Many authors tend to overlook the importance of performance and usability in their works. They frequently exaggerate the hair multiplier to unreasonable levels, utilize excessively large normal map textures, misuse plugins, and include excessive environment assets in the appearance .var file, among other things.
Due to their negligence, it becomes necessary to undertake the responsibilities that they should have fulfilled. However, the dependency management system in VaM is inadequate, making it essential to individually inspect each dependency. Failure to do so may result in an unnecessarily bloated installation.
You can check missing dependencies using the package manager:
Another approach is to visit the hub and express your dissatisfaction by downvoting content that relies on impractical dependencies. Given that most people tend to award everything with a perfect 5-star rating, even a single 4-star rating can significantly impact the overall rating. This can serve as a powerful deterrent for authors engaging in poor practices, potentially motivating them to avoid such behaviors.