How do you dismiss summoned minions? I'm getting stuck right at the start of the game in the monastery as my minion is stuck fucking the priestess I'm supposed to capture and I can't get rid of it.
The "tutorial" says that you can summon a new one to replace that one, but that doesn't work and the thing just keeps facefucking the priestess for eternity. So I can't even exit the monastery.
Also there doesn't seem to be no stop combat -button for the minions, so they're killing women I could capture.
This game looked really promising judging by the descriptions and I was expecting some rough edges, but the controls are unmitigated ass.
Alright, in addition to the controls being bad, the game doesn't explain anything. It wasn't "a priestess", it had to be a specific one. And I while you have to cast mind break on the regular ones, this one you had to "kill" for some reason. Also mindbreaking the regular ones apparently serves no purpose, since they just vanish after you exit the map by the looks of it.