So far, I'm loving this game, it feels like I fall into quests organically rather than being forced down a line.
I love how you can do a bunch of quests out of order, and instead of thinking, "Oh, I had to do it anyway" I find myself thinking, "Oh, awesome, I've already got the thing ou need"
I love how there are lines that reflect that sort of thing too. If you complete certain quests, or know certain characters, it changes some of the dialogue, but because how fluid the quests feel, it feels like those few lines were earned.
It'd be cool to be able to put fortune in one of your dead bodies after the flesh sculptor played around with it.
Being able to even customize a body made from your parts would be super cool!
Being able to swap to Bedes soul during combat would be cool too, like a temporary infested class
Speaking of infested, it'd be cool to be able to fight and beat Thesaur, and make it submissive to you, becoming the new ruler of the infested
Little adjustments desires + bugs:
Also, about the quest where you bring the eye staff and Annette to the portal area:
Massive spoiler