You reach it using the teleport mirror.Can anyone tell me where's the gallery room. Well I finished the game and there's a scene of the gallery room which was written in Jap but I accidentally skip it. Plz helpppp
Thank you for your efforts.Decided to reply to the poster above, so I'm gonna use this opportunity and post another patch, now with the elf village/elf village events fully translated:
5 months, what!?
View attachment 1773612
I know the thread started with a demo/trial MTL, but ain't nobody got the time to translate an unfinished game. So I began working on it after the full release. 2-4 months for a game this big is a decent pace (I have more than half of it translated already, too).
You'd be amazed. Often times, you'll have people getting mad at NTR in a game that clearly has the NTR tag, or asking stuff that's already been answered not even a page ago.But it's sad to see how many people don't know how to read previous posts though...
Game has been finished for almost a few months now. It's just that it's only somewhat recently that it's been changed from Demo to a full game here on F95 because someone finally uploaded an MTL despite another user already working on a manual translation.Wait this game is finished now? no more demo?
Don't play it. That's the only fix I know for this on V1.08View attachment 1776269 View attachment 1776269 someone know how to removd the dice?
Still no idea as it seems. Those stars are basically "Titles" that you get by doing certain things, and I think they affect your characters stats or skills in some way.anyone knows why the game crash when in the item menu next to the material, when you select the star things it crash saying "TypeError- cannot read property "length" of undefined"?
2 kamikaze ouka games, i think they're "less" violence than this one but quite okGreat game, does anyone know of games in which there is an explicit depiction of belly punch like in this one?
Decided to reply to the poster above, so I'm gonna use this opportunity and post another patch, now with the elf village/elf village events fully translated:
5 months, what!?
View attachment 1773612
I know the thread started with a demo/trial MTL, but ain't nobody got the time to translate an unfinished game. So I began working on it after the full release. 2-4 months for a game this big is a decent pace (I have more than half of it translated already, too).
You didn't do anything wrong. The translation isn't finished. Unlike many others, I don't MTL a game and then edit the "bean jam" that google/other translation service produced. So some text I didn't get to yet is still in Japanese.I don't know if I did it wrong or not but the sex scene with the kangaroo is in Japanese yet or they haven't translated it yet, I don't know about other scenes because I didn't get past that part, I also noticed that the attack is in Japanese too, same thing in the book of character skills, within the book there are also 3 skills in Japanese the 3 and 4 in the first skill line, and the 4 skill in the passive line of attack.
Você não fez nada de errado. A tradução não está concluída. Ao contrário de muitos outros, eu não faço MTL de um jogo e depois edito o "bean jam" que o google/outro serviço de tradução produziu. Então, alguns textos que eu ainda não li ainda estão em japonês.
Aliás, lancei outro patch de tradução hoje no meu discord. A floresta agora está traduzida, o que significa que a história até o trem para Truss está quase totalmente traduzida. Quase porque ainda resta um mapa de arena, mas vou terminar com ele amanhã.
este arquivo que você lançou é para a versão 1.02 ou 1.08. think I downloaded a demo. I never even got to the city that's on some of previous posts. I just go teleported to recollection room and was told something like that's all from this version or smth...
I downloaded from gofile
Anyone else has link to full game?
This is weird. shouldn't happen on my "as-is" version.I don't understand, even pr0state version is just a bugged-up mess. I can't even get past the INTRO! Doesn't matter if i follow all his instructions and add all his downloads OR just play his 1.08 version as is. It's broken. I don't understand!
The images, including parallaxes battlebacks and fog scenes were very problematic on the initial MTL. The issue was the same in the audio files too, lots of naming issues. I'll look into the milking and rotor scene again in my version, though I'm waiting for Daedroth's version to finalize at this pointActually quite a few missing things.
Mainly H_rotor_high, H_rotor_middle and H_rotor_low, as well as H_zucha.
So, hotel, milking event, some other sex scenes here and there.
Anything to do with a rotor, too, heh.
Just noticed, missing img?
I was talking about audio files.
Plenty audio files missing, it seems.
Amazingly, no missing images, or nothing.
Smooth ride.
No idea what people are complaining about.
To be fair, your 2059 posts were confusing even for me, but that was only because I didn't realize you posted a link to your own version.
I tried applying your fixes to the game link from the OP, lmao.