I`m craving for a worthy successor to BB,even if it would be a rip-off,sadly it`s not this game.
I do not like any of the mods for BB mostly because they read like something written by horny 13 year old with exactly 0 understanding of what is hot and isn`t.It is not as bad here but it isn`t much better either.
The dev of this game has no clue why BB was good,what we have here is long,pointless grind with little to no pay-off,if he would only read the BB thread,he would (maybe) realize this is precisly what was the worst about BB.
Does the game have any potential at all?Sure,most of the renders look good,backgrounds are nice,there is some sort of idea behind the project ...but he doesn`t get it,therefore my hopes are low,I don`t recommend it.