2.70 star(s) 3 Votes


Aug 11, 2017
No prob, like I said you could do a whole lot better than raging at this game when you're trying to fap/play an okay lewd game.
Off the top of my head something like this: https://f95zone.to/threads/ayura-crysis-above-a-damage-tile.22288/
I played that for a long time getting all the "skills" and stuff, just be sure to turn the dialogue speed way down or off or it'll annoy you. Dunno if it's against the rules to advertise another thread on a game thread but eh~
ill give it a try and u shud be fine i dont think anyone cares if u advertise other games on the same site lol


Jun 8, 2018
Article 0 of Viola Academy: You do not talk about "Viola Academy".

That aside, if you're a Jojo fan, you should pass this. Every damn time the MC cums, he just has to shout that God's line: "ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA." You would never enjoy that anime the same again.
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Mar 21, 2019
So since I just spent 20 minutes beating this whole game I'll do a quick write-up.

There are 8 "boss" girls who have all the "h-scenes". I put quotations because actually what happens is you beat them, there's a brief scene of the sprite getting raped (that DOESN'T loop entirely, so watch it the first time, "fortunately" only 1 of the sprite sex scenes had more than a single position that the girl was put in so even if it doesn't loop you won't miss much) followed by two H CGs of the girl that are overlayed with moans/"noooooo...." sounds. Also the CGs are zoomed in a tiny bit so that the screen can pan over them and give the impression that you're looking at something other than a static image.

In short, 16 CGs, 8 brief sprite animations, that's it.

For the gameplay... there are four attacks and all of them suck except the super move on the "c" key. All of the other attacks are both slower and shorter ranged than the enemy attacks so if you use them you'll get hit first and interrupted or at least take damage as you get a hit off. As far as I can tell there's no way to not take damage when you use the basic melee attacks... there is no crouch or jump so your only evasion option is strafing... BUT you're slower than all the enemies so you can't move out of their range before you get counter-attacked.

In short the gameplay is garbage, you hold down on the right arrow until a girl appears, try to time it to when she gets close and then hit "c" to knock her down and then hope you pumped enough STR to kick her to death before she gets back up. Oh yeah, as you progress you can add STR or HP and it quickly trivializes the shitty combat. With enough STR your 'c' key starts one shotting everything and it's clear the designer didn't put much thought into the system because after like the first level you become an unstoppable murderbot if you just pump your STR.

All in all it's very little H-content with a very shitty combat system stapled on top of it. The only redeeming feature was the sprite work was pretty OK and the boss sprites all had unique animations for their attacks, recoveries, and whatnot... (that's where that 700 image number comes from I guess)but since the combat is so busted the fights end almost instantly and you don't really get to see them. 2/10
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New Member
Apr 22, 2018
think the school might have had something with its rules considering the outcome of this character showing up.


Sep 10, 2018
Kusoge patroll informing: this is a big one, no mechanics, shitty animations without barely any frame, broken hitboxes, very boring filler levels between bosses...
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New Member
Mar 16, 2018
Haven't played it, and reading the comments show the game isn't promising. I will say this. The Sprite work is nice...but just reading the description and the promotional photos, the creator clearly has some issues they need to work through.


Sep 28, 2018
is this a skip or play? read that review after seeing the screens and im a lil disappointed
male protagonist is rare, my favourite...
I haven't played this one, but I can recommend 2 that I like.


One has a male MC and the other a female, both have plently of scenes and aren't that grindy. The only thing is that they aren't that easy to beat, but they are worth imo.
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Active Member
Mar 16, 2018
Once,just once I want one of those cheap brawler knock-offs not to suck and at least attempt to reach the level of one of its mediocre brethren and if its actually a male MC instead of the same tired ryona female lose to smex protag?
Even better!
But no,seemingly thats an impossible dream.
Back to Sengoku 3 it is.
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2.70 star(s) 3 Votes