    The game was made with a soul, I really liked it, except that the main character is a rich man who can afford almost everything. I really liked Vera. Need to develop the game further. At first, I thought that Vera was Korra from Avatar. This game impressed me. 5/5
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game. It has an absolutely wonderful UI, interesting story, and of course, phenomenal renders. This game is professional quality. I'm blown away by how high quality every aspect of this game is. Support the dev on patreon if you can!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    definitely potential game so far.
    the storyline and 4 main characters are attractive. MC is a rich guy with a powerful father. and suddenly fall to become a normal man.
    if the updating period is promising. that will be much grateful.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art and overall wholesome tone which is always great. Understanding it is a foreign dev, improvements can be made on grammar and spelling. By far one of the best looking HS games out there. Looking forward to the future of this game
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + We have quite attractive love interests for MC, some are cute, some are beautiful and some are hot, and their numbers are not small either.
    + We have well-made animations with proper physics and girls/women facial expression while having sex is quite good as well.
    + While the plot and the main story not that original or detailed all girls have well-written character developments and past stories.

    Bad Points
    - Uno's path didn't have enough variety and had unnecessary developments.
    - The game became quite boring and repetitive with the last 3 updates and the endings were kind of weak as well.
    - Save system and IU is kind of annoying.

    For The End
    This is quite a good game it's completed as well, so I do suggest anyone wanting a good adult game to play this game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    First impression when i clicked on the post is that this game may be one of those cliche scenario of father goes bankrupt and be the man of the house type pf game but to my surprise it's not as i thought, as i am typing this, it is version 1.0 and i doubt my opinion will change from this game :

    Story: The plot isn't there when i first play like it's just a shadow such as the mention of the main protagonist to be spoiled by his father and i don't know if there is a mother for she hasn't been mention (i may have missed it if it were mentioned) but encountering the other females that's a bit different from the normal, the game designer actually put some detail to them via their origin and ethnicity which is uncommon compared to other games similar to this. 4/5

    Game play: This is a different type of visual novel i usually see when using Ren'Py, having multiple choices will definitely lead to planning which scenes you wish to proceed and some characters require more progression to progress the other characters, normally i am not fond of this mechanic but the characters make up for this, i have no dislike to any of the characters which helps me pick which activity to do in which time without wasting time when currency is limited. 4/5

    Scenes: Animated with reflection and attention to small details such as braids. What more would you want, voice acting? well that would be a step to far for a new patreon game but that would be amazing however turn volume down if without head phones is what i normally do ^_^. 5/5

    Conclusion: Tho this game has just been born out of the creativity of a mind of a single human (i think), this has indeed potential and i hope to see further content in the future, you will not regret playing this fantastic game and i hope the game developer will remain in good health. 10/10

    -Justapervert ^_^