Dad of Boy

Jan 20, 2018
So correct me if I'm wrong but the game is almost done and the next release we get will be the full release?


Aug 22, 2021
I think it'll take about a week to fix bugs at this point. If there's a bug to be fixed, then most likely the polish will be delayed as well. No roundabout way of doing it.
Also, I don't know why people are complaining because they're getting the game for free. Devs work tirelessly to polish the game for US, all they're asking is patience. People have waited since February for the update and now they just have to wait a couple more days and they can't do that? Hilarious, if you ask me.


Oct 30, 2018
Don't understand why so many fucking people on a site dedicated to pirating porn games come here to whine about the development speed of shit they aren't even paying for. If you are paying and dissatisfied either stop paying or go talk to the developer on Patreon or whatever other service they use, don't come here and rant about milking.


New Member
Apr 28, 2018
Y'all fighting and I'm thankful to have some entertainment until the next update drops. It's so close I can taste it :D


Apr 11, 2018
Jeez some people on here. These devs have been vocal on here AND there discord about the progress and delays. Yes it sucks, but atleast they are honest. This clearly isnt one of the "popular" games like milfy city, a wife and mother or midnight paradise were the dev is actually scamming. This update isnt going to be 15 minutes, like the usual update of the other games I mentioned. And they have been clear they will "try" to not let this happen again.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2020
Just think of how many hours magicnuts and whoever its working with him are spending to cover every area of the game in order to players don't get a single minor or mayor bug?

and in top of that the transcript of dialogs, grammar double-checking, objective quests strings to pop up properly and manyyyyyyy other things that involves on the dialog of every single character on all the choices MC does.

Is complex so atleast they really close to release it at its full glory something to be really thankful of to them


Jun 30, 2020
I apologize the denominator that went up deceived me .. I hope to avoid the crucifixion at least ... I know that the art of this game is very good and also the story with its maps ..


New Member
Sep 17, 2021
Anyway, here's my constructive criticism not that anyone asked.

Classic case of the perfect being the enemy of the good.
I respect the devs' desire to make sure everything is perfect on release, but when they announced being done with adding content a few weeks ago, people (understandably) got excited for a release ASAP. They expected editing and debug to take only so long, and now that it's past the midpoint of September, they're getting impatient (which is not helped by the fact that the last update was 7 months ago). I think even the devs expected to have the release out by now, due to the wording of their Patreon refund offer (essentially "we're gonna be a teensy bit over the September 1 date, so it'd be kind of bs to charge you again").

Now I'm not saying they're scammers or dragging this out intentionally, in fact their transparency is part of why people are getting frustrated. The tracker is showing a much slower rate of progress than it did during the content addition phase, and while there may be plenty of work being done, it's easy to understand why people aren't seeing it that way. Additionally, part of the blame is because of that nasty Ren'py bug (that fortunately they were able to get a handle on quickly enough).

They do honestly seem like good people who do good work, trying their best. But yeah, I think they're making a misstep here by refusing to release anything until it's absolutely perfect. They've already acknowledged that the update has taken far longer than it should have, and now the polishing is taking longer than it should have. If it were me, knowing how long my fans have been waiting already, I'd have gone about it one of two ways:

1) Set a hard deadline for finishing polishing, prioritize tasks accordingly, and commit to that deadline (short of catastrophic bugs) and release. In said release post, I would mention why I released it a bit early, commit to a period of further bug fixing (including submitted bug reports by players) and release a bug fix patch later making it the "intended" state of release.


2) Release a somewhat polished beta build to Patreon backers (or people I trust), putting the product in the hands of the people who probably most want to play it (and somewhat crowdsourcing playtesting). It would inevitably get leaked here I'm sure, but if we ran into any issues, we'd have no room to bitch (given it's clearly marked as a beta build). I would continue to work on the release similar to scenario 1.

I think pretty much everyone would find either of those scenarios preferable to this drawn-out wait.
And anyone who uses the argument of "this is a pirate site, you have no right to complain", the game is completely free-to-play. There is no moral high ground here, asshole.
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Forum Fanatic
Jan 3, 2018
End of the day, if you're not a paying supporter then you have no right to make demands.
Actually, paying supporters do not have any right to make demands, either. Requests, sure. Not demands.
Manage your own expectations. Stop feeling entitled to something that people work hard on & comes to us for free.
Have patience and then gratitude, not these falsely entitled, demanding strops. We're just watching spoiled children.

I'd much rather wait for the dev to be happy with what they release, than to see them bow down to unwarranted pressure from freeloaders and release something sub-par & then see the forum flooded with people complaining about all the bugs.
Quite probably the very same people who complained about the length of time it took for them to get their free product.
Such victims.
Couple more rushed, buggy releases and support drops. Before you know it, they can't financially justify working on the game anymore.
Great. That was counter-productive.

You can give as much notice about it being "beta" as you want, people will still come here and bitch about it being buggy.
Whingers gotta whinge.

Complaining about it not being here already, is not going to make it happen any quicker.
Just let the devs do their thing. When it's ready, we'll get it.
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Jul 24, 2017
Also Gomira.
She's a strong contender and I would definitely place her top 5 easily. Magic is pretty strong, though. At least 2 of the cast can use it and I don't want to underestimate the advantage it gives.

Gomira still the winner in my heart, though.
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Forum Fanatic
Jan 3, 2018
She's a strong contender and I would definitely place her top 5 easily. Magic is pretty strong, though. At least 2 of the cast can use it and I don't want to underestimate the advantage it gives.

Gomira still the winner in my heart, though.
Yeah, Princess & Lady Goldenbush have the advantage if their magic can be used!

If it's a gladiator arena & no magic allowed, then Holly has a shout, as long as no-one licks her legs! :ROFLMAO:
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