Collection Mod Unity Virt-A-Mate Mod Assets: Clothing,Environments,Objects,Scenes,Looks,ect.

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Mar 5, 2020
Hey guys I'm not working on the family I made for now but I want to give progress what I'm working on right now.
I've made a scene with Jessie from Pokemon, it's going to be lip synced and a funny little skit while still learning VAM.
So don't expect the family for another month before resuming the scenes.

Here's a sample of Jessie, I'm still making her outfit so it's going to take more time.

View attachment 1141899
WHat are those sexy shiny stockings she's wearing? By any chance, can you post them?
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Aug 24, 2020
Thank you so much for taking the time to write all this information and to help me and the compliment. There is much I need to learn about VAM still. My works do not require money I love to create art and to share with the community here and on the hub. I believe the talents we developed are meant to create things and share freely with others. I do not understand yet the editing of the json manually so I appreciate it very much that you fixed it for me. I will check out the repaired version. :)

No Problem :)

thats the Point... we will learn from each other :D
My Problems are in things like Photoshop, because i never used them before...
But i am learning and a few Looks are alrdy in Progress... but need more Input ^^

And English is still a bit Problem for me ^^
And many Tools are only in English :/

lg !


Active Member
Nov 8, 2019
:lepew:Animal fuck fest time people!!!:love:

Any heroes for : the talented Sharr Doe scene and look ?

and while we're pushing animal sex why not the ...illusive scarlett?

and when in Rome ...partake in some random bunny sex lol

pls...thank you ;-D
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Jan 28, 2021
Nice! Couldn't download it yet because of G, but hope it will be available soon. Do you happen to have DIO.yoga_studio_ilts as well?

Can anybody share


somewhere other than G Drive? Thanks for any help.
Full of DIO assets here and yoga studio included. you can check there


Active Member
Jun 19, 2018
You have a big Problem with your Var. Like many other Creators, because you all done one thing wrong.

Dont make New Looks or Scenes with your normal Vam Installation.

Your August Ames has one Problem...
She uses Hunting Succubus and Kemenate Files... but she has as requiment my SplineVR BigPack with the Hunting Succubus and Kemenate Files in it... xD (This can even bring you Problems on the offizial Vam Hub... xD... so maybe just delete, repair, and reupload.)

(btw: you can repair this, you have to edit the Main Json of your Var, and all the Jsons of your Scenes and Apperences.)
(You have to change from BigPacks to Kemenate Female Body Hair and Hunting Succubuy Eyeball Shadow vars.)
(Just look in the Json... after a while you will understand what the Hell i am talking about xD)

The Point is..... For your own Creations you need a CLEAR Vam Installation, only with the Vars you want to use with your Creations, or you just done Filepath Fubar like this.

This is the Point why i will end my Work on the Bigpacks... because there are to many problems with the Vars System in Vam.
i think 90% of all Creators going this wrong Way like you doing it... they create stuff with there regulare Vam installation, and than they have thousends of Requiments of other Vars they dont realy need.

But this is the Wrong Way.

Create new Stuff only with a clear installation or you just doing "Fubar" like this :D

btw: Your August A. Look is Great ! :)

sry my English isnt the Best, i just hope you understand what i am talking about xD

Edit: Here you have the Repaired one:
Man, I've been complaining about .var from the moment it was implemented as a concept.
Lots of creators are not using it as intended and instead of reducing storage usage, you just end up bloating your drive with duplicates of the same assets.


Active Member
Jul 6, 2019
Man, I've been complaining about .var from the moment it was implemented as a concept.
Lots of creators are not using it as intended and instead of reducing storage usage, you just end up bloating your drive with duplicates of the same assets.
And they even want us to pay for their vars full of duplicates :ROFLMAO:
The whole thing just became pure data hoarding, when you need to collect every existing .var file on the internet, it's crazy!
I became addicted to that! :ROFLMAO:
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Sep 25, 2017
Wtf is going on...

It only happens with soft body physics disabled
It's the Glutes settings. I've noticed that happening when I'm going through my various glute presets and some make the buns wig out and some don't.
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New Member
Apr 8, 2021
I'm looking for wozz.Opel_Zafira_OPC.1
seems that resource are no longer available on hub and is not in the pack, but judging by the Paywall Pack thumbnail preview, it should be there
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