Behind the house on the left - use your improvised metal detector to find it.where can i find the ring and how..
+1 pls helpstuck at watering the flower,need help..already done with the bees
I played the pilot demo. The game is censored obviously, but if you replace the names.txt file with the this one it reads as mom/son. It should work for the official release.Any new about Lust Epidemic?
I dont find the lighter. Where is it ?use lighter on plant ant then go for bucket. But what need do after we plant flower?
hint say that i need take my clothes from aunt room but cant do that!
edit: heart fragment. basement
387Call me stupid but I don't get the hidden clue in the secret message to open the box in the chamber , so far what i've seen "great" !
anyone get the mac version working?
The game doesn't even start for me.
Can't get the Mac version to start, any ideas?
Mac version seems to be incomplete.
I just downloaded the version 0.9a Alpha for mac but when I try to open it I get the error message that the app can't be opened. Does anybody know how I can get it to work on a mac?
which version did you get to work on your Macbook?
The Mac version isn't opening, any tech genius know what to do?
I also face the same issue in Mac. When I open the file it pop us a dialog box saying 'Application Visiting aunt sara cannot be opened' ..
Think I will download the PC version and use wine.
Whoever is repackaging and uploading these are breaking the file permissions required for this to work. Sabersmith was on the right track but there are a number of helper apps in Framework that also need to be fixed.Okay, I changed the nwjs file permission in the MacOS folder inside the Visiting Aunt Sara application to executable (chmod +x) now there is no error message :FuckYea: but the application opens up a white window for a few seconds and then closes. :FeelsBadMan:
chmod a+x "" " Helper Helper EH" " Helper Helper NP" " Helper"
Your image is not showing, just thehelp me!
How can I get on with this task?