
New Member
Feb 22, 2019
Really appreciate the guy who trotted out the old "but what about bisexuals?!?!?!". The only time we get acknowledged is as a prop in the Straight vs. Gay wars lmao.
And like clockwork, you attempt to erase the sexuality of people who dare disagree with your narrow view of it.

balitz Method

Active Member
Jan 30, 2018
Since when was having a preference in a body figure and clothing the nail in the coffin for your sexuality lol.
Damn that dude has a feminine figure and wears ambiguous/femme clothing, time to pull out my "no homo" card
That happens all the time, too!

There's a lot to this, actually, the short version is that it's more of a dom/sub play for most people who're curious about it. More than the no homo card, even, you can get some really funny blank stares if you tell certain guys who that you, the little andryogynous cute thing, want to fuck them.

balitz Method

Active Member
Jan 30, 2018
The thing is, you are gatekeeping being gay from everyone
I'm really not. Not only am I not declaring myself the gatekeeper I'm not laying down the standards; I'm saying that each camp is well within its rights to police themselves but no matter how much someone from the other may cry about it they can't impose theirs.

Here's what this is driving at: just because it involves homosexuality doesn't mean that it's gay (embraced and practiced and attuned to the distinct sexuality of people who identify themselves as gay), nor is gay the be-all-end-all of homosexual sexuality. Like you assumed that I'm going for a purely Masc4Masc angle, so I'm sure you know what I'm talking about when I say that there are certain tastes and such that can and do get disowned by gays. Transgender sexuality, which can and does get called gay by straight pedants who dry hump the dictionary, is another one that largely seeks to emulate straight sexuality - very few transgirls get gay boyfriends; they end up with openminded straight guys. Traps/femboys largely fall under a straight paradigm, too, in that they by and large hook up with women and curious straight guys, not gay men. That's not to say that 'they're just straight' (as we all know how famously insecure and inflexible straights are) but rather that their sexuality is often disowned by straights but still emulates, though simulacrum &c, some typical straight sexual archetypes and dynamics (rather than gay ones).

The Big Idea here is that straight and gay are not the two paradigms of sexuality; quite a number of things exist either on the outskirts of these frames or fall outside of their umbrellas. The relationship between straight and gay - that is to say the squabbling more often than not - doesn't define the sexuality of those who aren't strictly in either camp any more than their self-serving decrees (straights trying to straightsplain what's gay to police each other, gays defining what gay actually means for themselves) do. They also have their own right to square their sexual tastes for themselves

balitz Method

Active Member
Jan 30, 2018
And like clockwork, you attempt to erase the sexuality of people who dare disagree with your narrow view of it.
Seriously, read what I've written. I spent time on it.

The Big Idea here is that straight and gay are not the two paradigms of sexuality; quite a number of things exist either on the outskirts of these frames or fall outside of their umbrellas.
"You're defining sexuality narrowly!"

Jesus christ our schools have failed us.

balitz Method

Active Member
Jan 30, 2018
So now you're delving into personal attacks since your asinine stance is illogical. Cool.

You don't get to be the sole arbiter of things that don't fall within your rigid definition of what you believe to be gay. The great irony of this whole thing is that you claimed to be offended at the portrayal of a particular gay character in the game and yet with every post you actively discount and attempt to erase other people's experience of homosexuality. When I fuck a dude, it's because I wanna fuck a dude. Sorry that that isn't "gay" enough for you.
When you clearly haven't read a thing I've posted and mix me up with someone else it's not an insult to say you you're not good at reading.

balitz Method

Active Member
Jan 30, 2018
You went on quite a rampage generalizing that TRUE gay attraction is almost solely between two masculine men in this thread, how conveniently you ignore this for the sake of childish personal attacks.
No, I didn't.

Literally all I said on the subject was that traps appeal to straight men and that homophobic straight men don't get to turn around and declare it gay just because they don't like it. When you look at demos it's clear who likes traps more.

And I've outlined what I actually think about sexuality in detail but none of you can be bothered to read.

I mean you actually accused me of bi erasure lol. Now for my greatest trick: watch as I make my own sexuality...disappear!


New Member
Feb 22, 2019
Trap content isn't gay content because it doesn't appeal to gay men. Straight guys who're a little curious like the idea of dipping their toe into some m/m that's flavored entirely like what they're used to; gay guys want to see masculine characters hooking up and romancing each other.
No, I didn't.
This you?

balitz Method

Active Member
Jan 30, 2018
I clarified what that meant, champ:

In fact a lot of homo content is for straights. There's """"lesbian"""" material that's clearly just titilating wank fodder for men, of course. Actual stories produced by lesbians tend to bore straight men because the sexuality is completely different. Traps and femboys and futa are by and large a fascination of straight men, too. They're the ones who talk about it, they're the ones who consume it, and when you look at media aimed at gay men those character types are much much rarer. Over in Japan there's BL (boys' love) for another example. This is a genre centered around boys hooking up with an overwheming minority of actual gay fans - its audience and its authors are nearly all women writing fantasies for other women. Bara on the other hand is a catch-all for works that are penned by gay men and for gay men. Surprise surprise, not many fans of BL also like bara and vice-versa.
Just read that whole post, would you?


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
I am just going to leave this here some of the logic made.. cause it is funny

given the logic some of you made.. as the Royal Academy is not a car, therefore they cannot define what a car is.. In fact, humans are not dog, therefore they cannot define what a dog, or pretty much what anything that is not a human is.. makes me wonder how people communicate...

Even more... make wonder when the fact that the royal academy is not car is established? after all, the royal academy cannot defined what is a car, but neither can the not royal academy define what is the royal academy to go and tell them "you are not a car, you are the royal academy"... so no statement is valid or false.

Yes... makes total sense. That's it.. I am out of here. This was fun.
Last edited:

balitz Method

Active Member
Jan 30, 2018
I don't believe a single one of you three read it because you keep insisting that I'm being narrow and gatekeeping just because I told you that you don't get to tell gays what's gay.

I outlined a broad view of sexuality that discounts the entire premise of gay and straight being the sole paradigms, even, and you accuse me of being narrowminded. This is either you not reading or, more likely, just you reacting to what you think I'm saying because you don't understand any of what I've posted.

balitz Method

Active Member
Jan 30, 2018
This is all I'm doing, though, the discussion parts were relevant but now it's just cattiness and willful lack of understanding.


Forum Fanatic
Jan 3, 2018
Straight people get to define what straight is and gay people define what gay is.
There are accepted definitions of words.
These are what everyone gets to define everyone else by. Regardless.
Gay = homosexual. Nothing more, nothing less.
There, I'm straight & I defined it. Sorry to disprove you.
A man having sex with another man, regardless of whether one is dressed as a woman, is a homosexual encounter.
It is gay sex.


Message Maven
Apr 26, 2020
There are accepted definitions of words.
These are what everyone gets to define everyone else by. Regardless.
Gay = homosexual. Nothing more, nothing less.
There, I'm straight & I defined it. Sorry to disprove you.
A man having sex with another man, regardless of whether one is dressed as a woman, is a homosexual encounter.
It is gay sex.
gay also means "happy" :)
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