The cinematic is really cool, but... yeah the lasers are probably a bit too much.Yeah we will adjust the intro as time goes on, but we don't want to remove the cinematic video.
But it is valid feedback, thank you very much for it!
losing nearly 20% of the population is too much too.
Having a fleet of ships show up in orbit is threatening and implies that you might be about to be conquered.
Having them open fire on the planet itself paints more a picture of extermination.
Which the 18% casualties figure seems to imply as well.
What's the time-period on that, btw? It kinda feels like it's been maybe a day since they showed up, by the time Caly reads that figure in the lab. She was unconscious for a while though so maybe it's been six months and I just missed it.
I get that the animation was probably a significant investment of time and resources to make though, so it's understandable that you don't just wanna toss it out and redo it.
But as tone-setters go, it's... kinda grim.
Maybe you could just shave off the last little bit so that they don't laser the fuck out of Planet Earth? Keep most of the animation unchanged?