
Aug 27, 2018
Это очень хорошее использование Ren'Py и Studio Neo . В Studio Neo свет и эмоции персонажей и даже видео выглядит хорошо.

This is a very good use of Ren'Py and Studio Neo. In Studio Neo, the light and emotions of the characters and even the video look good.
  • Red Heart
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Jul 24, 2017
Still think you should focus on a single protagonist. The way it's going now, I really don't feel invested in any of the characters. I don't have a solid interest, or focal point right now. They are just people saying things. I'd say pick a character for us to self insert, or go full circle and have us play from every characters pov instead of just these two boring guys. It seems like Blonde boy might be the main character? I'd just focus on that once you get the group where they are going. Just my 2 cents, good luck.


Oct 19, 2020
Android build is here (480 MB):

Swipe controls:
↓ Menu​
← Rollback​
→ Skip seen scenes​
↑ Hide text window​
Guys, if you managed to try this build on your phone, give me some feedback. My phone is 8 years old so video is EXTREMELY laggy, around 1 frame in 2 seconds (it may be VP9 codec issue), also the pictures loading with a little delay, so image animations have wrong timing and don't sync well with the sound.
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Oct 19, 2020
Here, by the way, I think the jealousy factor could come in handy, one of the characters might simply give in to it and let one of the heroes die.
Oh man, I already have ambitious sketches of how jealousy and betrayal will affect the course of the story. It's cool that you thought of that, too.

Also, if you draw parallels, The Dark Pictures had interesting mechanics with character traits that shifted according to their decisions and locking other decisions, when the characters trait became dominant. It seems to me that this idea wasn't fully developed and it looks weak in the game, but if someone could take all of the above and reframe it, I think it would be very interesting game to play.
I haven't played The Dark Pictures, so I don't get what you mean. Can you give some examples?

Small mod that allows you to rename the main MCs.
Okaaaay... but why? I mean, OK, you've renamed Dani with your name, but what about Rick's name then?.. BFF's name? Oh. Still, I guess many ppl around here will thank you for this mod.

This is a very good use of Ren'Py and Studio Neo. In Studio Neo, the light and emotions of the characters and even the video look good.
Emotions and mimics are my passion, bratan. Thanks for the kind words!
  • Thinking Face
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Oct 19, 2020
I don't have a solid interest, or focal point right now. They are just people saying things.
Yes, I know the game has a slow start, but I can't go any faster or the plot will just be ridiculous. Check back after a few more chapters and see if it's still boring. And if it will be still borning, then the game is not your thing (, and/or I'm just a bad storywriter).

or go full circle and have us play from every characters pov instead of just these two boring guys.
Yeah, guys who played the game said the same thing. But the root of the problem, IMO, is in girls characters. Each one of the girls has a distinct, eccentric, even slightly unrealistic personality, so letting the player choose for the girls would mean that the player could "limit" their wackiness (which, in fact, would have hurt the narrative a lot). As for the boys - well, these two seem pretty boring just because of their contrast with the girls, they both are pretty regular guys. Yet they are made so to allow player to make not-so-dumb descisions.
I mean, this narrative structure will allow me to create situations like "Everything went fucked up because someone did something incredibly stupid". Why two MCs at once? Because I didn't want the gameplay to be like "Just focus your attention on a certain girl and she'll be okay, and the rest while the rest ones are gonna... eh, I don't care about what will happen to them."

I'd say pick a character for us to self insert <...> I'd just focus on that once you get the group where they are going.
The thing is, you feel like you need to associate yourself with a particular character. However, that's not how the game was meant to be played, by the way, that's why they are not customizeable and that's why the game is not POV. Think of it like you're watching the Game of Thrones with multiple protagonists, or The Saw (first one) where both of kidnapped guys were MCs. Friday The 13 also didn't have MC (expect the final girl). Maybe then you'll understand better what I intended the game to be.
However, if this type of storytelling is not really your thing, I'll advise you to go with Dani if you want to hit on Melissa or Ellie, or with Rick if you want to go June or Kat's root. But decisions of both characters affect the outcome of group members.

Just my 2 cents, good luck.
I really appreciate any feedback. I'm very happy that someone is playing my game.
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Oct 5, 2021
Okaaaay... but why? I mean, OK, you've renamed Dani with your name, but what about Rick's name then?.. BFF's name? Oh. Still, I guess many ppl around here will thank you for this mod.
Because when you add more sex scenes some would like the girls to call out their name. To be honest unless you have voice acting it just helps with immersion in general and with default names those that don't care can continue not caring.

Yeah you could name both the same name but as you set it up there would still be a color difference.


Active Member
Sep 12, 2018
I haven't played The Dark Pictures, so I don't get what you mean. Can you give some examples?
Hmm, it would be easier to to watch for yourself (on YouTube, for example), than put it in the words, but I try. The main point, you basically controlling all characters in the game, there is multiplayer option for your friends, so they can take decisions for them, but if you play alone you trying to choose role that you think fit for this characters: this one will be the leader, this one is tricky bastard etc. As you said, you wanted two characters playable, so this no longer relevant. The story progress in the way that, first you take character A for control, he making decisions, interacts with other characters, damages or improves the relationship. Then, depending on the decisions made, in the next part of the narrative, the next character may not be the character B, but character C, depending on the decisions made earlier, if character B was wounded/killed during actions of character A, or simply, because character A persuade to send character C on task, instead of character B. This gameplay continues for most of the game, until a dangerous moment arrives, at which point, the player begins to take control of the characters one by one to survive the situation. And, as I said there is personal agenda for each character, their character traits that can be changed during decisions and lock your other choices after certain point. It can either save the character or get him killed.

I hope I delivered the thought correctly. But still, I would advise to familiarize yourself with this series of games, they are really good. And by the way, before Dark Pictures there was another fantastic game from this studio called Until Dawn.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2020
So far not bad, love the game, but find the chapters rather really short, would expected more content for one chapter, now it felt more like reading a book and each chapter is just one page, chapter one and two should be least one chapter and add more content before go to a chapter 2. But least you on a good track making a scary novel, love those old movies like hellraiser, friday the thirteenth and simular.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2017
The story got me really invested. It's surely a breath of fresh air, for a porn game (it will include porn stuff eventually, right?).

Looking forward to the next chapters.


Jan 2, 2020
Does anyone know if work will resume on this game or if some one will pick up where it was left off at?


Jan 2, 2020
You know I really like this game because Betrayal ready captured the 80's/90's slasher movie vibe in this game and since it is unlikely he's ever going to finish this game I decided to write a fan fic based on this game to tell the story of Were Never Seen Again and since I did not see a story/fan fic sub form here I'm going to post my story here in this thread.

Note this is going to be a very slow burn story so if you are looking for a quick smut fix you might want to skip this story, so with that said on with the story.

Where Never Seen Again

Chapter 1

To say that Daniel Wright was excited was the mother of all understatement as he took one last look in his heavly packed backpack to see if he had everything he would need for the summer long camping trip he had planed for the summer along with his friends from high school Rick Ashton, a good friend he had known since he had moved to Cheery Wood Grove Canada from the shit hole city of Toronto Canada when he has been six years old.

Well Rick my man, let's hope we both get some action on this trip. “ he thought to himself as his thoughts turned to his other friend from high school one Melissa Canterbury, the highly out spoken and some what high string girl that he was deeply attracted to and even though he was not all that sure he got the feeling that she did some what care for him.

Well I'll find out one way or another if she likes me or not. “ Dani thought to himself as he felt his excitement at the tought of claiming his high school crush as not only his girlfriend but also his lover as well which was well matched by his fearful dread that she did not see him as a potential boyfriend and lover which would make the summer long camping trip he was going on a literal hell on earth for him.

Well if she turns me down I might have a chance with June. “ he thought to himself as he turned his thoughts to June Cloverfield as he realized her had never given any thought to having her as his first girlfriend and lover, “ Maybe I never thought of her like that because of the weird 1960's hippy chick vibe I get from her? “ Dani thought to himself as he finished checking over his backpack.

Well I'm sure if I made a move on June Kat would never let me live it down.“ He thought to himself as he thought about his other female high school friend Katrina Olson or Kat as she liked to be called as he slung his backpack over his shoulders and made he way downstairs to say goodbye to his folks.

Why the hell did I agree to this? “ Melissa thought to herself as she was driving down to Dani's place to pick him up before she picked up the rest of her friends for the summer long camping trip because usually she spend her summer brakes enjoying a nice quiet summer reading books and just generally being a lazy cat in a patch of sunshine.

So she had surprised herself when she agreed to the summer long camping trip out in the middle of ass fuck nowhere Canada,
“ I suppose I can thank Kat for talking me into this. “ she thought ruefully to herself as she pulled up to Dani's place in her mothers old 1967 Great Canadian Motor Car Company Nomad that had seen better years some time in it's distant past.

When she brought the Nomad to a stop she did not have to wait very long as Dani walked out of his house some four minutes after she pulled up to his place.

“ Hey good to see you. “ Dani said to Melissa as he got into the front passenger's seat after stashing his backpack in the back of the truck.

“ Are you ok? “ Melissa heard Dani ask her as she put the truck in drive to go and pick up the others, “ I'm just wondering why the hell I'm even doing this for. “ she said to Dani as they continued to drive to Rick's place to pick him before rounding up the others and continuing on this voyage of the damned as she saw this whole camping trip as.

“ Heh! “ Dani grunted as he took a good look at his high school crush and he could clearly see that she was not all that keen on going camping out in the woods with him and the others from the deep frown on her lovely, pale face.

“ Well I'm sure you don't want to end up dying as the town's local, crazy cat lady after locking yourself into the town library for the rest of your life after today. “ Melissa heard Dani say to her with a warm and friendly smile that did much to improve her some what sour mood, “ Oh come one I'm not that bad. “ Dani heard Melissa say to him as she rolled her eyes at his words and that's when he decided come hell or high water he was not going to puss out and not make a move on her during the camping trip as he felt himself becoming slight aroused as he had the delightfully sinful mental image of her deep throating him in the middle of nowhere.

When no answer was forthcoming from Dani Melissa sunk a side long glace at him and saw that he was blushing a bit which made her mind jump from having to endure this voyage of the damn for the reminder of the summer to the some what erotic mental image of him eating her out in a mushroom patch out in the woods.
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Jan 2, 2020
Well here's the second chapter of my story.

Where Never Seen Again

Chapter 2

Going to be a hot day today. “ Rick though to himself as he took a long drink from his ice cold cola, when he look over to Kat the love of his life he saw that she and June where having a very animated conversation and as much as he wanted to know what they where talking about he realized that there were some things that where not meant to be known such as the true name of all the gods and the things that girls talk about.

“ Well speak of the devil. “ he muttered to himself as he saw the truck that Dani and Melissa where in coming up the street towards him and the girls, “ Hey you two Melissa and Dani are here. “ Kat heard Rick say to her and June which made her very happy as she had been looking forward to this camping trip since Rick brought the idea up three months ago.

“ Hey Girlfriend! “ June heard Kat say to Melissa with a clearly excited tone of voice as she, Rick and Kat got into the truck after stowing away their camping gear.

“ So how far is it to the camping spot? “ Melissa asked Rick as they where driving out of the city, “ It's about ten miles out of town then another six miles off the highway. “ Rick said to Melissa who did not look all that enthusiastic at what he had just told her.

“ Don't be like that Honey Bee, you're going to have fun, trust me, besides why would anyone want to be all couped up for the summer and doing nothing but reading books. “ Kat said to Melissa as she took a smoke out of her pack of Lung Dung smokes.

“ I do, I don't know why I let all of you talking me into this?, if you are going to smoke open a window. “ Melissa said to Kat as they were leisurely driving down the highway as she tried and fail to understand how she had let her friends talk her into driving out the middle of ass fuck nowhere Canada to spend the summer most likely being eaten alive by bugs.

“ You should try to enjoy this, most people have no idea of the beauty of nature. “ June said as she found herself looking forward to spending the summer surrounded by nature and having her friends by her side so she could show them the near endless wonders of the natural world.

After they had left the city and had driven for a few hours Melissa looked through the rear view mirror and saw that Kat, Rick and June where doing the best to relax as they continued on their way to the camping spot, she took a side long glance as Dani who was sitting up front with her and for a moment she was not sure of what to make of her friend.

You know I have never really thought of it, but Dani is not bad looking at all. “ she thought to herself as she was unsure of her feelings towards her friend, let along the thought of being Dani's girlfriend since she had never dated anyone before and then there was the fact she had no idea of what his feelings where towards her.

Dani was content to look out the front passenger's window as he thought he had seen Melissa looking over which surprised him as well as thrilled him as he was sure that he had a chance to not only have Melissa as his girlfriend but also a good chance of getting laid.

Maybe this won't be so bad after all. “ he thought to himself as he turned his attention away from the view out of the window and began to look his crush over as he took not of her long black hair, pale skin and pale blue eyes as well as her some what decent sized tits.

Dani turned his attention away from Melissa as he not only felt himself starting to blush but he could also feel his cock starting to harden with arousal.

Is he blushing? “ Melissa thought to herself as she had seen out of the comer of her eyes how Dani had been looking her over which made her feel a sense of excitement and uncertainty and when she looked at his crotch she was not only surprised but very aroused as well as she thought she could see his some what hard cock that made her damp and warm between the legs.

She turned her attention to look at the road as she continued to drive as she and Dani where having some what erotic daydreams of the two of them being first time lovers and unknown to them Rick, Kat and June had seen the looks that they had been giving one another which not only put them in a lusty frame of mind as well as they were having daydreams of a loving and sex filled summer, but also they decided to try and get Dani and Melissa to hook up with one another.
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Jan 2, 2020
Here's the next chapter of my story, enjoy.

Where Never Seen Again
Chapter 3

After the sun had gone down the five brave soul were continuing on their way as the trucks high beams seem to do little to cut through the darkness of the starless night they were driving in.

“ Well anyways Eddie and Ellie mostly like already have the bon fire going as well as setting up the tents. “ Rick said to his friends as they continued driving down the dark, forest road.

“ Wait a minute you mean Eddie Marks and Ellie “ Wallflower “ Kimberly are at the camp!? “ Dani asked Rick as he got the sinking feeling that this camping trip was not going to be the fun and sex filled summer he thought this camping trip was going to be.

“ Ya he asked to come long and I said yes. “ Rick said to Dani as he took note of the annoyed look on Dani's face, “ What do you have against him? “ he added as he could have sworn he could see that Dani was almost ready to start spitting hellfire from the now pissed off look on his face.

“ The guys a fucking geek, sure I don't mind geeks but he's a special kind of geek that makes all the other geeks look like normal
people. “ Dani said as he was making it very clear from the tone of voice that he was not happy at having this little surprise sprung on him.

“ Why do you say that for, sure he can be some what focused on things that interest him and what do you have against Ellie
anyways? “ Dani heard Rick ask him as the three girls that were with them listened with very keen interest as they withheld their judgment on the other friends of Rick and to a lesser extent Dani as they did not know all that much about them.

“ First of all the only thing that interest Eddie is politics and bikes and as for Wallflower, there is something very wrong with her, haven't you noticed the creepy vibe she gives off, I'm half expecting to wake with my balls shoved down my throat as she rapes my ass with my own served cock, she a FUCKING PSYCHO! “ Dani snarled with gave disgusted and dislike towards Eddie and Ellie as he had the stray thought that to two of them were a match made in hell.

“ Speaking of bikes I have a funny story to tell you about the time Melissa tried to learn to ride a bike. “ Kat said as she reached behind the truck's back seat to get a cold beer out of the cooler that was behind the seat.

“ FUCK OFF!, DON'T YOU DARE TELL THEM THAT STORY! “ Melissa snarled in embarrassed anger as she was half torn between keeping the truck on the road and thumping out Kat before she could embarrass her.

“ Relax Mel, it's a funny story, come on you know it was funny after it happened. “ Kat said with a slightly mocking tone of voice as she was enjoying getting her best friend all worked up.

“ FUCK YOU BITCH!, YOU TELL THAT STORY AND YOU ARE WALKING HOME! “ Melissa screamed as she turned to face Kat and even though they were the best of friend Kat had a way of getting under her skin.

“ LOOK THE FUCK OUT! “ Dani screamed in terror as he could have sworn there was some one in the middle of the dirt road they were one as he reached to grab the steering wheel to avoid hitting who ever was in the middle of the road.

“ WHAT THE FUCK! “ Melissa screamed as she turn her attention to the dirt road and barely had time to scream as the truck hit what appeared to be a strangely dressed man in the middle of the dirt road.
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Jan 2, 2020
Well here's the fourth chapter, enjoy

Where Never Seen Again
Chapter 4

OW!, What the fuck....OH SHIT! " Dani thought to himself as the fog of confusion cleared from his mind as he recalled the split second image of the truck hitting someone or something.

“ Hey you guys ok? “ he called out to Rick, June and Kat as he looked at the backseat and saw that his friends where getting their wits about themselves and seemed unharmed, “ Mel you ok? “ he said to Melissa as he turned his attention from his friends in the backseat and focused his attention on Melissa who seemed to be still some what dazed by their encounter with the unknown person.

“ Fuck!, oh fuck! “ Melissa said with a clearly shaken tone of voice as she recalled that she had hit someone with the truck and flew into a nearly blind panic as she quickly got out of the truck and made her way to the front of the truck as she had the horrifying mental not only someone's broken body plastered to the front of her mom's truck but also of her in prison for vehicler homicide and being passed from one 375lbs bull dyke to another as they brutally raped her.

“ What the fuck happened Rick called out as he got out of the back of the truck to see what was going on his he felt a momentary dizziness, “ What?, you didn't see we hit someone. “ Dani replied as Kat and June got out of the truck while Melissa started to freak out very badly.

“ What?!, did you see the guy that was standing in the middle of the road? “ Rick heard Dani say to him with a shocked and disbelieving tone of voice as Kat hung back for a moment as she was gathering her wits about her.

“ Are you sure we hit someone? “ Rick said to Dani which made Melissa cry all the more as June walked over to her and started talking to the distraught girl to try and calm her down.

“ Yes I'm sure! “ Dani said as he felt himself starting to get angry that Rick was questioning him while the guy they had hit might be laying in a bush somewhere and dying of internal injuries.

Rick could clearly see that Dani was on the edge of freaking out and decided to get him away from the others so he could talk to him in privet and there was that fact that even though he did not what really happened he knew some quite bad might have happened and if they really did hit some one then they had to do all they could to save who ever they had just hit.

“ Well let's see if we can find who ever we might have hit. “ he said to Dani as he took out his smart phone and activated the phone's light as Dani did the same while June was still trying her level best to calm Melissa down.
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