Collection Mod Unity Virt-A-Mate Mod Assets: Clothing,Environments,Objects,Scenes,Looks,ect.

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Nov 25, 2018
guys is it just me or is oculus link trash for running VAM? my PC is able to run it fine but my oculus quest 2 lags out and i'm not able to select anything.
That's just the cable. Mine gets fucked after some time. I hav eto plug, replug, plug in another slot, and all that.


Nov 15, 2020
Someone has Yamete new clothes?

No patience? Both will be free for everyone on the date written at the bottom. The second one is just 3 days away from being released for everyone. :)

Lines with; "FileManagerSecure.DeleteFile" are fine and do not cause problems. Files that look like this; "FileManagerSecure.DeleteFile(f)" are not good
How come this "(f)" makes a difference? I don't know shit about coding lol.
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Jul 2, 2019
guys is it just me or is oculus link trash for running VAM? my PC is able to run it fine but my oculus quest 2 lags out and i'm not able to select anything.
Hello man,
I have good result with a solution without cable.
I use a router wifi 6.
I have a HUAWEI WiFi AX3.
You can find many tuto with youtube.


Apr 13, 2019
First, piracy site or not, I'm sorry to those that lost content.

I take this seriously, and I'm working on further security improvements to the file management code due to this attack.

VaM plugins only have access to limited file write and delete commands and are completely blocked from c# libraries that can do other file and system operations. VaM plugins are limited to writing to specific directories within the VaM folder. Unfortunately those commands still allow delete or overwrite of content from Saves, AddonPackages, and Custom folders where all custom content is stored. For the upcoming release I'm looking into several possible solutions:

1. Further restrictions of which folders plugins can write to.
2. User prompting when a plugin attempts to modify a file.
3. Disabling plugin file write access altogether through a new user preference that will be on by default.
FYI and FWIW, a likely majority of people here have actually purchased VAM as well as pledged to favorite content creators. Most use this forum because there is so much paid content locked behind monthly subscriptions it's A) simply impractical/impossible too buy it all, B) easier/less time consuming to download large bulk repacks and, C) only a few creators regularly put out content that's worth paying for. Certainly you're cognizant of the fact that >90% of the paid community content is not even worth DL'ing for free. Most of the "piracy" here is driven by a morbid curiosity, not an actual desire.
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Aug 11, 2020

Updated MEGA Link for these models as well as others.

Also includes the previous models below.

Expires in TWO DAYS!
Enjoy lmao!


Jan 19, 2021
Anyone have any of the newest from Sirap and Virtamouse since the big assets torrent? There really must be a better way to organize or sort all the posted links in this giant ass post


Sep 22, 2020
guys is it just me or is oculus link trash for running VAM? my PC is able to run it fine but my oculus quest 2 lags out and i'm not able to select anything.
I use wireless option with virtual desktop.
To use vam without cable, you will need to install virtual desktop on your quest and the streamer app on your computer. Once it is installed, download . You need to install this sidequest on your desktop and connect your quest via cable. Sidequest will find your quest and you can install an update to virtual desktop that will allow you to launch vam while on virtual desktop and use it in exactly same way as when you use cable. This update is from the virtual desktop app designer, so this is not a jailbreak or root hack. This is official functionality that you can install that is not allowed in the oculus store, so virtual desktop makes you use a 3rd party app installer (sidequest).

Once you do the app update:

To launch vam you will need first 1. launch the streamer app on your desktop, 2. connect via the virtual desktop on the oculus, and 3.right click on the virtual desktop streamer icon in your desktop tray and choose "launch game" 4. choose your VaM.exe file.

Important note: the "Launch Game" will be greyed out and not usable if you didn't do the sidequest update correctly.

Hope this helps


Jul 24, 2020
hey guys,
someone willing to share this one?
I mean .

thanks in advance


Active Member
Nov 3, 2019
Hi buddys, how can i use real hands on the triggers?
Can someone help please !!?
Enter Edit Mode and click the [Open Main UI] button
look for the [User Preferences] side tab
find the [VR 2] window tab and you should see the options for VR Hands


Oct 21, 2017
A warning about searching for the pattern FileManagerSecure.DeleteFile to detect potential crasher code.

While this is rather straightforward, you'll only find a subset, it's not foolproof. I'm not a c# coder but like in every language it's easy to hide the called method. If VaM allows that subset of c#, a google search shows me it takes 3 more lines to hide everything.
The only way to detect that is to run it in a sandbox or a real interpreter. In the end you're close to coding an antivirus..

As soon as an app allow arbitrary code to run, it has the potential to harm the content of the application or even escape and affect your whole system. flexibility vs security. Btw, I still vote for flexibilty, we'd loose much more by restricting the language.
Probably only MeshVR can mitigate that, like having mktemp function where your only allowed to erase files within a temp dir or whatever that covers the erase case (and maybe there are other methods)

So my advice... each time you download content, search for *.cs and *.dll (usually but not only in a Script subdir). Unless the var is clearly a plugin var (and there are not many plugin coders so there are rather known authors), a var with content (cloth, scene, ..) containg also a plugin should trigger your attention. With the var system, there shouldn't be a need to include plugins in other type of content. I'd even say, avoid it completly. With a malicious and determined user, only a very good eye can see a threat. For small code with standard non system functions, by visual inspection you can confirm the code is safe.

If somebody posts a non free plugin, even from a known creator, it might have been modified... as vars are not signed. So.. download from "known" posters..

No need to be scared, this is known for a long time that VaM runs code. It had to happen.. I am surprised it didn't happen earlier.
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New Member
Sep 25, 2020
Thanks guys! 20 minutes to back up to USB drive just in case. This is what I will be doing on a weekly basis.
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