Game Developer
Jul 25, 2023
This is a big problem with the way AVNs are done here. You get one release and it has/ends with terrible events or cliffhangers or whatever and leaves the player with weeks, months, or even years at time with only the negative emotions to remember. And all the "future" promise of better things to come are just words and we have all seen then never come to happen far too often for them to work. It's better to resolve cliffhangers, or leave a story on a uplifting moment, or a real moment of promise. Have the Mc actually do something at the end that was a solid, "I'm not weak anymore," and not just leave it at, "Now go and don't be weak," but not actually show anything.

It's why even baited, "plot necessary," teased, or "technically not," NTR gets way more hate than an open and out NTR game. Folks are left to spend all that time thinking over the bad, and often imagining the worst possible outcomes. It's like with horror, sometimes showing the monster makes it less scary because the monster they imaged was more scary than what was revealed. Most people who dislike NTR will just hit ignore on an actual NTR game and not comment or even bother giving it a second though. But then they get sucker punched by games that "technically" don't have it, or just have a "little bit of it so it doesn't get tagged," and such. I tell you, I'm almost to the point where I hate "Not technically NTR," more than just out-and-out NTR. Like all the "she's not a LI," or "It's just voyeurism," or whatever else they come up with that "it's technically not NTR." So frustrating. Voyeurism sucks and is a total waste, I can't think of a single AVN or story that was made better by having voyeurism in it.

The dev has said, if I'm not mistake, than there is going to be a rework of the release. The game will take it's own title's advice and wake up and change (sorry not sorry, :sneaky:). We'll see how that plays out. I still, often despite my better judgment, like to give people second chances and see what happens. If the dev removes the voyeurism (maybe having the Mc daydreaming about himself doing it in the scene instead, which still adds to his weak and simp-ish look) and NTR (I've seen a couple of people make suggestions for ways to work this out), then maybe it could be a good game about revenge against all the a-hole guys who wronged him and/or character growth style game.
Thanks for your advice! Voyeurism on behalf of the MC will also be removed from the game.

This decision was made in order to dilute the plot with a sex scene, as the story turned out to be too long. We recognize that this would have been a bad idea.
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Apr 5, 2017
Hey now. Don't get your panties in a bunch fellow comrade.

Bad NTR can be also considered good content under the right circumstances.

Happy Wednesday!
But then it would be good NTR, deserving of the tag. Sadly a love interesting mentioning that a man existed hundreds a year go on another planet is all it takes for the tag it feels like sometimes.
Feb 20, 2024
The biggest failure in this game is the NTR (and ALL the crap that refers to it) which never belongs in any harem game. The very fact that there is that shit in a harem game gives the harem player the impression that the game is not even worth trying. That's bad enough when this game is specifically aimed at HAREM PLAYERS. I will definitely stay away from this game until or unless they redo it from the scratch. I don't understand how big a brainfart it must have been when someone got the idea HEP to make a harem game with NTR. and everyone throws their hands up. WOU Fucking great idea. So any shit this game gets is totally deserved. The very fact that it's been a complete waste of effort if now that the shit is already in your face the dev decides to remove NTR from the game. Fuck if they should have thought about that during the biggest brainfart or even researched the situation a bit by going through the games on this forum. That's why this damage will surely be felt most in their wallets, as there are very few supporters who support the harem/NTR combination, when everyone knows that it doesn't work. If the dev changes the game enough to remove all the NTR elements or anything that even remotely hints at it, then big thumbs up and I might be tempted to give this a try. Most devs just abandon the sinking ship and leave or make a new game alongside it.

If this is done again, then the dev should also be thankful that we are just starting out and everything is "easy" to change". If shit had been thrown into the game halfway through, the damage would have been even worse, as the players would already be so deep into this game that the anger and rage would have been much greater. The supporters who had already come out by then could have all left. These rules are not made in vain Harem rules


Sep 1, 2024
The biggest failure in this game is the NTR (and ALL the crap that refers to it) which never belongs in any harem game. The very fact that there is that shit in a harem game gives the harem player the impression that the game is not even worth trying. That's bad enough when this game is specifically aimed at HAREM PLAYERS. I will definitely stay away from this game until or unless they redo it from the scratch. I don't understand how big a brainfart it must have been when someone got the idea HEP to make a harem game with NTR. and everyone throws their hands up. WOU Fucking great idea. So any shit this game gets is totally deserved. The very fact that it's been a complete waste of effort if now that the shit is already in your face the dev decides to remove NTR from the game. Fuck if they should have thought about that during the biggest brainfart or even researched the situation a bit by going through the games on this forum. That's why this damage will surely be felt most in their wallets, as there are very few supporters who support the harem/NTR combination, when everyone knows that it doesn't work. If the dev changes the game enough to remove all the NTR elements or anything that even remotely hints at it, then big thumbs up and I might be tempted to give this a try. Most devs just abandon the sinking ship and leave or make a new game alongside it.

If this is done again, then the dev should also be thankful that we are just starting out and everything is "easy" to change". If shit had been thrown into the game halfway through, the damage would have been even worse, as the players would already be so deep into this game that the anger and rage would have been much greater. The supporters who had already come out by then could have all left. These rules are not made in vain Harem rules
There's still some morons who thinks there's no NTR.:LOL:
1.70 star(s) 7 Votes