- May 5, 2017
- 1,198
- 1,422
1. Adventurers can donate creatures. The PC can donate most monster kids to the arena.1. Mission accomplished! Although it makes you wonder how the fuck they got the hell doggos in there to begin with.
I keep trying to come at it with different styles, like a chosen one would be from a stance of 'this time, I'm playing a sword and board fighter', how would I do this legit?
2. True, but I was looking at it more like, how could the player train themselves to deal with / resist it? Such as a Paladin or Monk style purity of body / diamond soul sort of nonsense.
I mean, Silas Law fought these in the past and managed, for example. So there had to be means to resist and combat them in close quarters; the man used a spear.
The other horseman (Juste? The Cook. ) was just too angry to die and used dual swords or whatever.
William had to have some sort of trick, considering whom he was married to and all that.
4. Kind of wild that Acrobat is their own class. Most of the stuff they do I attribute others for. Falling long distances? Monk. Climbing walls? Thief. Running up walls (or even dashing along water at high level) Monks again. Performance stuff? Bard. etc. Losing both parents in a freak accident and being picked up a square chinned, masked crime fighter? ...Okay, Acrobats can have that one. (But technically the crime fighter is a martial artist, sooo...)
But the gargoyle quest giver statue hybrid is flipping adorable. I'll give her that.
2. Large enough health pool that it didn't matter.
4. I want to add in her race but Primora isn't ready yet.
Working on it. Certain art is hard to find and male kitsune is a dry market of stuff I like.kitsune start when?
Since the ORC license is open source I could technically code in an xp leveling system and combat system. It is always an option.I'm not confusing nothin'. D&D nerd, DM, and player for over two decades here. Every silly edition. Ninja's could be considered either a rogue or monk style, but were typically stealth and pointy objects. Scary dangerous glass cannons. (They also get melted by lone Samurai. It's a critical weakness, unfortunately.)
Monks are the type that will perfect the same strike 10,000 times to master the ability to punch through a target, a wall, and the guy behind that wall. (Monk weapons do exist, and some of them are quite strong, but most eventually grow outclassed as the hand to hand die improved.)
Monks as a core class were running up and down walls, flipping through the air, deflecting missiles and chucking them back, becoming immune to every kind of poison and disease and saying 'nope' to fear and charm spells, regardless of the level.
They still typically got outclassed by pure Fighters, especially when you add magical weapons into the mix, but Monks had all sorts of really fun nonsense, as well as hyper mobility. So long as you had chi to burn, there was a lot of neat nonsense to be done.
One of the silliest combinations is a Centaur Monk, for example. In the later levels, monks can run up walls, so long as they don't stop. It doesn't matter what race they are. So clickity clomp, clomp, clomp up the castle wall they go. (Surviving to make it to those later levels could be tricky though, depending on how many ladders show up across the journey.)
Endgame, wizards and sorcerers are still the top of the pack, but that's just how it goes.
This would focus what classes the PC could do but give a stronger focus on individual abilities. I would also have to restart the game (again, for the fourth time).