Hehehe, you´re running in already open doors mate.
I want the game to be finished like everyone else, but i said i´m ok with it if they don´t because it´s their game and their prerogative to do so. There is nothing contradictive in that. Majority of your post are simple platitudes. U a politician mate??? :-D
You seem a little bit too overly protective, like someone in love with a girl that decides to protect her and simping despite every red flag that comes up overtime.
Good for you, but don´t paint everybody else as whiners when they see a red flag and call a spade a spade.
It´s one thing to try to be fair, but you´re way overdoing it mate, by bullying everybody with any critisism. Even every constructive critisism (9 months instead of 3-5???) gets the usual two thousand words wall reply from you which is also FULL of assumptions that devs are not "stretching" :-D
Whatever.............. i guess we´ll have to agree to disagree on this.
Maybe you could consider taking your bullying and simping down a notch? (I´m kidding i know you wont)
On one thing you´re right though, after 9 months my interest for the game dropped for sure. Momentum is lost. As to be expected......... it´s not rocket science...