
Active Member
Jul 7, 2017
Or maybe they want to Dominate the sexy Orc girl.
I'm with you though, I'd like to give Serena my MC's Lance, not in a nice way. When she's barefoot and pregnant, then we'll see who treats people like objects.
Lets be honest for a moment, she has at least a foot of height and 100 kg of muscle on MC, and he's already a lover not fighter, if he can't beat Holly in a fair wrestling match trying to pin Gomira would be like sending Stephen Hawking against The Rock, only MC is gonna be in the same state after the match as Hawking is before.
His dick may be magic, his spine isn't.

GifRel would be what I imagine MC trying to use his dick to dominate Gomira would end like, only instead of a neck snap it would be his pelvis.

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Active Member
Dec 17, 2018
Lets be honest for a moment, she has at least a foot of height and 100 kg of muscle on MC, and he's already a lover not fighter, if he can't beat Holly in a fair wrestling match trying to pin Gomira would be like sending Stephen Hawking against The Rock, only MC is gonna be in the same state after the match as Hawking is before.
this is only if he plays fair, any physical advantage she has can be overcome with enough cheating non-traditional approaches
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Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
Lets be honest for a moment, she has at least a foot of height and 100 kg of muscle on MC, and he's already a lover not fighter, if he can't beat Holly in a fair wrestling match trying to pin Gomira would be like sending Stephen Hawking against The Rock, only MC is gonna be in the same state after the match as Hawking is before.
His dick may be magic, his spine isn't.

GifRel would be what I imagine MC trying to use his dick to dominate Gomira would end like, only istead of a neck snap it would be his pelvis.

View attachment 1813457
You forgot his ability to copy any natural magic a Person has. he can see the dead now (special training by royal arms master/mistress?) and we don't know what Powers Rosy might hide, afterall she IS aware of the MCs special power from his hand reading session.
A magician fighting an Orc with bare hands have to be lunatic... that said Gomira was saved by MCs cock once already she might be swoon enough to loose her footing seeing it again ;) :sneaky:


Active Member
Jun 8, 2019
Why twin sister?
It's practically the moral obligation of the best man to bang the bridesmaids.
Well wouldn't Junior's sister be a prime candidate to be one of the bridesmaids anyway? (Insert "Why not both?" memetic image here, I'm too lazy to.) Besides, she's pretty obviously being telegraphed to be one of the future love interests anyway, what with Junior notably mentioning her and describing her as "the ugly one" (which obviously means she's going to be smoking hot and Junior just doesn't think so because he's not into incest).
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Jan 10, 2021
why are you guys assuming he'll fight Gomira?
MC isn't a fighter, this is a comedy game. He'll probably charm her somehow
She'll probably attack him since she doesn't care much for humans and would have no idea the cock she sucked could be attached to such a scrawny wimp until she's beat him down and ripping off his clothes to rape him and recognizes it.
  • Thinking Face
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Sep 20, 2018
Surprised Serena isn't higher on the list... especially compared to Gomira, lots of guys must want to be dominated apparently. Personally I want MC to give Serena an attitude adjustment with his cock ASAP.
Maybe we'll be able to give her the personality check needs if we have to rescue her
Or maybe they want to Dominate the sexy Orc girl.
I'm with you though, I'd like to give Serena my MC's Lance, not in a nice way. When she's barefoot and pregnant, then we'll see who treats people like objects.
Perhaps we'll able to give her the proper instructing she requires if we have to rescue her


Apr 25, 2020
I hate that there's no leaker for Magicnuts' Patreon like there is for other devs, for the previews and weekly reports. It's respectable, but still.
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Apr 25, 2020
Maybe because he actually manages this thread and can delete whatever he wants lol. If you're truly that interested, then sub.
Well, gee, no shit? In that case, I should probably leave this piracy website too.
And there are one or two weekly logs posted here. So I don't think he can delete that too, without getting reported.
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Engaged Member
Feb 1, 2020
Well, gee, no shit? In that case, I should probably leave this piracy website too.
And there are one or two weekly logs posted here. I didn't know he could deleted that too, without getting reported.
Ther is guy who post this WaL news. But he is from Russia and becouse sanctions he is not patreon anymore.


Apr 25, 2020
Not anytime soon, I'm afraid.
TBH I'm surprised that none of the almost 2000 patrons can't do reposts instead of me while new updates of the game are leaked almost instantly.
I know, right? I know it's a bit rich for me to sit here and complain that stuff doesn't get leaked, but it does seem a bit strange. Other games with way fewer patrons get their logs leaked within hours.


Nov 15, 2019
I know, right? I know it's a bit rich for me to sit here and complain that stuff doesn't get leaked, but it does seem a bit strange. Other games with way fewer patrons get their logs leaked within hours.
As a long time Patron of Magicnuts the reason I don't share the Patreon stuff is because this forum which has been mostly supportive has also been extremely toxic and vitriolic towards them as devs. At the early stages of this game Pistachio would directly comment on people posts almost daily and like pretty much every positive comment that was posted. Now I think they tend to avoid it here because it's always the same people freaking out because the game isn't being developed as fast as THEY want.

You could scroll back many pages and see Pistachio answering things like: Why the development takes a long time, why hiring more people is not the solution to that and if they're unhappy how they are willing to refund someone's Patreon pledge. But let's be real the people complaining about those things, especially the "Devs stealing people's money and not working" people have never put a dollar into the game.

All that being said this is what comes with success, the more people who find the game and love it the more people who come to an anonymous forum and say the most negative, cruel and completely untrue things.
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