Collection Mod Unity Virt-A-Mate Mod Assets: Clothing,Environments,Objects,Scenes,Looks,ect.

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Active Member
Nov 8, 2019
Guys I need some help. I downloaded virtual sweetheart. But i have no earthly idea how to make it work. I've never had issues with a scene like this. Would someone mind helping me?
PM me and ill help. This is the same issue i had because the pirate files arre old and have issues which have since been resolved by the creator on thier patreon. I know as i joined up as a result of the piracy which is ironic lol but proof that f95 as with reignmocap dump can lead to a boost as well as a loss. i.e. it all balances out.


Apr 14, 2021
PM me and ill help. This is the same issue i had because the pirate files arre old and have issues which have since been resolved by the creator on thier patreon. I know as i joined up as a result of the piracy which is ironic lol but proof that f95 as with reignmocap dump can lead to a boost as well as a loss. i.e. it all balances out.

Forgive me for my ignorance, but how do I pm you? I'm new to the forum and I don't see an option to on your profile.


Aug 15, 2018
I was wondering if anyone know a scene or plugin that doesn't have sex necessarily but just cuddle or something similar, i know it may be odd but it feels soothing or relaxing and i can barely hold my eyes open.


Aug 15, 2018
Does anyone want this if I make it a var... or try to...might be complex lol

Its the FF7 remade gang...tifa, jessie and aerith ....
All credit to the makers (not me).

Would love to give something back...all my patreons are already provided here.

View attachment 1144219


:lepew:Animal fuck fest time people!!!:love:

Any heroes for : the talented Sharr Doe scene and look ?

and while we're pushing animal sex why not the ...illusive scarlett? (woof woof!)

and when in Rome ...partake in some random bunny sex lol

'hop' to it heroes! (thanks) ;-D
Ive got this one for you.


New Member
Jan 7, 2021
I'm talking about creating an appearance preset that happens to reference other people's work, which I am not distributing, just listing as a dependency. And I'm not interested in claiming credit for the appearance preset or monetizing it, but to have a hub where I can make it available to other users for free and I'd be able to experience other user's creations as well, provided that I own all their listed depedencies.

The question is to what degree am I allowed to distribute such an appearance preset?
Ok, we have established that I cannot redistribute clothes, hair, poses, textures, animations that someone else has put work into creating and I am completely fine with that.
For as long as you only reference the stuff from other creators you want use everthing is fine. But only if you reference a link the creator published. So for example on the VAM HUB. If you reference to an illegally created var file its problematic.
Best practice therefore is to have a VAM Installation without any pirated VAR-Files if you plan to publish your own stuff. Ande only reference "Hub-hosted"-stuff from the hub.
If you use paid content var files as reference you should check that the creator did not packed stuff he did not own. And you should be aware that other users may be unable to use the reference to a paid content.


Jan 13, 2021
There's a lot of "NHNL procedure for...". Anyone tried them? Are they any good? What do the exactly do?


May 6, 2020
There's a lot of "NHNL procedure for...". Anyone tried them? Are they any good? What do the exactly do?
Its just a bunch of bvh animations covering all sorts of dances and sex acts, origins unknown but they 100% were not mocapped in vam. Pretty useless frankly as most are very short, I guess you could import them to timeline and stitch them together into something bigger.
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Oct 26, 2020
I'm not talking about using other people's work and redistributing their assets.
I'm talking about creating an appearance preset that happens to reference other people's work, which I am not distributing, just listing as a dependency. And I'm not interested in claiming credit for the appearance preset or monetizing it, but to have a hub where I can make it available to other users for free and I'd be able to experience other user's creations as well, provided that I own all their listed depedencies.

The question is to what degree am I allowed to distribute such an appearance preset?
Ok, we have established that I cannot redistribute clothes, hair, poses, textures, animations that someone else has put work into creating and I am completely fine with that.

The point I am trying to make is that morph numeric values should not be protected because they are accessible in the base game, anyone can come up with the same values, or they can be reverse engineered through trial and error.

If I go in the base game right now and make a model by using the base morphs, I should not be able to claim a "patent" on the appearance preset I have just created. I should add value either in the form of a custom morph or some other asset or plugin and monetize that instead.
If someone else attempts to then replicate my model by playing with the morphs and getting as close as possible to the appearance I created can I then invoke copyright claims and prevent them from sharing their preset? How do we determine what is the allowed boundary of similarity for it to not count as the same content? The morph values can be different while still having a close similarity between the two characters. How do you assess the degree of "originality" in such a scenario?

If looks are protected now, what's the next step? Json files? Will I be able to create a still scene referencing other people's .vars, add no original content to it and just monetize the json file? And then prevent anyone else from coming up with the same combination of assets in a scene because I claimed it first?
Ohhh but that's the point of the VAR. You can refer to everything. That's what I do. Even if they are payed assets and looks you can still refer to them. You are not sharing the file just a var based on other stuff. That is not illegal or wrong. You can even use payed looks to promote your stuff. Of course is nice to ask the creator also mention the bastard. For example you can use my mocaps to make a video for your model and promote yourself as look as you credit me. The people that download your scene will need all the stuff the var points to. That's it. Easy.

cream pie

Active Member
Sep 24, 2017
Ohhh but that's the point of the VAR. You can refer to everything. That's what I do. Even if they are payed assets and looks you can still refer to them. You are not sharing the file just a var based on other stuff. That is not illegal or wrong. You can even use payed looks to promote your stuff. Of course is nice to ask the creator also mention the bastard. For example you can use my mocaps to make a video for your model and promote yourself as look as you credit me. The people that download your scene will need all the stuff the var points to. That's it. Easy.
creator who are Referring to a paid references. Fuck that


Sep 1, 2017
Wtf is going on...

It only happens with soft body physics disabled
Fixed it by messing with the damper slider in the glutes physics panel, in case someone needed a quick fix

And they even want us to pay for their vars full of duplicates :ROFLMAO:
The whole thing just became pure data hoarding, when you need to collect every existing .var file on the internet, it's crazy!
I became addicted to that! :ROFLMAO:
Imagine how great the scenes would be if creators were be able to use each other's content without restraint
Last edited:


Apr 3, 2019
Does anyone want this if I make it a var... or try to...might be complex lol

Its the FF7 remade gang...tifa, jessie and aerith ....
All credit to the makers (not me).

Would love to give something back...all my patreons are already provided here.

View attachment 1144219


:lepew:Animal fuck fest time people!!!:love:

Any heroes for : the talented Sharr Doe scene and look ?

and while we're pushing animal sex why not the ...illusive scarlett? (woof woof!)

and when in Rome ...partake in some random bunny sex lol

'hop' to it heroes! (thanks) ;-D
Im sort of a collector so i'll gladdly take em!!
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5.00 star(s) 5 Votes