create a trigger> "UItoggle" ... it is your choice to write what you want in the related label. But first you must add (with the + symbol in the menu) a misc > custom unity asset, fast and easy... then select in the tab <select file> the long long tragic list of <
AddonPackage filtered> that custom bundle asset that must be detected in 50shades folder (simply write in the search tab "50" and it's done!)...then when you can see and select that fucking piss atom in your scene, you should
parent it to the person pelvis in a good point so that the animation can get a realistic ballistic 

... but first go to the physics of the piss atom and absolutely DEACTIVATE the collision option... otherwise: you get many possibilities of problems with each parented person pose !!!! and then simply go back to your new nice button and ....
in the <button trigger> tab you must click on <add click action>. OK!?? It is near to be done... in the lot crowded list of the settings once you select this last tab :
1) receiver atom: custom unity asset (must be of course only the one with the piss if you have a scene with many other assets!!!...) 2)receiver : atom control 3) receiver target: toggle ON ....that's all ... now each time you click on your nice button the female or the idiot male can piss in loop till you click again that button. You can also save an empty scene (without really nothing but the needed elements ) with just that button and that piss asset (of course!) you created.
And so (probably!) you can merge load that poor "fluids" scene (can be also a subscene if you can do it) with the button, the piss and your settings... but you should maybe just parent the piss asset again to the atom person you want to.
ps.: sorry if I was pissing anyone with my p...ost