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Jun 11, 2017
Just copy demo and change to female model ?? wtf ? scam?

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Apr 17, 2020
Hey everyone, I'm just curious why this is posted here and not on the actual thread where I explain that's it's still in it's very early development stages. I made my own thread of the game here:


I didn't get notified of someone creating this thread of the Virago game though I feel I should have.
Please contact me and ask for permission before posting about this game on other places which I'm not aware of.

Again the game is still in it's very early stages, yes I've used marketplace assets for the demo, but it's still a demo, the actual game will be in a school like setting. Kind of like Rockstar's Bully game.

Then again, thanks for showing interest and support.

Also please ask me next time before sharing the game files without asking me, I understand a lot of people want to test the game before buying so it doesn't feel like they're wasting their hard earned cash on something stupid. But I would prefer to know when someone decides to do something like this, yes the game doesn't have sexual content yet but I'm making everything from scratch, the assets, the animations, especially the foot fetish related ones, I'm mocapping myself. In the meantime I'll use marketplace assets as placeholders until I have enough to actually make my own or hire asset creators to help me with making this game. I was unaware of this happening and I can see a lot of people asking questions which are all answered on the original thread that I posted the link of above.

If you post these files without my knowledge and proper context, it might confuse people as to why it's the way it is. Meaning, no sound, not sex etc.
This could have been prevented.

Please refrain from putting the game files on sites like these without asking me first next time.

MEGA - -

Not mad, just wanted to get this out there.

Much love. ))

P.S. I see a lot of you hate to see the game having UE Marketplace assets, using this content is allowed and useful when using it as placeholders. If I didn't use placeholders and just make every asset unique, I'd only have a wall, a table and a floor by now. Now I get to focus on the things that really matter, unique animations, the story, the way the mechanics work, adding inventory, unique items, giving the character new mechanics like picking up objects, making new models. It's really not copy/paste the way lots of you think it is. A lot of time goes into the smallest of things. Please understand this.

What the game is about video down below.

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Apr 17, 2020
To show you that this game isn't made of "stolen marketplace assets" (the way you put it). Because I feel like you're hating on me.

Here is the model I'll be using in the future made from scratch.
Daz models are only useful as placeholders. But you can't make them have facial animations, hair physics or collision when stepping on npc's.

So I made a new model. Will implement her in the game soon, when I'm done polishing her.
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Apr 17, 2020
I wonder how the development will continue when they run out of Unreal marketplace templates.
Don't do the game dirty, these are placeholders.

The gif animations down below have been mocapped by me.
And all future assets/models/animations will be unique also, so I prefer you don't bash the game just yet.
I'm trying my best here and this will be a really long project because I'm no Rockstar, Bethesda or Naughty Dog or CD-Projekt Red.

Just 3 people.

- Footsiez - Daz Modeler
- Clandestino - Mocap Artist
- Me - The one putting it all together
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Apr 17, 2020
Hella smooth animations from the video, shames theres no sexual content tho will try it got nothing better to do
The story of the game features and will feature foot fetish/trampling/femdom a lot but there will be sexual content in some forms and shapes though the focus will remain foot fetish and even giantess which unlocks after a mission I have planned.


Apr 17, 2020

Huh. No idea what he means with alpha brain waves vs beta brain waves, but I guess I'll find out. :unsure:

Edit: maybe we'll find out later. At the moment it's a FPS fighting game, but with an in-built nude mod. Although it looks relatively decent, I found the fighting itself not that much fun at the moment. This isn't Hitman...

The story itself seems to be absent so far, although I got fed up before reaching end of content. I guess I'll come back to this later when it's more fleshed out.
What "he" means..:cautious:

Either way, it's a bit of sciency fantasy, the story will be about there being Elitist Science in the game. Society wants to separate humans in two, the Hollows, meaning the low soul potential arbeiter (wage slave). And the Hallows, the ones they believe were destined to rule all of humanity. Saying that Hollows buzz at rather low vibrations because their soul potential is a low receiver of higher Godlike energies so they're more likely to be bodily creatures, meaning Beta waved humans. The one who experiences life through the physical work of their body rather than someone who experiences life through an expansive soul/energy not limited to the body alone who tends to smart and a fast learner because the soul doesn't dictate/dominate his/her life/body. Meaning the soul is empty and needs to be filled with new outside physical information. Hallows usually only want to do the pleasurable things in life because their soul is already individualized and has a mind of it's own, "an element in space that's aware of itself without the need of a body". The body is usually a bothersome curse/limit to their full potential "the Hallows feel like". It's like being trapped in a car with endless buttons every time they're reborn. They usually feel like they've lived countless lives and are tired of having to keep learning new rules in regard to the new dimension they're stuck in. So they're Alpha waved humans. Since Hollows can gather incredible amounts of information due to their hunger for more knowledge since their souls lack something deeper, something tends to happen when they come into contact with the lower extremities of their polar opposites. This creates lesser magic also known as science. The information known by the Hollow along with the creative energy that the Hallow is imbued with gives rise to new Eurekagasms to the Hollow. Hallows on the other hand have this Godlike energy but tend to be too lazy and ahbor having to sit down and learn the new rules given to them after every re-birth, thus wasting their potential to become something more than their Earthly biological matter, but wish to rule over everyone as they "the Elite" view themselves as the rulers of life and everything within it.
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Apr 17, 2020
I know I am not a fan of this game but can anyone make a game like this one but with nudity and no clothing?
There is a simple wardrobe system that I implemented with a nude skin, you could select that if you want.
Needs more work with more clothes and an actual wardrobe, I know, but this is a demo. I'll do few more demo updates these next few months and then I'll start making the school and dorms where Ashley will be staying and dominating whoever with missions etc. ))


Apr 17, 2020
Okay I played it and one there was no sound that I heard or didn't hear. The combat is clunky as hell. I mean 2 or three hits and you turn into a rag doll literally. I found the camera was horrible. This would work with a controller if it would allow to map the controls. Also a lock on feature, so you can lock onto enemies because between the camera and direction input you will find yourself kicking in the wind.

The demo trailer is really misleading because I didn't get that in my time playing the demo. I found sometimes I would try to escape or roll but it is tied to a stamina bar or something and you have to wait like 3 seconds or something to roll again. So enemies can lay waste to you during that time. Enemies spam the roll dodge like crazy. So good luck if you can manage to hit them because for the most part they dodge you at every moment you make a move. I think the hit windows are spread to far. I mean the guy could swing at you a mile away and you can take damage. But for some reason when you hit the guy it doesn't register as a hit.

I think more time in the oven is needed to make this playable. Other than that I don't really see this game really going that far. But who know, maybe the developer will surprise me. Good luck.
The sounds will be added between the end of this month and or the start of the next in a new update.
The rag doll effect is fixable, I'm just focusing on other mechanics for now.

But..it actually does have a lock on feature, please press TAB next time when in game.
This is the problem when this game get's posted elsewhere without my permission.
You can lock on when pressing Q.

The fighting needs some work sure, but it will take time because it's a rather complex system and all the blueprints being linked to the various skills you have available in game.

Also, didn't want the game to be too easy, but yes, it definitely need a polish.

I just need some time to make this game more appealing, just started to actually make it a little over 2 months ago.
Please give it some time to develop.."in the oven". ))
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Either way, it's a bit of sciency fantasy
Thanks for the explanation! Sounds like well thought out, looking forward to seeing it implemented in the game.

P..S. if you like you can apply for a " Game Developer " tag below your username.


Apr 17, 2020
a virago is a shrewish bullying woman......or a motorcycle ;)

the first certainly doesn't fit the description of 'letting him have his way', so im guessing the MC is really a motorbike in human form? a bio-transformer? someone call Hasbro...gen 3 has been born :D
Lol, not sure why they gave a motorcycle that name but whatever. ))

"With having his way" I meant letting him do things so he can get his Eurekagasm.
Then develop her weapons she needs to make her life easier.
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Apr 17, 2020
Even you can do it!

Download Epic Store. Get Unreal Engine, and buy one cool template from the marketplace. Than replace the models with nude Daz characters. Done. You will have a nude fighting game like this in an hour.
I would love to see you dig through all the code in Unreal and the messy blueprints from said Marketplace asset to replace it with your nude model. Even the model needed retargeting due to it not using a conventional skeleton, don't bash the game without knowing what kind of hard work went into making it even if it seems really small and insignificant to you. Have had to fix lots of code with this Marketplace asset, couldn't even "build" it properly to make it a playable demo, you've no idea of how broken it really was, how about you download it and fiddle about in it, let's see what you'll come up with.

Purchasing it was actually a mistake and a major headache having to fix the code of every single thing you change which is linked to something else. Definitely not buying Marketplace assets any time soon again, having to fix someone else's code is like going to hell & back.

When buying assets I'll probably only purchase props from now on.
Anything that contains blueprints isn't worth it.

Here is all the things I've changed and more to the buggy Marketplace assets that everyone keeps talking about.

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Apr 17, 2020
I meant something original not modded
This isn't modded..why is there so much miscommunication here!
This game will be uniqe while having placeholder assets for now, I want to focus on the gameplay and mechanics and change the assets along the way.
Also buying Marketplace assets is allowed even changing it.
Also the game is nothing like the assets I've bought on the Marketplace because I've changed countless code to make it work the way that I want it to work, this isn't as easy as you think it is.


Apr 17, 2020
k so i have to play the game because of the feet in the overview image but i know im getting none of that..
edit: ive now learned that this game is actually for me and ill be getting some of that. :sneaky:
Endless supply of Ashley' feets coming your way soon. ))
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4.00 star(s) 1 Vote