
Active Member
Jan 5, 2021
As a long time Patron of Magicnuts the reason I don't share the Patreon stuff is because this forum which has been mostly supportive has also been extremely toxic and vitriolic towards them as devs. At the early stages of this game Pistachio would directly comment on people posts almost daily and like pretty much every positive comment that was posted. Now I think they tend to avoid it here because it's always the same people freaking out because the game isn't being developed as fast as THEY want.

You could scroll back many pages and see Pistachio answering things like: Why the development takes a long time, why hiring more people is not the solution to that and if they're unhappy how they are willing to refund someone's Patreon pledge. But let's be real the people complaining about those things, especially the "Devs stealing people's money and not working" people have never put a dollar into the game.

All that being said this is what comes with success, the more people who find the game and love it the more people who come to an anonymous forum and say the most negative, cruel and completely untrue things.
This is why I left the discord, as a Patron. One of the more toxic discords I've been on. I'm on NLT's who has way more people there, but yet it's civilized and the mods do a good job enforcing rules and keeping chat to certain channels. Maybe it's because he releases bi-weekly, no idea. But, it's worth taking a look at the difference and how it's handled vs MagicNutz. I feel like it's a prime example of how discord's should be ran and handled.

Sthr ▚ nix

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2018
This is why I left the discord, as a Patron. One of the more toxic discords I've been on. I'm on NLT's who has way more people there, but yet it's civilized and the mods do a good job enforcing rules and keeping chat to certain channels. Maybe it's because he releases bi-weekly, no idea. But, it's worth taking a look at the difference and how it's handled vs MagicNutz. I feel like it's a prime example of how discord's should be ran and handled.
Yeah, NLT have fixed update schedule, so no one complains about that. Tbf, it's way easier to render 3D assets than drawing 2D assets one by one from scratch. Shame that no one seems to understand fairly simple logic like that.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
This is why I left the discord, as a Patron. One of the more toxic discords I've been on. I'm on NLT's who has way more people there, but yet it's civilized and the mods do a good job enforcing rules and keeping chat to certain channels. Maybe it's because he releases bi-weekly, no idea. But, it's worth taking a look at the difference and how it's handled vs MagicNutz. I feel like it's a prime example of how discord's should be ran and handled.
Did you really got the feeling that Magicnuts' Discord was toxic? Could I ask you why? I find it's quite a chill one, I'm really surprised by your comments (and as a mod I'm very interesed in learning how we can improve)


Apr 18, 2020
I swear that progress tracker has been at 97% for the last 4 months at least
I can confirm that your suspicions are not true. I check the progress daily, and it's been moving steadily. Maybe you're looking at the "total polish" tracker, which was a little slow, but the content bar has been moving every 1-2 days.


Jul 12, 2020
I am just re-playing this game from the beginning in anticipation for the upcoming release and suddenly I realized that Chestnut must be a huge fan of the renaissance painters Botticelli and Peter Paul Rubens:

The 3 Graces


The birth of Venus


These are some very fine re-imaginations!
Well done!

EDIT: I have added previews of the original paintings for comparison ad educationem populi.
Turns out that 'The 3 Graces' is actually inspired by a painting from Rubens.
Just because you are browsing a naughty forum, it doesn't mean you have to be an uncivilized goof right?
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2018
Once the last bits of art are done and then redone to fit any issues/changes it probably won't be too far away.

10 days left in the month, so lets all expect July and be pleasantly surprised by June.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2017
I am just re-playing this game from the beginning in anticipation for the upcoming release and suddenly I realized that Chestnut must be a huge fan of the renaissance painter Botticelli:

View attachment 1823233

View attachment 1823234

These are some very fine re-imaginations of 'Primavera / The 3 Graces' and 'The birth of Venus' !
Well done!
I'd think that any artist worth a damn would without a doubt be a fan, to put it mildly, of the single greatest moment in history when it comes to Art.
It peaked then, and we haven't come close ever since. Some would probably say that we're straying even further from the apex nowadays, and I would have to agree in a general way (thankfully we are still gifted with a few pristine gems from time to time).


Active Member
Oct 5, 2020
I am just re-playing this game from the beginning in anticipation for the upcoming release and suddenly I realized that Chestnut must be a huge fan of the renaissance painter Botticelli:

View attachment 1823233

View attachment 1823234

These are some very fine re-imaginations of 'Primavera / The 3 Graces' and 'The birth of Venus' !
Well done!
the birth of venus reimagination looks clearly inspired but the first one doesn't as much. i speedrun my playthrough so i didnt see that the background paintings had this much detail, it's very good stuff.


Active Member
Jan 5, 2021
Yeah, NLT have fixed update schedule, so no one complains about that. Tbf, it's way easier to render 3D assets than drawing 2D assets one by one from scratch. Shame that no one seems to understand fairly simple logic like that.
I never said I didn't understand that. I'm just saying there's no one constantly complaining there and it's actually fun to engage in conversation with people in comparison.


Active Member
Jan 5, 2021
Did you really got the feeling that Magicnuts' Discord was toxic? Could I ask you why? I find it's quite a chill one, I'm really surprised by your comments (and as a mod I'm very interesed in learning how we can improve)
Just the constant whiners about when the next release is coming. People bitching about a free game taking so long. It just never really felt like it was a place for any kind of actual discussion just an influx of people that just want to complain.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
Just the constant whiners about when the next release is coming. People bitching about a free game taking so long. It just never really felt like it was a place for any kind of actual discussion just an influx of people that just want to complain.
Ah, well, nothing we can do about that, unfortunately. There are 23k members and people is going to ask "update when?" no matter why. Discussions about the game spark regularly, although it's easier to get people involved in talking about the game when the update has just been released than 7 months later, that's a fact. But honestly, is not that bad as you make it sound - I get we all have different tolerance limits. Sorry for your bad experience and thanks for answering.
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