What do you consider the most anticlimactic tropes in porn games?


Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
Several posts ITT talk about lesbians as if it were an incurable disease.
This is like slut shaming. "She's not a real lesbian, because she's not a virgin" is ridiculous.
If a woman decides she wants to try a dick, it doesn't mean she loses her lesbian card.
I know a lot of lesbians, some of whom were married and have children from before they made the choice.
People have a right to change their mind, you aren't property, your sexual preference is your choice, and I respect that.

The old Freudian "let's call it a disease" shit is for the birds. Psychologists saying "you can't help the way you were born" is very true... but it doesn't necessarily mean there is something wrong with you, or that you need to change, that is up to you to decide, you are free to change. It's more about understanding, and being comfortable with yourself, not dealing with shame. You don't need an excuse to explain your sexuality.

Shaming women for being lesbians. Shaming men for being gay. Shaming a lesbian for fucking a guy. Shaming a gay for being with a woman. - all fall into the same category.


Back in my heyday I had harems. A dozen women lived with me at one time, they weren't all straight. They were there because they wanted to be, and I didn't kick them out for not wanting to be with me sexually.
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Nov 9, 2018
Sure anybody can choose any of the alphabet they prefer but les be aware that unchecked freedom comes with consequences. If they're free to express themselves, so are the trolls and their troubled love ones. So if one dun have thick skins to brush off the trolls and/or meet with the truth bombers halfway, dun go whacked and just deal with it.


Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
Sure anybody can choose any of the alphabet they prefer but les be aware that unchecked freedom comes with consequences. If they're free to express themselves, so are the trolls and their troubled love ones. So if one dun have thick skins to brush off the trolls and/or meet with the truth bombers halfway, dun go whacked and just deal with it.


Nov 9, 2018
As I said... Meet the truth bombers halfway. Hear or see each others perspective and make a compromise.


Active Member
Jun 21, 2017
Western games: Incest scenarios in which the main character (usually a pale, skinny, geeky, short guy but hung like a horse) is living with his mom and no more than 3 sisters, typically little build up and everyone is just a little too eager to break boundaries.

That's about all I've got for western games, I don't play that many as I don't consider vn's to be games nor do I find them interesting so I can't say that I've been exposed to many western tropes.

Eastern games: Female main character is both literally and figuratively railroaded by cock every step of the way regardless of the fact that she can wipe out leagues of dudes twice her size, a single rape often being enough of a catalyst to make her lust for dick forever.

I don't play ntr games but the cuck being this ugly to average simpering wimp yet he somehow gets into a romantic relationship with someone clearly out of his league? Just seems like a poor setup.

Harem games where the mc is a skinny, no muscle manlet, really takes what little believability the genre has by having everyone swoon over a guy that could be mistaken for a chick. Japan has a very different standard for male beauty so I get why it is the way it is but that doesn't make me dislike it any less.
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Nov 9, 2018
I don't care much of these tropes. I'll just take a look at the screenshots and if there's a pretty face that I like, I'll grab it even if it's ntr or female mc and see all the sex scenes available.

The only thing that'll hold me back is the v0.01 ... it'll be most likely a blue baller and flea-ridden version anyway so I'll just pass and wait until I read "v0.5 you can finally bone the prettiest" in the changelog.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
The "happy medium" of male MCs is "average guy who cleans up nicely and has his appeal". There are a handful of games with a MC who is central casting movie star handsome, with a big dick and a perfect personality, lots of money, plays guitar, speaks five languages...there, the "suspension of disbelief" is that any obstacles exist for this living god to have anyone he wants.

I would LMAO if someone made a game with a Ron Jeremy lookalike as the MC.


Latina midget, sub to my Onlyfans - cash for gash
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2017
I'd like to see more realism from developers.

Dialing up the boob morph on a female character does not make her instantly attractive.

Stairway to heaven trope bullshit. No one outside of high school is giving handjobs. Only foot fetishists are into footjobs.
Mar 23, 2019
No one outside of high school is giving handjobs. Only foot fetishists are into footjobs.
The whole foot thing is a bit of an anomaly in the sexual pathology arena. I remember hearing that it's so out of control on Instagram that Insta-hoes are now charging separate for foot photos and blurring out their feet altogether because they don't want their feet being part of their appeal.
But I'm beginning to understand that part of being in the 18+ gaming community, the more bizarre the fetish, the more money you get. Supply and demand 101.


Mar 4, 2019
For me is when the game expects me to sympathize with the mc because of his monologue despite being an admitted pervert.

In femdom stories when the domgirl calls MC a pervert despite her being one herself with little self-awareness. This is usually in games where the girl is a futa or one where the mc is a shota.
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Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
Hell Grind

I may exaggerate a bit here, and combine a number of games, and make some of it up but this is a generalization/trend:

Typically found in a sandbox type game. All grind is often reset upon updates so you must start again from the very beginning. That's okay though because some hero out there has uploaded a save file for you at the point where you would be at the previous update. Unfortunately, you skipped 1 update so you want to go back to before that and can't find a save from back at that point so you say screw it and just start the whole game over again.

You skip through the grind as fast as you can at the beginning of the game. This is not your first rodeo, and you know what you are doing. Skip skip skip, and even while skipping this can take a fair bit of time.

Okay finally you have caught up to where your old save files should be and you are on all new content. (new for you. You are an update back after all) It turns out in this update you can get a blowjob from the hot waitress. You heard in the comments that she doesn't forget the balls, so fuck you she doesn't forget the balls you are in it to win it! You are gonna get that blowjob no matter what!

In order to get that blowjob, from the waitress you need to defeat the cook at the restaurant that knows kung fu. Well, shit, you have 0 fighting skill and with 0 fighting skill, you have 0% chance of defeating that cook. So, you ask around and look for clues to find out where to learn how to fight. Ignore the baseball bat in your room that you picked up in inventory that could not possibly help you in this fight with the kung fu cook, and that is to be used in another mission to get an apple out of a tree. You figure that the monk that is training in the gym is a good spot to check first in learning fighting skills. This monk can only teach you dexterity and not strength and what you need for this fight is strength.

So you wander around looking for where to learn fighting skills and find a karate dojo in the mall. Membership at the karate club is $3000. Damn, that's kinda expensive. You can grind about $100 a day though so it's all good. You grind away an entire month in-game to earn $3000. You take the $3000 to the Karate dojo at the mall and you enter the dojo. After paying $3000 for membership in the dojo the karate master tells you that he will not train you unless you bring him 10 carrots.

10 carrots should be easy peasy. You go grind for a little bit again and go to the grocery store. Carrots are out of stock at the grocery store. So you go back to the old monk at the gym and ask him for advice again. He tells you that you can get carrots from farming. The old man gives you some carrot seeds and marks a spot on your map.

So you now have "Farm" as a location on the map. You go to the farm. In order to make use of this land you must buy a plot of land on the farm to harvest your carrots. This farmland costs you $5,000. Damn it... grind grind grind away for another 50 days in-game to save up $5,000. Finally, after all of that grind, you own a plot of land. You get there and try to plant your seeds. "You need a shovel to plant the seeds"... Damn it.

You go back home and you remember seeing a shovel in your garage before. The shovel is just a piece of the background art and you can not use THAT shovel. That's a snow shovel asshole! So back to the general store you go looking for a shovel. There are no shovels in stock, but they sold the last one to the janitor at the school.

You break into the Janitor's house but he wakes up and scares you off before you can get the shovel. He doesn't recognize you. So you realize you need to make the janitor go to sleep more heavily so you steal some sleeping pills from your mom's medicine cabinet and put them in the janitor's thermos. Success! He sleeps like a baby and you steal his shovel.

You take the shovel back to the farm and plant the carrot seeds. No, you can not smash the kung fu cook with the shovel I tried. So, you finally get your farming on but the carrots keep getting stolen before it's harvest time. There goes another in-game couple of weeks. You are really dying to get that blowjob from the waitress at this point as you recall she does not forget the balls! For the balls! You power through. You go talk to the old monk again and tell him about your carrots being stolen. He gives you a hint that it could be the rabbits. You search around the forest for the rabbit hole and find the king rabbit. There are carrots all over the place but you can't take these carrots. You kill the king rabbit and use it's corpses as a scarecrow to scare off weaker rabbits from eating your carrots.

Finally, success you got your 10 carrots so it's go time for getting your karate training fuck ya! So you take the 10 carrots to the karate master in the mall dojo and you learn lesson 1 of karate.

You must complete 3 lessons of karate from the karate master to beat the kung fu cook. The karate master wanted carrots last time now he wants a picture of your mom naked. So you have to buy a camera, but you are out of sleeping pills now so need to buy more of those along with some wine and a few months of grind later you give naked pictures to the karate master.

2/3 karate lessons learned. Time for that final lesson! This lesson for some reason involves a minigame that is a word game. YOu do the minigame and finally have the karate skill to beat kung fu cook.

You go to fight the kung fu cook and lose. Your strength stat isn't high enough to win that fight in spite of knowing the karate moves. So you go back to the gym and hit the punching bag. After a month of training at the gym every day punching the punching bag you are finally ready to fight the Kung fu cook.

You fight the Kung Fu Cook, and the waitress is pleased. You may now visit her on the beach every Saturday. You go to the beach, but you don't have any tanning lotion or a swimsuit. You must grind again to get these 2 things that are needed for the beach. Finally, you get the opportunity of building 1 love point each week with the waitress. You only need 10 love points to get that blowjob so it's on. You play minigames at the beach for a few months to build those love stats up finally blowjob time. She didn't forget the balls!


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
A lot of the tropes mentioned here are present in some of the most popular games here. Do you all hate those games?
There aren't very many games I do enjoy here.

A handful of VN's but the rest are RPG's.

If I see a description of a game that has any of the following, dead dad, mother and 2 daughters, son away for several years, corruption, "sleep sex" (let's call it what it is people, it's rape) and/or voyeurism then i'll avoid it like the plague.

All of those have been done to death. The story may change ever so slightly but the interaction between characters is usually very similar.

My biggest hate are those retard in lecherville games. Female protag tagged with corruption. Usually means she's a drooling moron that will end up doing the dumbest shit and getting fucked for it. Sure sex is good but not when it's a mental midget being fucked. Stupid isn't sexy.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2017
Stairway to heaven trope bullshit. No one outside of high school is giving handjobs. Only foot fetishists are into footjobs.
That one annoys me a lot. Who the fuck gives handjobs unless they're into some kind of stealthsex in public shit and that's the only thing they can pull off without getting arrested? Likewise blowjobs shouldn't be an either or scenario and aren't the logical next step before you're finally getting to some variant of PIV.

The only thing more annoying are MCs and NPCs that lose all inhibitions and the ability to form coherent sentences the moment they see a boob or dick respectively.


Mar 8, 2020
Quand je lis les réponses j'ai le sentiment que 70% sont des femmes...

Moi je trouve anti-sex :

Les transsexuel
Les gays
Les dickgirls
Les fury
Les femme avec une coupe de cheveux garçon
Les percings
Les grosses
Les femmes musclée

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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2017
When I read the answers I feel that 70% are women ...
I highly doubt that...
I also like both muscular and short-haired girls as long as they look sufficiently female. Bonus points for muscles and big boobs.