Unity Abandoned Warriors of Legend [Library Update] [Gurdin Alehammer]

3.30 star(s) 3 Votes


Apr 15, 2017
"Dad, how did you managed to play those games back then? I have to press buttons to do something!" "Well son...we weren't that whiny back in the days and played games for fun, not for instant win."

I mean really? Is hand holding mode and constant head pats required to satisfy the modern "gamer"? This is so embarrassing.^^'
Where is the part that i said is difficult? or the one that i want things right away?
You like the game, good for you, but your comment doesnt bring anything, doesnt debate what i said it's just whinning...it's really embarrassing ^^'


Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
Man, this game is soooo slow. Too much combat with little reward.

1. Also, how do you go back to the main land? I think the Milky Nay was supposed to be given to the cow girl?

2. How do you unlock the femdom scene with Fuh?

3. I've recruited Muriel, Fuh, Cecilia, Rugee. I have a side quest to make a Noor potion. I went to all the places and lost the fight in the Arena, what am I supposed to do?

4. There's a fight with two treants and two blue spirit thingies in the forest. They're impossibly hard. I'm giving up now.

5. Is there anyway to cheat? Combat is too hard and tedious, even if you buy all the upgrades with weapons, armor, etc.

The game has potential, but the combat is too demanding and too hard for such little return.
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Dec 15, 2018
Ok, so I have one character with 100% ice resistance and the other with 100% fire resistance
When fighting the ice and fire elementals, the one with fire resistance took 0 damage from both while the other took normal damage also from both
Is the ice elemental dealing fire damages ??

Also, the MC can't equip fire resistance necklace, only ice
And the ice also says it's giving fire resistance


Active Member
May 4, 2017
"Dad, how did you managed to play those games back then? I have to press buttons to do something!" "Well son...we weren't that whiny back in the days and played games for fun, not for instant win."

I mean really? Is hand holding mode and constant head pats required to satisfy the modern "gamer"? This is so embarrassing.^^'
'Fun' is the key word. Grindy combat of kill 50 rats, and then 50 GIANT rats, was considered BS even back in those days (padding).
RPG maker style combat is tolerable (for me) only with a fast forward and if it's not too often.
If I'm going to be sitting there waiting for an attack timer to kill wolves and bears... nope. Far more entertainment out there for my time.

Now obviously that doesn't cover real RPG games like Pillars or Sins for example, that actually have engaging combat mechanics and loots that makes combat actually 'fun', and so playing for fun.


Mar 13, 2019
Definitely needs some testing. I ran into a battle 15 seconds into the game and lost because it was an impossible fight, and then when it sent me to the main menu I couldn't click the button to start a new game. The art looks nice but I'm done with this game.
This just boggles my mind, frankly. I have to wonder if comments like this come from people that have ever played an RPG before. There is nothing here remotely "impossible" and any amount of "farming" (what the kids now call "grinding") is only needed for maybe one extra level before the book-fight. If you honestly can not handle a game that needs to be played, I understand, but do not blame the game for actually being a game. There are plenty of VNs here that will hand you cartoon porn for "free". Personally, I enjoy playing a good RPG that requires a bit of tactical thought.
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Mar 13, 2019
'Fun' is the key word. Grindy combat of kill 50 rats, and then 50 GIANT rats, was considered BS even back in those days (padding).
RPG maker style combat is tolerable (for me) only with a fast forward and if it's not too often.
If I'm going to be sitting there waiting for an attack timer to kill wolves and bears... nope. Far more entertainment out there for my time.

Now obviously that doesn't cover real RPG games like Pillars or Sins for example, that actually have engaging combat mechanics and loots that makes combat actually 'fun', and so playing for fun.
The "key" is actually, "for you", as you said. If you do not like killing rats, that is understandable. You can solve that problem by not playing RPGs, rather than playing them and blaming them for being an RPG. Some people do have a different opinion on the matter, and find RPGs fun. This game is not even in alpha yet - it is a demo, and you are bothered that it lacks the combat mechanics of Pillars of Sin? Has it occurred to you that you might be demanding a bit too much from an early-stage NSFW RPG? Seriously, just do not play games you wont like, and save yourself and everyone else the trouble.
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Active Member
May 4, 2017
The "key" is actually, "for you", as you said. If you do not like killing rats, that is understandable. You can solve that problem by not playing RPGs, rather than playing them and blaming them for being an RPG. Some people do have a different opinion on the matter, and find RPGs fun. This game is not even in alpha yet - it is a demo, and you are bothered that it lacks the combat mechanics of Pillars of Sin? Has it occurred to you that you might be demanding a bit too much from an early-stage NSFW RPG? Seriously, just do not play games you wont like, and save yourself and everyone else the trouble.
Yes, for me, which is why I specifically stated it. It's a mechanics discussion on a direct rely to a post that wasn't you. Basically making the point that all 'work' in a game isn't created equal, when someone is saying folks don't want to work in games anymore.
I mentioned it was a preference, and didn't say the game 'sucks', 'shouldn't have ever been made' etc., so not sure why you're going game defense mode if you want to cut in on a conversation.

A little harsh... maybe. But then I'd say that also of the OP who stated anyone not wanting it that has zero patience, needs instant gratification etc. Maybe folks want something different/more to fill in the time between gratifications? Hell even RPG maker has a fast forward combat function built in (GASP, even a RPG game engines knows!)

So when a post specifically mentions a specific mechanic, is a response to a point in another post, also mentions it's a personal preference.... might be a good time to NOT take it as a review or general judgement of the game, and then puke all over the keyboard on a knee jerk game defense response. Because no, I wasn't expecting or said it to have mechanics of Pillars or Sins (few do), that was what you said making a strawman because of said puke.

Edit: and just to clarify the original point so this doesn't continue on. It was on the calling out of 'patience' and the current generation (was a response post). The mention of grind, combat mechanics etc. was to note the grind discussion/argument and how it's handled goes back to the start of RPGs, and nothing to do with generations. It's always been a thing, folks always had different tolerances to it. Just like is open world best with full auto level or leveled areas (open world/semi). Not (as some seem to have seen), a judgement for all on this game.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 21, 2017
Where is the part that i said is difficult? or the one that i want things right away?
You like the game, good for you, but your comment doesnt bring anything, doesnt debate what i said it's just whinning...it's really embarrassing ^^'
That's rich, coming from someone who had almost no positive things to say and even that one was half baked. :ROFLMAO: The game isn't even half finished but the demands, man they are high as always and surely such "feedback" will motivate the dev in a very good way, right? =3


Mar 13, 2019
Yes, for me, which is why I specifically stated it. It's a mechanics discussion on a direct rely to a post that wasn't you. Basically making the point that all 'work' in a game isn't created equal, when someone is saying folks don't want to work in games anymore.
I mentioned it was a preference, and didn't say the game 'sucks', 'shouldn't have ever been made' etc., so not sure why you're going game defense mode if you want to cut in on a conversation.

A little harsh... maybe. But then I'd say that also of the OP who stated anyone not wanting it that has zero patience, needs instant gratification etc. Maybe folks want something different/more to fill in the time between gratifications? Hell even RPG maker has a fast forward combat function built in (GASP, even a RPG game engines knows!)

So when a post specifically mentions a specific mechanic, is a response to a point in another post, also mentions it's a personal preference.... might be a good time to NOT take it as a review or general judgement of the game, and then puke all over the keyboard on a knee jerk game defense response. Because no, I wasn't expecting or said it to have mechanics of Pillars or Sins (few do), that was what you said making a strawman because of said puke.

Edit: and just to clarify the original point so this doesn't continue on. It was on the calling out of 'patience' and the current generation (was a response post). The mention of grind, combat mechanics etc. was to note the grind discussion/argument and how it's handled goes back to the start of RPGs, and nothing to do with generations. It's always been a thing, folks always had different tolerances to it. Just like is open world best with full auto level or leveled areas (open world/semi). Not (as some seem to have seen), a judgement for all on this game.
If you felt I was being defensive, I am sorry you misinterpreted my intent. If anything, I would say I was being too "offensive". The fact is your retort to a fundamentally amusing post was not on par as an argument. You stated yourself, that you "tolerate rpgm games only with the fast-forward function", which is saying "I do not like rpgs", because rpgs are about the crawl. It is the same thing as the people who are not even shy about ranting about a VN, while saying "I skipped to all the sex scenes, because I don't like to read". If you do not like to "grind" then by all means, play FPS games. If you do not want to read, then go watch pornhub and stop torturing yourself. I understand that many, perhaps most, people think this is a site solely for "fapping" but I, for one, look for stories and game-play. I may well be in the minority, but I am not the only one - and the idea of speaking for the entire market based on a purely subjective personal preference is very generational. So you can argue that the OP in question was being unfair, and perhaps he was...but he was not wrong.
Off-hand dismissals like "puking all over the keyboard" are, to any adult, just a tactic employed by those that have no valid argument but want to sound in control. There is no reason for overt vitriol, and you will find that in mature company that will never garner the effect you desire. Hey, no worries - I used to believe life was a zero-sum game too. I honestly hope you find a game you enjoy.
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Game Developer
Aug 9, 2018
it made me download CH 2?!!
Real quick before I get to replying to all of the other stuff that was said. It's a lot! The Chapter 2 download contains the game all the way from the prologue up to Chapter 2. So chapter 1, where you gather your party is also in there.


Active Member
May 4, 2017
If you felt I was being defensive, I am sorry you misinterpreted my intent. If anything, I would say I was being too "offensive". The fact is your retort to a fundamentally amusing post was not on par as an argument. You stated yourself, that you "tolerate rpgm games only with the fast-forward function", which is saying "I do not like rpgs", because rpgs are about the crawl. It is the same thing as the people who are not even shy about ranting about a VN, while saying "I skipped to all the sex scenes, because I don't like to read". If you do not like to "grind" then by all means, play FPS games. If you do not want to read, then go watch pornhub and stop torturing yourself. I understand that many, perhaps most, people think this is a site solely for "fapping" but I, for one, look for stories and game-play. I may well be in the minority, but I am not the only one - and the idea of speaking for the entire market based on a purely subjective personal preference is very generational. So you can argue that the OP in question was being unfair, and perhaps he was...but he was not wrong.
Defensive as in defending something that wasn't being attacked even, not personally. And no worries, I don't find you 'offensive' at all, amusing yes.

"You stated yourself, that you "tolerate rpgm games only with the fast-forward function", which is saying "I do not like rpgs", because rpgs are about the crawl.

No, not at all, that's all you. And BTW, if you use quotes, QUOTE the actual statement. Because using " " and not actually quoting text (it's not hard cut and paste) is the ultimate strawman (at least it ain't subtle lolz). You're literally making stuff up someone didn't say. It's "RPG maker style combat is tolerable ". Combat, yet you try and turn it into a statement about the whole game. Loser move and pretty much shows the character of this discussion.

But even besides that. So if you didn't like CoD for some game mechanic, all of a sudden you can't like ANY FPS. WTF? Not being a fan of RPGm combat because it's so basic, does NOT equal I don't like any RPG games. Which is doubly stupid as RPGm style is a subset of RPG games, not the other way around. Because obviously games like Pillars, when they have a great combat mechanic, are different. Lol, that logic man..

It is the same thing as the people who are not even shy about ranting about a VN, while saying "I skipped to all the sex scenes, because I don't like to read".

No, because we're talking a quality here. The above would be "I skipped the text because the writing is bad". You can have good writing and bad writing, just as good combat and bad (or undesirable for a less judgemental term). For it to be what you're thinking of, it would be "I skipped the combat because I don't like combat". The fact I used Pillars and Sins as examples, and each has tons and even more involved combat... how is it I'm saying I don't like combat? I'm not, that is just you again out there. So if it's all about the crawl and longer is better, lets ask the dev for a two minute timer for attack recharges. That slow suspenseful buildup, it would obviously be great. And if you don't like it, you obviously don't like any RPGs, even the ones without it. Because... reasons.

So you have to read the posts instead of knee jerk responses, and your either misinterpreting or doing so on purpose just for the sake of it. Because all the stuff you're complaining about, I've never said lol. Just all strawmans. The last half of your post looked like a standard form cookie cutter complaint. And with you mentioning other people in VN games comments and railing against what they've said, I've a feeling you've been down this path before and are in a particular mindset (game defense/rant mode). Which pretty much ends it as reading comprehension or attempts do to so go out the door usually and this seems to be the case here.


Apr 15, 2017
That's rich, coming from someone who had almost no positive things to say and even that one was half baked. :ROFLMAO: The game isn't even half finished but the demands, man they are high as always and surely such "feedback" will motivate the dev in a very good way, right? =3
I see, you don't have nothing to say about the game and only attacks the user, ok.
Be happy with your excuses.
  • Haha
Reactions: Porn_Jesus


Game Developer
Aug 9, 2018
- The game starts out as a sausage fest. You've got three guys total in your party.
- You have to fight tons of times, the combat being annoyingly hard. The ruins fight is too hard. I wish there was some motivation to win, using sex as a reward or something.
- I'm at the ruins, but I need to rest, how do you rest?

- If you start a new game, but then exit at the tutorial, you can't start a new game again.

How do you skip the text real fast by holding down a button? In Ren'py or RPGM it's CTRL.
- That's why I added some other characters to get some xxx scenes in there. Maybe I should add some more H-content in the prologue? Currently it's the goblin twins, the Oni, and the holstaur.
- I could tweak down the encounter rate. Difficulty is real hard to balance, because I know everything really well as the creator it gets very easy. I do think the prologue shouldn't be difficult though.
- Gotta bring a few potions if you're travelling far from the castle/tavern. Being able to rest everywhere would make everything very redundant, imho.

Will look into that bug, heard it a few times. Also I'll figure out a way to fast-forward text. Gotta get to the good stuff when you're doing a quick wank, right?!

Gurdin What kind of fetishes do you plan to add for this game?
Honestly not sure yet. There will be polls on the patreon about what type of girls to add and depending on my inspiration with those concepts stuff'll happen. Anything specific you're into?

Looks good but no futa :/ well I will wait and se where this game will go If I like the path I will consider to be patron.
Not personally a fan of futa, is it really popular though? The upcoming Monkey girl will have an interesting staff though. ;)

Sorry but...this game is trash

-Controls sucks
-No gallery
-The art is good at least (but not animated)
A bit harsh, but you did say sorry at least! ;) I'll see whether I can speed things up a bit more. I was already planning to add a gallery, first wanted the game to have some content, though. Not sure what about the controls sucks, could you elaborate? Thanks for the compliment on my art!

Ok, so I have one character with 100% ice resistance and the other with 100% fire resistance
When fighting the ice and fire elementals, the one with fire resistance took 0 damage from both while the other took normal damage also from both
Is the ice elemental dealing fire damages ??

Also, the MC can't equip fire resistance necklace, only ice
And the ice also says it's giving fire resistance
Hmmm, gotta check all this stuff, thanks for the heads up! With all these stats on everything I'm bound to mess up a couple of times. D:

Any demo or at least game info for Innkeeper?

There ya go!

Man, this game is soooo slow. Too much combat with little reward.

1. Also, how do you go back to the main land? I think the Milky Nay was supposed to be given to the cow girl?

2. How do you unlock the femdom scene with Fuh?

3. I've recruited Muriel, Fuh, Cecilia, Rugee. I have a side quest to make a Noor potion. I went to all the places and lost the fight in the Arena, what am I supposed to do?

4. There's a fight with two treants and two blue spirit thingies in the forest. They're impossibly hard. I'm giving up now.

5. Is there anyway to cheat? Combat is too hard and tedious, even if you buy all the upgrades with weapons, armor, etc.

The game has potential, but the combat is too demanding and too hard for such little return.
1. You can't, you should finish that quest before you flee from your home.
2. Her first scene is in the game, you gotta use her in battle a few times until her love bar is full. Then chat with her in the tavern. Currently working on another scene for her. For all party members for that matter.
3. You should win the fight in the arena. Can you still do it? If you can't it's a potential bug I gotta fix.
4. The wisps are pretty low health, bust them up using Fuh shouldn't take to long, heal up a bit, maybe get some potions. I will tweak the balance a bit more as I go, but this is all I got right now.
5. If you get Fuh and Cecilia leveled a little, Cecilia learns a skill to increase accuracy, Fuh can hit nearly all her wreckless attacks. It's honestly a bit OP, especially with rage. Then again, such combos should exist. Having Fuh and Muriel also works well, because they can do good damage. By having the scene with Cecilia you can use MC as the healer, or buy potions. Rugee is a bit underpowered I think, so I'll get her a bit powered up in the future.

I've gotten a ton of feedback, some people find the game too hard and tedious, others disagree. I do want the game to be challenging, but I do agree that the prologue should be quite easy to get you accustomed to the game and to get it done faster, to get to the bulk of the content, which will be the third map eventually.

People also found several bugs, I gotta fix those.

I will be adding a replay gallery and a text fast-forward key in the future, all in due time.

I'm sorry if I missed something and didn't really reply to you, There's a ton of stuff in a very short time. IF you have any bunring questions, feel free to ask!

Now then, time to get to work!
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 21, 2017
Honestly not sure yet. There will be polls on the patreon about what type of girls to add and depending on my inspiration with those concepts stuff'll happen. Anything specific you're into?
Well you already nailed a few by having sassy text, interesting story (not new, Legend of Queen Opala: Origin has a similar one with getting blackmailed for someone else's murder but it's always interesting so i give you a small kudo^^) and monster girls in it. <3

Hmm...i would like to have pregnancy in the game later (i mean, the red oni and the beastwoman already gave quite the flavour text for it so i guess it can be a thing if the patrons and you want it?) and perhaps a somewhat deeper meaning of it. Not asking for the pregnancy simulator 2020 here but maybe making it part of the story, giving it a purpose to exist instead of just adding another CG and that's it. :D I'm well aware this means more artworks and coding but yeah, that would be yay.^^

Since pregnancy is a double edged sword for many people i'm always a fan of having the choice to make it optional by either giving a warning when you approach it or being able to toggle certain fetishes on/off in the menu/at the start of the game.

Hm, what else...well some romancing is good too. I already like the love meter that goes up with fights you win (makes lvling up a little bit less meh, there's double the motivation now instead of just getting stronger) but perhaps the attitude of the party members can change a little depending on how much time you spend with them.

The last thing that comes in mind for me would be decisions you have to make and which have a meaningful impact in the game. I guess leading you straight into bad ends with the danger of losing progress is a bit too much but helping certain people or not doing certain actions to changer the future for the better/worse are nice to have.
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Dec 11, 2017
Not personally a fan of futa, is it really popular though? The upcoming Monkey girl will have an interesting staff though. ;)
Well there is a lot ppl like me who like futa and you could just add It in future Im sure its not big deal ofc there can be optional to play with (futa) options especial you game basic on "monster girls" just consider It maybe add some staff on next update basic on futa no one die when you will try and se how ppl will take it ;)

here is a simple example - https://f95zone.to/threads/strive-for-power-v0-5-25-maverik.1136/


Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
- That's why I added some other characters to get some xxx scenes in there. Maybe I should add some more H-content in the prologue? Currently it's the goblin twins, the Oni, and the holstaur.
- I could tweak down the encounter rate. Difficulty is real hard to balance, because I know everything really well as the creator it gets very easy. I do think the prologue shouldn't be difficult though.
- Gotta bring a few potions if you're travelling far from the castle/tavern. Being able to rest everywhere would make everything very redundant, imho.

Will look into that bug, heard it a few times. Also I'll figure out a way to fast-forward text. Gotta get to the good stuff when you're doing a quick wank, right?!

Honestly not sure yet. There will be polls on the patreon about what type of girls to add and depending on my inspiration with those concepts stuff'll happen. Anything specific you're into?

Not personally a fan of futa, is it really popular though? The upcoming Monkey girl will have an interesting staff though. ;)

A bit harsh, but you did say sorry at least! ;) I'll see whether I can speed things up a bit more. I was already planning to add a gallery, first wanted the game to have some content, though. Not sure what about the controls sucks, could you elaborate? Thanks for the compliment on my art!

Hmmm, gotta check all this stuff, thanks for the heads up! With all these stats on everything I'm bound to mess up a couple of times. D:

There ya go!

1. You can't, you should finish that quest before you flee from your home.
2. Her first scene is in the game, you gotta use her in battle a few times until her love bar is full. Then chat with her in the tavern. Currently working on another scene for her. For all party members for that matter.
3. You should win the fight in the arena. Can you still do it? If you can't it's a potential bug I gotta fix.
4. The wisps are pretty low health, bust them up using Fuh shouldn't take to long, heal up a bit, maybe get some potions. I will tweak the balance a bit more as I go, but this is all I got right now.
5. If you get Fuh and Cecilia leveled a little, Cecilia learns a skill to increase accuracy, Fuh can hit nearly all her wreckless attacks. It's honestly a bit OP, especially with rage. Then again, such combos should exist. Having Fuh and Muriel also works well, because they can do good damage. By having the scene with Cecilia you can use MC as the healer, or buy potions. Rugee is a bit underpowered I think, so I'll get her a bit powered up in the future.

I've gotten a ton of feedback, some people find the game too hard and tedious, others disagree. I do want the game to be challenging, but I do agree that the prologue should be quite easy to get you accustomed to the game and to get it done faster, to get to the bulk of the content, which will be the third map eventually.

People also found several bugs, I gotta fix those.

I will be adding a replay gallery and a text fast-forward key in the future, all in due time.

I'm sorry if I missed something and didn't really reply to you, There's a ton of stuff in a very short time. IF you have any bunring questions, feel free to ask!

Now then, time to get to work!
You're good at adhering to feedback. Careful you don't lose your original vision in the process or burn out.

Add the content to the game that you find most erotic, then through that you'll find your target audience, but if you add content you're not into, it may not end up good, which detracts people from wanting to support your game.

If you want to keep the combat hard, I'll deal with it, because I eventually figured it out and beat all the encounters except the Arena, and just because I didn't try the arena again. I only went through that entire ordeal because I wanted to see the femdom scene where Fuh.

What H content do you like the most? You already added femdom, there is a huge lack of femdom games IMO, the only good ones are Femdom City or Captured by Dark Elves, both by the same dev. If you like femdom, then add femdom. If you like vanilla sex, without kinks, where he just bangs the girl and cums inside, go for it. Add what you like most, that's key imo.


Nov 10, 2017
Bugs I noticed in Chapter 2 Part 1 -
If you beat the Bunny Girl Bandit but don't fuck her so you can get all the stuff back, you can't turn in the quest and additionally her portrait will remain on the screen. I assume this branch isn't finished and you forgot to remove her image from the screen post-conversation.

You can get in a fight on top of the Mountain village while traveling there, which results in the menu for the village being displayed over the combat along with the white streaks.

If you try to do Rugee's third scene before the love bar is filled, you don't get the warning text that it isn't implemented yet. So if you try to do it again when the bar is filled, the bar depletes and then you get the warning. So basically you waste a whole bar. Should move the warning to the front of the dialogue path like everyone else.

Personal opinion - As it stands, this project is definitely more game than porn, and while I'm ok with that, I can see why some impatient people wouldn't be. I don't think it's very difficult overall, but there are definite spikes in difficulty that are poorly communicated. For the Prologue section, you can stomp everything in the game once the King gets his Raise Morale skill, which is a party-wide haste. Bertram can just spam his AOE attack to wipe most things in two or three turns. The MC should just buff and heal the two of them until he gets like 5 levels and isn't useless anymore.

The tentacle fight was trivial at level 5, but the first difficulty spike came when the MC and Rugee had to escape the castle. You have to fight two mushrooms that do little real damage but have the classic old-school fuck-you RPG style of being able to poison you while also having frankly absurd amounts of health for the damage the MC and especially Rugee can do at that point in the game. Would highly recommend nerfing the health of the mushrooms.

Also, while we're on the subject of Rugee, she's basically worthless for far too long. She does zero damage, has a middling buff, and the MC gets her unique skill after their first scene together so she can't even be a steal-bot. She only becomes useful once she gets Double Attack at level 8 or so and gets a Crit Ring and a Steel Dagger. So essentially she's pointless for 95% of the current content. Would recommend having her start with Double Attack so she can at least contribute to damage early on, though she's going to be outclassed by Fuh and Muriel no matter what fairly quickly.

The Elementals - Shouldn't be attempted until you have party members at 6+ or so. Fuh and Celica clean the fight up easily.

The Forest fight - Shouldn't be attempted until you have party members at 8+ or so. I used Muriel and Celica since Muriel can nuke the Wisps with the MC's strong attack, but be sure to give Muriel boots of speed or her time up will be way too long. Can also do it with Fuh and Celica and have Celica buff Fuh's accuracy, at which point Fuh will shred everything. I also used Muriel for the Dryad boss since her Fire does extra damage to the wooden enemies.

Chapter 2 -
The proving grounds fight - Shouldn't be attempted until you have party members at 8+ or so. I used Muriel and Celica, but looking back Fuh and Celica would have been way better. I killed two of the pets then focused on the Goddess. Her heal is super annoying, and you might want to look into tuning it down to 15 or so. 20 basically neutralizes 1 attack for the damage you can do at that point.

Side note - More Dragon Angel sex as soon as possible.

Everything else in Chapter 2 so far is trivial. Fuh + Celica can wipe everyone and the MC is a powerhouse by that point. I've only used Muriel and Rugee for leveling purposes so they don't fall too far behind.

Finally, I assume this first part just kind of ends after finishing the Bunny Bandit quest. There doesn't seem to be anything else to do at the moment. Might want to put some kind of notice for that.

There really isn't that much grinding if you don't care about leveling your other party members. I got everything I needed just from wandering around the map seeing what the icons were. If you want to evenly level everyone then you'll have to go out of your way to seek out fights, but it really doesn't take too long to get everyone on par. I will note that doing this overlevels the MC by a significant factor - he's currently level 15 in my game while my next highest party member is Fuh at level 11.
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: kratoscar2008
3.30 star(s) 3 Votes