Oct 5, 2022

Hello Awesome Fans and Supporters!

Here is the latest Dev Update news for everyone on where we are with our work progress with our new upcoming Remastered expansion of Life in Big City, (formerly Victoria in Big City), which will be Chapter 1 – Episode v1.0 - coming soon!

We still have more work to do before we get to final testing, and when that is done, we will be announcing an official release date. * As previously mentioned, this is definitely going to be a very big and hot release, folks! This new coming release is going to be epic, hot and very entertaining, and we can’t wait to share it with all of you, especially now that we are finally getting closer to finishing!

*** Brief Recap for anyone who missed our previous Dev Updates:
The quality of our work to bring you something unique and truly entertaining is paramount to us. We are working hard to take our Visual Novel Game to the next level unlike any other out there! We believe you will all enjoy and appreciate the coming new expansion and chapter in Victoria’s ongoing life journey, and all of the hot, juicy and unexpected adventures that await her in Life in Big City. The new upcoming remastered expansion of Life in Big City will feature some very hot and exciting scenes with Victoria like never before. Note: This will include the original story, and its continuation from the last version 0.55, along with a two-part origin story and bio of Victoria and her life journey, as previously mentioned. There is a good reason why we added the new origin bio story, as you will discover in the new upcoming release of Life in Big City, Chapter 1 – Episode v1.0. –

As we get closer to release day, you will notice many updates throughout our social accounts as well, so keep on the lookout, friends! We will keep you all posted on our progress until we announce the official release date. We are very excited and happy with how our working is turning out, as you can imagine none of this is easy to do, but you will see it will be worth the wait! We look forward to sharing our new upcoming remastered expansion with everyone, soon!

With all that said, we decided to share three (3) new teasers in this Dev Update from the new upcoming release of Life in Big City Chapter 1, featuring Victoria Hearty, for all of you awesome fans and supporters! But that’s not all! We have some extra hot and awesome stuff to share by next week, so stay tuned!

The first image shows Victoria on the Train having a chat with the Train Conductor. What’s that all about? Hmmm…

View attachment 3993245

The second image is of Victoria and Kelly after they get off the Train and arrive in Hudsonville, NY for the Poker Night job event.

View attachment 3993247

The last image shows Victoria getting a much needed “Special” massage. Just how special will it be? We will all see soon enough!

View attachment 3993251

Attached are the latest teasers from Chapter 1 of Life in Big City for all of you. Enjoy guys!

On a final note, we thank you all for your patience while we continue working on the new awesome Chapter 1 – Episode v1 of Life in Big City! We are getting closer to finish line, and we can’t wait for all of you to experience it! It’s going to be epic, hot and very entertaining!

Lastly, stay safe and stay tuned for more news on our progress as we get closer to launch day, folks! As always, we are very thankful to all of you awesome fans and supporters for your ongoing love, support and patience. We sincerely appreciate all of you!

Have a great week ahead, everyone!

The Groovers Games Team


Thanks for sharing the good stuff, Sorrow85! Much appreciated! (y)

As I said before, I can't wait for the upcoming release of this super-hot VN! It's totally worth the wait! Keep up the awesome good works, Groovers Games Team! Looking forward to Life in Big City - Chapter 1 - Ep1! :love:



Jul 2, 2017

Thanks for sharing the good stuff, Sorrow85! Much appreciated! (y)

As I said before, I can't wait for the upcoming release of this super-hot VN! It's totally worth the wait! Keep up the awesome good works, Groovers Games Team! Looking forward to Life in Big City - Chapter 1 - Ep1! :love:

It would, of course, be good to know at least an approximate date or at least the stage at which development is taking place. Otherwise, these are all empty promises and can last a very long time. As far as I remember, the developer promised to release an update in July.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 17, 2019


Oct 5, 2022
It would, of course, be good to know at least an approximate date or at least the stage at which development is taking place. Otherwise, these are all empty promises and can last a very long time. As far as I remember, the developer promised to release an update in July.


Hi Koksokur!

While I appreciate your comment and understand it can be frustrating waiting for a VN Game you look forward to enjoying, I respectfully disagree with you.

First off, quality creative works and storytelling are not as easy as people think, and unlike some Devs that don't stay in touch with their fans and supporters, and don't care, at least Groovers Games keeps us informed of their progress, regardless, because they do care.

This is always important and appreciated, and as a long time supporter of Groovers Games I definitely appreciate it when they keep us updated on their progress, and I trust and believe in their awesome good works, and I'm happy to give my support.

In this case, their original plan was to finish in July, but as with any creative work plans can change, and Groovers Games made it clear they needed more time, but they never gave us any specific date. I believe it's best they don't commit to any release date until they are actually finished and ready to announce an actual release date for the VN Game.

I respect the Dev for not wanting to commit to any specific date while they are working hard on their new upcoming VN Game until they finish testing, and once they finish all of their work for Life in Big City - Chapter 1 - Eps-1 (formerly Victoria in Big City) they will announce an official release date as they clearly mentioned in several of their posts. What part of that don't you understand, my friend?

There are major popular films, games and events around the world that get postponed from time to time, because the goal is to deliver an epic experience and good quality to their fans and supporters, and this is no different. Creative works can be challenging, especially when it is combined with good storytelling. Not to mention, unlike a typical remaster / rework of the existing VN Game, this is also a continuation and expansion of the VN Game, which is the smart thing to do if the VN story is ongoing.

I support many Devs / Creators on Patreon, especially Groovers Games, and like I said, I trust them and the awesome work they do and continue doing. So, when I see Trolls or someone posting baseless comments that wrongfully attack or assume things that are NOT correct towards any Dev / Creator I support, I will call it out on here or any platform. However, when any Dev / Creator is in the wrong, I'll call them out, too!

Just to be clear, there are NO "empty promises being made at all. Groovers Games is always clear and transparent with all of their fans and supporters, and their Dev Updates speak for themselves. The fact is Devs / Creators like Groovers Games are actually working hard to deliver an awesome VN Game for everyone, so fans and supporters, and people like you can actually enjoy a quality, entertaining VN Game, which everyone eventually gets for FREE!

If anything, You and others that post such rude criticism and false assumptions towards a hard working Dev, for no good reason, should be more thankful and understanding, and not just toward Groovers Games, but to all Devs / Creators that take their valuable time to create something unique and entertaining for all of us. There is no need for making such baseless assumptions. Nevertheless, constructive criticism and helpful suggestions to the Dev / Creator is always good. We all know better, friend.

Groovers Games made it clear in their previous Dev updates that they need more time to finish their work for their VN Game, which is totally understandable when it comes to creative works and storytelling, and if for any reason you don't understand that, well friend, that's on you.

My final thoughts on an estimated release date: As much as I want to see this awesome hot VN Game released soon like everyone else, we should all be more understanding when it comes to doing quality creative works because sometimes it can take longer than expected. As for the estimated VN Game release, based on the Dev Updates noting they are getting closer to finishing, I am guessing we should all see Life in Big City released between the end of this month or at the latest by next month. (Either the end of this month September 2024 or by sometime in October 2024). This seems more realistic in my opinion, but again, if Groovers Games needs the extra time to finish their creative works to deliver an awesome VN Game for all of us, I'm all for it!

So keep up the awesome good works, Groovers Games Team! You have my support! (y)

Like I said in my previous posts and comments, this hot VN Game is going to be big, and it's expected to be very hot, epic and entertaining! It will be worth the wait! I'm definitely looking forward to seeing gorgeous Victoria and how her story and challenges will unfold in Chapter 1 of Life in Big City. - Cheers! :love: (y)

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Jul 2, 2017

Hi Koksokur!

While I appreciate your comment and understand it can be frustrating waiting for a VN Game you look forward to enjoying, I respectfully disagree with you.

First off, quality creative works and storytelling are not as easy as people think, and unlike some Devs that don't stay in touch with their fans and supporters, and don't care, at least Groovers Games keeps us informed of their progress, regardless, because they do care.

This is always important and appreciated, and as a long time supporter of Groovers Games I definitely appreciate it when they keep us updated on their progress, and I trust and believe in their awesome good works, and I'm happy to give my support.

In this case, their original plan was to finish in July, but as with any creative work plans can change, and Groovers Games made it clear they needed more time, but they never gave us any specific date. I believe it's best they don't commit to any release date until they are actually finished and ready to announce an actual release date for the VN Game.

I respect the Dev for not wanting to commit to any specific date while they are working hard on their new upcoming VN Game until they finish testing, and once they finish all of their work for Life in Big City - Chapter 1 - Eps-1 (formerly Victoria in Big City) they will announce an official release date as they clearly mentioned in several of their posts. What part of that don't you understand, my friend?

There are major popular films, games and events around the world that get postponed from time to time, because the goal is to deliver an epic experience and good quality to their fans and supporters, and this is no different. Creative works can be challenging, especially when it is combined with good storytelling. Not to mention, unlike a typical remaster / rework of the existing VN Game, this is also a continuation and expansion of the VN Game, which is the smart thing to do if the VN story is ongoing.

I support many Devs / Creators on Patreon, especially Groovers Games, and like I said, I trust them and the awesome work they do and continue doing. So, when I see Trolls or someone posting baseless comments that wrongfully attack or assume things that are NOT correct towards any Dev / Creator I support, I will call it out on here or any platform. However, when any Dev / Creator is in the wrong, I'll call them out, too!

Just to be clear, there are NO "empty promises being made at all. Groovers Games is always clear and transparent with all of their fans and supporters, and their Dev Updates speak for themselves. The fact is Devs / Creators like Groovers Games are actually working hard to deliver an awesome VN Game for everyone, so fans and supporters, and people like you can actually enjoy a quality, entertaining VN Game, which everyone eventually gets for FREE!

If anything, You and others that post such rude criticism and false assumptions towards a hard working Dev, for no good reason, should be more thankful and understanding, and not just toward Groovers Games, but to all Devs / Creators that take their valuable time to create something unique and entertaining for all of us. There is no need for making such baseless assumptions. Nevertheless, constructive criticism and helpful suggestions to the Dev / Creator is always good. We all know better, friend.

Groovers Games made it clear in their previous Dev updates that they need more time to finish their VN Game work, which is totally understandable when it comes to creative works and storytelling, and if for any reason you don't understand that, well friend, that's on you.

My final thoughts on an estimated release date, and as much as I want to see this awesome hot VN Game released soon, and based on the Dev Updates noting they are getting closer to finishing, I would guess we should all see the game released between the end of this month or at the latest by next month. (Either the end of this month September 2024 or by sometime in October 2024). This seems more realistic, but again, if Groovers Games needs the extra time to finish their creative works to deliver an awesome VN Game for all of us, I am all for it!

So keep up the awesome good works, Groovers Games Team! You have my support!

Like I said in my previous posts and comments, this hot VN Game is going to be big, and is expected to be very hot, epic and entertaining! It will be worth the wait! I'm definitely looking forward to seeing gorgeous Victoria and how her story and challenges will unfold in Chapter 1 of Life in Big City. - Cheers! :love: (y)

So that’s the point. that the developer immediately jumped to conclusions and named one date. but in fact it turned out that the date was completely different and much later than stated. he could simply not have named the date initially and there would have been no questions.


Oct 5, 2022
So that’s the point. that the developer immediately jumped to conclusions and named one date. but in fact it turned out that the date was completely different and much later than stated. he could simply not have named the date initially and there would have been no questions.

Now you're just being a Troll. What kind of senseless point is that? Any Dev creative works that simply needs more time and may have miscalculated have the right to change the date of release for their creative works, and the Dev let us know. The Dev Updates speak for themselves. Many games and movies change their release dates, which the Dev never gave any specific date, the Dev only thought they can do it by July, and after the Dev realized more time was needed they shared it with us. It happens! Yet for some odd reason this bothers you!?

Clearly, you didn't understand or appreciate anything I wrote in my reply, and that's on you.

Do you expect perfection here? Or are you just craving attention for some baseless BS argument because the Dev needs more time to finish their creative works!? Who are you or anyone to question when and how long creative works need to take!? If you're a paying supporter like I am, then write to the Dev in a respectful manner about your concerns. If not, keep your trolling BS out of this thread.

Like I said before, you should be thankful for Devs / Creators like Groovers Games. * How pathetic to act as if you're owed something! Seriously, cut the crap.

Either way, I was pretty clear about what I wrote, but if You want to drag this out to some senseless BS argument for attention, then take it elsewhere and get yourself ignored. You can do better, and you should know better. - J

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Forum Fanatic
Jul 17, 2019
So that’s the point. that the developer immediately jumped to conclusions and named one date. but in fact it turned out that the date was completely different and much later than stated. he could simply not have named the date initially and there would have been no questions.
welcome to the world of trolls man, you have been labeled a troll then no scheduled release date, but if you make predictions you are labeled a troll. It seems wise to me as an argument


Forum Fanatic
Jul 17, 2019
In this case, their original plan was to finish in July, but as with any creative work plans can change, and Groovers Games made it clear they needed more time, but they never gave us any specific date. I believe it's best they don't commit to any release date until they are actually finished and ready to announce an actual release date for the VN Game.
if the developers themselves failed in the prediction (I agree that there could be valid reasons) and did not provide any expected date: why when I assumed the release would be at the end of the year did you attack me by calling me a troll? It's you who wrote in the deleted message: September is expected.
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Engaged Member
Jan 5, 2023
So that’s the point. that the developer immediately jumped to conclusions and named one date. but in fact it turned out that the date was completely different and much later than stated. he could simply not have named the date initially and there would have been no questions.
View attachment 3996598
Creating any software isn't an exact science and people can only give you there best estimate. This ESTIMATE isn't an exact date it's an ESTIMATE. Name any game developer from Blizzard to EA to small shops that create games like this that has never had to delay a launch. I'm sure the dev is less happy about it than any of us.

If you are truly hurt because a title you like has been delayed I would suggest you jump on Patreon and ask the question to the Devs directly. Coming into this thread and trolling people isn't going to help you get the update any faster. JBNYC1 has been an angel to help keep this community informed and doesn't deserve the BS and accusations being thrown at him.

So Subscribe and go to the Dev's directly or play something else on F95 until this title is ready. Of course you can keep on crying but it's not going to help you get a release any faster. It may also discourage JBNYC1 from sharing any information to us at all.

Calm Down it will be released when the Dev is ready.


Oct 5, 2022
View attachment 3996598
View attachment 3996616
Creating any software isn't an exact science and people can only give you there best estimate. This ESTIMATE isn't an exact date it's an ESTIMATE. Name any game developer from Blizzard to EA to small shops that create games like this that has never had to delay a launch. I'm sure the dev is less happy about it than any of us.

If you are truly hurt because a title you like has been delayed I would suggest you jump on Patreon and ask the question to the Devs directly. Coming into this thread and trolling people isn't going to help you get the update any faster. JBNYC1 has been an angel to help keep this community informed and doesn't deserve the BS and accusations being thrown at him.

So Subscribe and go to the Dev's directly or play something else on F95 until this title is ready. Of course you can keep on crying but it's not going to help you get a release any faster. It may also discourage JBNYC1 from sharing any information to us at all.

Calm Down it will be released when the Dev is ready.

Thanks for the kind words, Wildride69. Much appreciated, my friend. Like I said before, we can all do better, and considering the Dev is working hard to deliver an awesome VN Game for us, we should all be a little more understanding.

For some people who want to experience the new VN Game now, I get it. But trolling any Dev / Creator on here or anywhere simply because they need more time to finish their creative work is not cool or nice, and I agree with your comment 100 percent, Wildride69. (y)

On a positive note, I believe a lot of people are genuinely going to like, if not love, and appreciate the new upcoming release of Life in Big City, big time! I'm surely looking forward to it! - Cheers! :) (y)

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Engaged Member
Dec 22, 2022
I don't remember much of the story at the beginning :LOL:.

Victoria came to the big city to live with a friend, but what was her dream? I have a mix-up in my head with other games, I remember the babysitting job and the office job with the blonde friend. Then her super religious boyfriend.

Later, because of a bug, the neighbour suddenly stopped visiting, turns out from spoilers read here the guy was a psycho.

Then her roomie/friend's job was discovered and why she has so much money, but I have a lot of gaps, it makes me want to play again from the beginning.
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Oct 5, 2022
I don't remember much of the story at the beginning :LOL:.

Victoria came to the big city to live with a friend, but what was her dream? I have a mix-up in my head with other games, I remember the babysitting job and the office job with the blonde friend. Then her super religious boyfriend.

Later, because of a bug, the neighbour suddenly stopped visiting, turns out from spoilers read here the guy was a psycho.

Then her roomie/friend's job was discovered and why she has so much money, but I have a lot of gaps, it makes me want to play again from the beginning.

Hi there, friend! Based on the previous Dev updates, the existing main story and continuation with the new expansion coming in Life in Big City Chapter 1 - Episode 1 will be a huge improvement compared to the existing last version 0.55, especially on how the story and paths will flow. Not to mention, Victoria will have more freedom in her choices and relationships as well. It should be awesome!

PS - I'm pretty sure there won't be any gaps or confusion throughout the storyline in the new coming version of Life in Big City. ;) Chapter 1 of LiBC is expected to be a very hot and memorable VN Game! I'm looking forward to it! - Cheers, friend! (y)


L&P's Father-in-Law

Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2017

Hi Koksokur!

While I appreciate your comment and understand it can be frustrating waiting for a VN Game you look forward to enjoying, I respectfully disagree with you.

First off, quality creative works and storytelling are not as easy as people think, and unlike some Devs that don't stay in touch with their fans and supporters, and don't care, at least Groovers Games keeps us informed of their progress, regardless, because they do care.

This is always important and appreciated, and as a long time supporter of Groovers Games I definitely appreciate it when they keep us updated on their progress, and I trust and believe in their awesome good works, and I'm happy to give my support.

In this case, their original plan was to finish in July, but as with any creative work plans can change, and Groovers Games made it clear they needed more time, but they never gave us any specific date. I believe it's best they don't commit to any release date until they are actually finished and ready to announce an actual release date for the VN Game.

I respect the Dev for not wanting to commit to any specific date while they are working hard on their new upcoming VN Game until they finish testing, and once they finish all of their work for Life in Big City - Chapter 1 - Eps-1 (formerly Victoria in Big City) they will announce an official release date as they clearly mentioned in several of their posts. What part of that don't you understand, my friend?

There are major popular films, games and events around the world that get postponed from time to time, because the goal is to deliver an epic experience and good quality to their fans and supporters, and this is no different. Creative works can be challenging, especially when it is combined with good storytelling. Not to mention, unlike a typical remaster / rework of the existing VN Game, this is also a continuation and expansion of the VN Game, which is the smart thing to do if the VN story is ongoing.

I support many Devs / Creators on Patreon, especially Groovers Games, and like I said, I trust them and the awesome work they do and continue doing. So, when I see Trolls or someone posting baseless comments that wrongfully attack or assume things that are NOT correct towards any Dev / Creator I support, I will call it out on here or any platform. However, when any Dev / Creator is in the wrong, I'll call them out, too!

Just to be clear, there are NO "empty promises being made at all. Groovers Games is always clear and transparent with all of their fans and supporters, and their Dev Updates speak for themselves. The fact is Devs / Creators like Groovers Games are actually working hard to deliver an awesome VN Game for everyone, so fans and supporters, and people like you can actually enjoy a quality, entertaining VN Game, which everyone eventually gets for FREE!

If anything, You and others that post such rude criticism and false assumptions towards a hard working Dev, for no good reason, should be more thankful and understanding, and not just toward Groovers Games, but to all Devs / Creators that take their valuable time to create something unique and entertaining for all of us. There is no need for making such baseless assumptions. Nevertheless, constructive criticism and helpful suggestions to the Dev / Creator is always good. We all know better, friend.

Groovers Games made it clear in their previous Dev updates that they need more time to finish their work for their VN Game, which is totally understandable when it comes to creative works and storytelling, and if for any reason you don't understand that, well friend, that's on you.

My final thoughts on an estimated release date: As much as I want to see this awesome hot VN Game released soon like everyone else, we should all be more understanding when it comes to doing quality creative works because sometimes it can take longer than expected. As for the estimated VN Game release, based on the Dev Updates noting they are getting closer to finishing, I am guessing we should all see Life in Big City released between the end of this month or at the latest by next month. (Either the end of this month September 2024 or by sometime in October 2024). This seems more realistic in my opinion, but again, if Groovers Games needs the extra time to finish their creative works to deliver an awesome VN Game for all of us, I'm all for it!

So keep up the awesome good works, Groovers Games Team! You have my support! (y)

Like I said in my previous posts and comments, this hot VN Game is going to be big, and it's expected to be very hot, epic and entertaining! It will be worth the wait! I'm definitely looking forward to seeing gorgeous Victoria and how her story and challenges will unfold in Chapter 1 of Life in Big City. - Cheers! :love: (y)

This reeks of chatgpt.


Oct 5, 2022
This reeks of chatgpt.

Hi L&P's Father-in-Law!

You're way off, friend. I never use any form of chatgpt, nor do I need to. Everything I write is from me and only me, and I stand by everything I write and share publicly. If it's hard for you to understand or believe some people don't need an a.i. bot to write a simple post or comment, then that's on you. But I'm flattered. Thank you. ;) - Cheers! - J

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Engaged Member
Aug 12, 2022
Creating any software isn't an exact science and people can only give you there best estimate
yeah, but it was the developer who gave July as the exact date when I directly asked him this question....
I replay to him that reworking a game from scratch is impossible to know when will be ready!

for first we have to recap the situation since the day of the Developer (great?) announcement
the full post is in this link

this is the quote were the Dev is talking about the release date
PS – I attached some hot teasers from Poker Night Part 2 that will be in the new remastered version coming out in July 2024! Expect more teasers and updates every week!
Stay safe and stay tuned for more future updates as we get closer to launch day! Lastly, I want to thank every one of you for your ongoing awesome support, because all of you made this journey possible, and Victoria thanks you too!

Have a great day and evening, everyone!
The Groovers Games Team
I replay to the dev in this post
and here

I play the path that i like exactly as others can play the path as they want!
I do not judge them -- why they want to judge me? (and mark me as a Troll just because I play the path they hate?).
in this post thre is a pic from my path
And it is obvious that I love this game and my path is Michael path https://f95zone.to/threads/victoria-in-big-city-v0-55-groovers-games.48016/post-13733605
but here seems all the anti-trolls are against Michael...
that is why they hate me...? I'm not a Troll I was a supporter of the game in the form it was in the version 0.55
So I'm waiting for the Michael path progression and for the Lucas the loser boyfriend of Victoria that must remain in the game bc Victoria story without an official boyfriend it will be no more a NETORARE story!
I'm replaying now this great scene
Screenshot 2024-09-10 at 17.19.50.jpg

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this was in 0.55 and the very hot scene continue here:
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In this post I was suggesting to the Dev to do one last story update without changing anything to close the season 1 and then make the second season with the suggestions received from supporters this would definitely shorten the processing time

Groover was too optimistic in putting the July date in his post of a prime because I think it is obvious to everyone that even the post itself took a long time... in fact it is a very long post to read let alone put into practice inside the game Victoria's whole story including other characters and adding periods of the girl's past... and in doing all this create a story that can be consistent with everything and the opposite of everything when just to get to the 0-55 version it took almost 4 years!!!

if the version as described in this post will be ready in Christmas it will be a success... but I think (I hope to be wrong) we have to wait more.

that is my recap about what has happened here at the end of April 2024 and that has become the only possible discussion to be had in this thread.
I said long time ago this: the remastering was a very bad idea or an excuse to delay the future updates of a game that was already perfect like it is today in 0.55 and I really love it!

Thanks to Groover Games!
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Engaged Member
Oct 7, 2023
Any estimate like how many renders there's gonna be in the upcoming update from the developer so we can have an idea like how long the update is going to be?
3.60 star(s) 45 Votes