of my posts were meant for patreons or the dev. You Fan-Simps have all problems with grasping what´s written. I am seriously beginning to think you guys don´t pick up on things and have this common flaw.
All of my posts were meant for the critical fans to know they´re not alone with their opinion - as i saw even the most intelligent critic would be shut down immidiately with mostly unfitting platitudes that didn´t adress the critisism at all by the usual Fan-Simp-Residents.
I ignored that for month but today i wrote something because one poster really did hit the nail on the head with, i quote:
-----"What they're making is great, mind you, but to say they're not milking this on purpose at least in some part would be delusional." ----
All my posts can be condensed to simply this 2 things:
- the dev can do whatever he wants with his release schedule including milking it too (if he does and of course, i apologize if he doesn´t)
- the fans saying the dev "seems" to be milking the game have valid points in doing so and shouldn´t be always "bullied" by the resident Fan-Simps which i guess are the kind of people that see somebody scammed on the street but shrugging their shoulders and saying "not my money, not my problem, he can do whatever he wants"
I am the kind of person that would intervene and at least inform that person "hey dude, i think you´re getting scammed!"
Whatever, not interested in discussing this anymore.
Anyways, Greetings to the fans here that don´t have their critical thinking lobotomized! You´re not alone!
One more thing:
- that typical bullshit argument that the game is free........ the game is NOT free... YOU`RE PAYING WITH ONE OF THE MOST VALUABLE THINGS YOU HAVE. If you dont know what it is, you dont deserve somebody telling you what it is. After you paid that the dev gets the chance you´ll like the game and pay for it -simple business......