
Active Member
Apr 30, 2017
Magicnuts said in discord that new update probably won't come for another 2 months.

Unless they are holding back and have included mqin plot elements as a surprise, this should be a massive red flag. All this time for a single side character means the the actual main game won't be done for literal decades. Even if you don't think they're milking, I would assume WaL's most aren't defenders have a problem with that timescale, surely.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2020
Unless they are holding back and have included mqin plot elements as a surprise, this should be a massive red flag. All this time for a single side character means the the actual main game won't be done for literal decades. Even if you don't think they're milking, I would assume WaL's most aren't defenders have a problem with that timescale, surely.
At this rate the fabled GTA VI and Elder Scrolls VI will release before this update :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2022
Unless they are holding back and have included mqin plot elements as a surprise, this should be a massive red flag. All this time for a single side character means the the actual main game won't be done for literal decades. Even if you don't think they're milking, I would assume WaL's most aren't defenders have a problem with that timescale, surely.
This game is never going to be finish at the scale they first envisioned,they even say in their game webpage they got carried away with the size of the world.


Sep 3, 2017
I'm hoping this update at least covers some areas on the map that were otherwise unexplored, otherwise, the scope of this project far too large.

Also, I don't mind waiting for updates, but to be honest, the writing of this story isn't my favourite. The love interests all have a similar voice once they fall for the main character, and it's hard to differentiate between any of them personality wise once this happens. This isn't a problem unique to this game, but because of how wordy the game is, it's far more noticeable.


New Member
Jul 2, 2018
It's such a shame this game has turned into a crawl. I really enjoyed it a while back when I played last update. We'll have to see if next update is worth the wait, but I'm really skeptical tbh. I understand that life happened and they got a kid and they had some medical things to attend to, but to still rake in money while you openly state that you are not working on the game feels real scummy to me.

IMO, Academy34 has taught me that realistically things get done if the team behind it has a good work ethic. Both of these games are made with hand-drawn art. Yes, A34 has a proper team, not only two people but the bulk of the team is still in the middle of a fucking warzone and despite that they have pushed 17 updates in 2023. Granted some are just scene variations, but it's something that justifies the patron's money, they have something to tide over until the big update.

Not gonna drop a negative review, or bitch about it too much more, I do understand that life happens, but there are ways to deal with stuff like that if you are still taking in people's money. Just my two cents.


Jan 23, 2018
Also, I don't mind waiting for updates, but to be honest, the writing of this story isn't my favourite. The love interests all have a similar voice once they fall for the main character, and it's hard to differentiate between any of them personality wise once this happens. This isn't a problem unique to this game, but because of how wordy the game is, it's far more noticeable.
That's why I want Holly update so much. She's the only one with a distinct personally, plus, her body is unique, compared to all the other characters with the same body type (big boobs and big ass). Myrtle is the best update/romance for now, Lana, Serena, Maple and Simonne are okay, The gypse romance was bad, It is the only one I didn't like. The prostitute is an awful concept, I doubt it will ever win a single poll.
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