
Jan 11, 2019
Wake up and change? Nope, it's beyond belief. This MC is only able to change his cum-dripping pants. You can't turn a sheep into a wolf.

The worst trope in any revenge story is to "get revenge" on someone by giving them orgasms... but in just kind of a rough way. It's unimaginative and overused. I'm not holding my breath that the dev has anything else in mind because no one ever does.
These are sex/porn games so that's probably why the devs think the revenge must be related to sex. One of them when asked why we are forced to bang MC's ex bully replied something like 'cuz she's hot'.:rolleyes: Have they heard of such a thing as self-respect? Because I've no doubt they don't know what it is.
Treating sex with a willing partner as a revenge is one of the biggest idiocies in these games. Well, it might make sense if you give the hated person a 'gift' called STD...

The only thing I ask for is please... please... if there is going to be a route for revenge, please don't make it revenge via maledom. Please make it revenge via making them wish they had never crossed the MC as their life crumbles around them. For those of us that like revenge stories - at least myself, that gets me harder than hate fucking. Like, the firmest hate-boner when I see someone groveling at the MC's feet for mercy because they've lost everyone and everything.
A man of culture who understands that rejecting (and ruining) scummy ppl is more satisfying than having sex with them. :LOL:


Jun 24, 2017
Why would you think she is a LI ?
I didn't get the impression she is one, she isn't in the banner, nor do we even get a name. Waste of a good model, yeah kinda.

I do not enjoy either cuck or voyeur content, i just take it as a show of how pathetic the MC is at this point and both fit/show that well.
From what the dev said, that's the whole point he wanted to show in the prologue, an utterly pathtetic loser of an MC and with that he certainly succeeded.

As for Iris i do not know what the dev is planning for her, maybe she will be a LI for the selected few who want that, or she never will be and revenge on her is a further important point for the MC to grow ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If she would be a LI, i will reject her, simple as that.
Bcs usually such girl in games comes crawling back to the MC, and then somehow the MC thinks "Oh fuck yeah ofc i want you as a LI" I have nothing againt the whole story, IF the devs actually promise hardcore evil shit revenge.. Then im all for this game.


Engaged Member
Dec 4, 2017
Bcs usually such girl in games comes crawling back to the MC, and then somehow the MC thinks "Oh fuck yeah ofc i want you as a LI" I have nothing againt the whole story, IF the devs actually promise hardcore evil shit revenge.. Then im all for this game.
Yeah, too many of that garbage ''revenge'' games...has nothing to do with revenge, also the point where i put the game on ignore. Same here, if we are forced to take her back as LI.
We will see, i really hope we get a good old 'ruin their life and watch them suffer' kind of revenge.


Sep 1, 2024
Yeah, too many of that garbage ''revenge'' games...has nothing to do with revenge, also the point where i put the game on ignore. Same here, if we are forced to take her back as LI.
We will see, i really hope we get a good old 'ruin their life and watch them suffer' kind of revenge.
Can't wait to see this!


Jun 6, 2017
the pics look great but I admit I'm hesitant to try looking at all the stuff people said...maybe I should have tried first.

Harem Trooper

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
Regardless of the NTR:
I hate to defend this... but I think the ratings are a bit too harsh. When I saw the low scores and reviews I expected a complete disaster but turns out it wasnt that bad. I feel the criticism, especially about the NTR which seems to upset people the most - understandably so. But is a bit over the top.

Don’t get me wrong, the MC is definitely unlikeable. He’s a pathetic loser simping for a gold-digging 304 who uses him for money while secretly dating and fucking with Raynar, the "Chad" or "Douche" of the story.

However in defense of the game, despite the NTR label, it’s not as extreme as people claim. It feels more like another odd attempt to blend NTR with harem elements. And compared to other games that did it, it’s not the worst I saw. The MC’s loser-to-chad arc is "okay-ish," even if not particularly creative or original. Plus, the NTR scene isn’t even shown, unlike most games that think it adds to the appeal. There are some voyeuristic scene which I personally think don’t fit and even make the game worse, but I get the dev’s approach - he is trying not to provoke players too much. There were definitely opportunities to go full cuck mode, but he held back. I mean even at the end of this version (0.001) the game itself says how weak he was, how dumb he was and how he have to change.

Regardless the Rest:
I can overlook everything if the revenge plot delivers, but here’s my problem: I don’t think it will, because the story doesn’t leave much room for satisfying revenge. Spoilers below:
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Feb 28, 2020
Had this on the drive as soon as it came out, the bad thing about download a 0.1 very early is that the tags even if they look fine are unrevised so yeah, you get some unexpected stuff.
I'm gonna pretend mc died at the end, mark it as [finished] ignore and never hear about this game again.
Last edited:


Feb 28, 2020
The main problem with sad, cuck, pathetic MC's revenge games on this site is that you only get 3 or 4 insufferable with hard to tolerate MC's updates and then it gets abandoned, so all the 'no but the good is yet to come' or 'hold on we are starting to see a change in him' positive comments wind up being worthless and a waste of time


Engaged Member
Dec 4, 2017
Don’t get me wrong, the MC is definitely unlikeable. He’s a pathetic loser simping for a gold-digging 304 who uses him for money while secretly dating and fucking with Raynar, the "Chad" or "Douche" of the story.
Are there really people which would want to keep that bitch Iris after all she did ?
Even if she wouldn't cheat, she is still such utter garbage it boggles my mind why anyone would want to keep her (well simps aside)...

To be fair, she isn't secretly dating Raynar, she does it pretty openly, the MC even saw them together in the streets and he was her bf all along, she didn't even cheat on Raynar with the MC, so you could say she was loyal to her real bf :KEK:
  • Red Heart


Apr 5, 2017
Got my hopes up for some NTR, but when its only in the tags and not the spoilered dev genres then you know its probably another man detected light years away, in a different time period and is only a dream. I.e. total waste of time for a NTR fan, save the tag for the good shit you squeamish dandies.


Jul 14, 2021
Got my hopes up for some NTR, but when its only in the tags and not the spoilered dev genres then you know its probably another man detected light years away, in a different time period and is only a dream. I.e. total waste of time for a NTR fan, save the tag for the good shit you squeamish dandies.
Hey now. Don't get your panties in a bunch fellow comrade.

Bad NTR can be also considered good content under the right circumstances.

Happy Wednesday!
  • Haha
Reactions: RED_FOX001


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2021
The main problem with sad, cuck, pathetic MC's revenge games on this site is that you only get 3 or 4 insufferable with hard to tolerate MC's updates and then it gets abandoned, so all the 'no but the good is yet to come' or 'hold on we are starting to see a change in him' positive comments wind up being worthless and a waste of time
This is a big problem with the way AVNs are done here. You get one release and it has/ends with terrible events or cliffhangers or whatever and leaves the player with weeks, months, or even years at time with only the negative emotions to remember. And all the "future" promise of better things to come are just words and we have all seen then never come to happen far too often for them to work. It's better to resolve cliffhangers, or leave a story on a uplifting moment, or a real moment of promise. Have the Mc actually do something at the end that was a solid, "I'm not weak anymore," and not just leave it at, "Now go and don't be weak," but not actually show anything.

It's why even baited, "plot necessary," teased, or "technically not," NTR gets way more hate than an open and out NTR game. Folks are left to spend all that time thinking over the bad, and often imagining the worst possible outcomes. It's like with horror, sometimes showing the monster makes it less scary because the monster they imaged was more scary than what was revealed. Most people who dislike NTR will just hit ignore on an actual NTR game and not comment or even bother giving it a second though. But then they get sucker punched by games that "technically" don't have it, or just have a "little bit of it so it doesn't get tagged," and such. I tell you, I'm almost to the point where I hate "Not technically NTR," more than just out-and-out NTR. Like all the "she's not a LI," or "It's just voyeurism," or whatever else they come up with that "it's technically not NTR." So frustrating. Voyeurism sucks and is a total waste, I can't think of a single AVN or story that was made better by having voyeurism in it.

The dev has said, if I'm not mistake, than there is going to be a rework of the release. The game will take it's own title's advice and wake up and change (sorry not sorry, :sneaky:). We'll see how that plays out. I still, often despite my better judgment, like to give people second chances and see what happens. If the dev removes the voyeurism (maybe having the Mc daydreaming about himself doing it in the scene instead, which still adds to his weak and simp-ish look) and NTR (I've seen a couple of people make suggestions for ways to work this out), then maybe it could be a good game about revenge against all the a-hole guys who wronged him and/or character growth style game.
1.70 star(s) 7 Votes