What do you consider the most anticlimactic tropes in porn games?


Mar 22, 2019
Since most comments in this thread are off-topic about annoying shit in adult games, let's start with that side:

- Giant magical cock syndrome. It hypnotizes the women, breaks their minds, turns them from enemies to loyal pets and anywhere from 10-90% of the dialogue in the game is about it.
- Seemingly mandatory incest storyline with the mandatory peeping, creeping, night time groping and stereotypical characters including reluctant mother, "innocent" little sister and hostile / bitchy big sister, all of which turn into mind-wiped slaves after jumping on the MCs cock one time.
- Both adult and young women submitting to blackmail by weakest of possible materials rather than laughing in the face of the MC and just calling the cops. The most retarded example thus far being little sister willing to be fucked and inseminated by MC because of the threat of telling mom she... Hasn't studied for her "trigonometry class".

As for the anti-climactic tropes:

- Female protagonist who is driven and powerful, but has to debase and corrupt herself to achieve her goals... And her inner monologue quickly goes from "I hate this" to "I should hate this but it feels sooooooo gooooood".
- Any scene that can be described as "MC fucks a strong character into a permanently submissive slut" using nothing but his sexual prowess.

I actually usually like corruption / trainer games overall, but honestly I would really like to find more games that are actually well-written for a change.
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Sep 24, 2017
Step-/adoptive relationships in Incest games.

A game goes from hot to boring instantly when I see this. Some people have convinced themselves this is because of Patreon's rules. It's not. Step-/adoptive relationships have been a staple in the incest genre going back to the 60s and 70s. One look at the titles on Pornhub under the incest category will make it clear that patreon has nothing to do with this. And, in fact, Patreon's policies disallow step-/adoptive incest same as blood incest.

Why does it matter? Because of believably.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
Step-/adoptive relationships in Incest games.

A game goes from hot to boring instantly when I see this. Some people have convinced themselves this is because of Patreon's rules. It's not. Step-/adoptive relationships have been a staple in the incest genre going back to the 60s and 70s. One look at the titles on Pornhub under the incest category will make it clear that patreon has nothing to do with this. And, in fact, Patreon's policies disallow step-/adoptive incest same as blood incest.

Why does it matter? Because of believably.

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I take your point. But...if the step-incest is in addition to the blood relative incest, it could still be hot. And I would argue that it's not that hard to have a day, week or even a month of ingame interaction in a game before the incest angle comes up. The MC can start with a different romantic interest; the game can challenge the MC to accomplish a few nonsexual goals before the sexual ones come up(get a job, go to school, etc).

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
Unavoidable sex scenes in a game that leads you into thinking you're going to be in control by showing you all kinds of stats and meters. Devs need to realize that games like having options, and if we just wanted to see unavoidable smut with no input of our own, we'd just go to any given imageboard. Most recent example: Fallen Empire.


Sep 24, 2017
I take your point. But...if the step-incest is in addition to the blood relative incest, it could still be hot. And I would argue that it's not that hard to have a day, week or even a month of ingame interaction in a game before the incest angle comes up. The MC can start with a different romantic interest; the game can challenge the MC to accomplish a few nonsexual goals before the sexual ones come up(get a job, go to school, etc).
And yet, that's almost never done. :-/ Bottom line is that there is no advantage to specifying step-/adoptive relationships. None at all. And there are disadvantages. So why do it? I can't even begin to come up with one good reason for it... yet I keep seeing it done over and over and over. It's more than a little frustrating.


Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Oct 10, 2017
Enforced Femdom upon male mc. I have no problem with this as female but when i play a male if any woman sneakdoms the mc that irritates me

"Perv!" Another thing i picked up recently and actively batters on my mood is when somebody, usually one of mc's sisters is given some absurd excuse to call the mc a perv and that she does indeed. Every time, all the time, everywhere, anywhere. The mc is then basically given the nickname "Perv" and is referred to as such in every and all situation. You don't have a choice, the story makes you glance over your sister's ass when she is wearing a bikini.. as if that isn't being done on the beach by any other person, no, if you do it.. Perv. You have a morning wood? Perv. You meet her in the hallway when she leaves shower? Perv. You sleep naked? Perv. You watch porn? Perv. You like girls? Perv. Do we have any chance to say we don't like it? Ask her not to call us a Perv? Of course not.

Sex interrupted by someone popping up out of nowhere. Someone got home and you didn't notice it and for some unfathomable reason she felt like she should barge into your room the first thing without knocking. In almost every single game girls freak out if you don't knock, yet only 20% of the time i see girls knocking themselves. Usually the mom is the one who knocks at least half the times.

Girls catches you while peeping. Yet they leave the door slightly open. I hate the nonsense getting-caught. I chuckle when we can particularly walk like 2 feet next to them, of course they should catch us.. but otherwise when they suddenly look over their shoulder and notice us as we peep through the crack of the door they left open? Turn-off.
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Sep 24, 2017
Enforced Femdom upon male mc. I have no problem with this as female but when i play a male if any woman sneakdoms the mc that irritates me

"Perv!" Another thing i picked up recently and actively batters on my mood is when somebody, usually one of mc's sisters is given some absurd excuse to call the mc a perv and that she does indeed. Every time, all the time, everywhere, anywhere. The mc is then basically given the nickname "Perv" and is referred to as such in every and all situation. You don't have a choice, the story makes you glance over your sister's ass when she is wearing a bikini.. as if that isn't being done on the beach by any other person, no, if you do it.. Perv. You have a morning wood? Perv. You meet her in the hallway when she leaves shower? Perv. You sleep naked? Perv. You watch porn? Perv. You like girls? Perv. Do we have any chance to say we don't like it? Ask her not to call us a Perv? Of course not.

Sex interrupted by someone popping up out of nowhere. Someone got home and you didn't notice it and for some unfathomable reason she felt like she should barge into your room the first thing without knocking. In almost every single game girls freak out if you don't knock, yet only 20% of the time i see girls knocking themselves. Usually the mom is the one who knocks at least half the times.

Girls catches you while peeping. Yet they leave the door slightly open. I hate the nonsense getting-caught. I chuckle when we can particularly walk like 2 feet next to them, of course they should catch us.. but otherwise when they suddenly look over their shoulder and notice us as we peep through the crack of the door they left open? Turn-off.
Part of some of these is the double standard for men and women. A man sleeps around... stud. Woman sleeps around... slut. It's also assumed that men are sexual predators, at least in their teens. So a young man or boy accidentally walking in on his sister changing must have been only pretending it was an accident. Meanwhile everyone knows a young girl/woman would never do such a thing... only a slut would behave that way. If she says it was an accident then it surely was.

And the last one is supposed to be a girl who accidentally didn't shut the door well enough and the MC just happened to notice it. I've made this mistake in real life. But it's so cliche at this point that it feels like it must be intentional. Also, I agree, too often lewds is prioritized over suspension of disbelief.

Tranquil Rain

Jul 8, 2018
I will 100% agree with the perv thing, like how the hell do mcs deal with being called shit all day everyday and let them stomp on them. The whole annoying perv thing for me kinda branches off from my hate for tsunderes, I don't really mind calm ones but they are rare(Kurisu steins gate). Like how the hell do these mcs not flip out on them, unless he is a masochist it doesn't make any sense.

For ntr I wouldn't really call it a trope, its more a genre but I tend to always had some dislike for it. Either the ntr guy is the ugliest piece of shit or just obnoxiously annoying/an asshole. Then if by some miracle the guy cucking mc doesn't make me vomit on sight he then proceeds to blackmail the heroine in the most ridiculous unbelievable way ever that completely breaks any immersion I have going.

But anyways, if all cards are right the fap to ntr can be great, but since I am not into ntr for the cuck part and in it for seeing the heroines fall into pleasure in ways vanilla normally cant I am kinda stuck in this forever displeased state with the genre. Send help
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Sep 14, 2019
BDSM mixed with more... weird fetishes. Especially in one scene e.g. sub starting to suddenly relieve themselves. If scat was not disgusting already, the crap in question might also be liquid and it's pressure is enough to be used for extinguishing fire. Other compareable things to frequently go hand-in-hand with BDSM are urination, diapers and bestiality. Sometimes tags indicate such content. Sometimes they do not and result in instant half past five.

The other one is more of a rant about lack of specific content, also in BDSM. Consider two situations. In one the sub is OTK spanked with a bare hand. In the other they are tied so they can't move or make sounds distinguishable from those of TF2 Pyro, whipped till bleeding, left at the mercy of local eldritch abomination (which for some reason is driven with desire to copulate with human women) and finally turned into a drooling cretin that can't even use cutlery. There's a huge gap between these, and a similarly huge chunk of content makers tend to land on the one that is neither sane, nor safe, nor consensual.


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2018
Since most comments in this thread are off-topic about annoying shit in adult games...
I couldn't agree more. There are a bunch of things I despise about some games, but this thread is for the tropes, not the tags.
  • Surprise! You're Adopted.
    This one really pisses me off - it's always done either ham-fisted or explained outside of the game, rarely done in a way that makes sense or seems logical/plausible. You'd think that by 18 most parents would have told/explained in some fashion that a child is adopted or not theirs, even if they were adopted as a baby.

  • A-Cup Angst
    A real trope, and one that is annoying - if your game has a (young) little girl, she should have a small chest. If your game has a bunch of DD-cup women running around, forcing that one character to be stuck with a B and getting angry about it... ugh, shoot me already. Let them be happy / proud / feel sexy about their body, not upset that they don't have boobs.

  • Manly Man Protagonist
    Sometimes, the best thing to do is remind the people playing your game that emotions are a real thing, and having your male protagonist lose his shit, sob, cry, rage against the unfairness of the world, commit himself to wallowing in booze and drugs... it really does give some depth to a character when they're not always stoic, solid and reliably dead on the inside.

  • Jealousy? Never Heard Of It
    It's been mentioned a few times now, but not every woman who meets up is going to be friendly. Not everybody in the city/town/village/area is going to like everybody else. Chances are, everybody hates/dislikes the Player Character for some reason or another, but there's no reason that the Princess and the Homeless Woman under the bridge would be happy to share you.

  • Forced Into Role
    I enjoy playing as a female protagonist; I enjoy playing as a male protagonist.
    I do not enjoy playing a game as one of those two types of protagonists, when I'm suddenly whisked aside and told that for the rest of the game, I'll now have a muscular chest, a full beard, and a smooth, hairless vagina. Or to be the sexy, huge-breasted Goddess - only to be saddled with a dick the size of a log.

    The same can be said for Forced Submission around a certain character, or Forced Domination. Basically, forcing the player to need to act/say/speak/move in a certain fashion for no reason other than a kink the creator placed into them is just a pain in the behind.

  • Bulma, Sex Makes Babies!
    (Trope named after a line from TeamFourStar's DBZ:Abridged)
    For some reason, nobody seems to realize/care/worry about having tons of unprotected sex with various multiple partners in the span of 24 hours. Depending on the game, you can continue to spread your legs / seed around the whole city, never once needing to wear a condom, because everybody's so sure they're not carrying an STD and that their "time of the month" won't happen anytime this millenium.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
One I haven't seen mentioned so far which definitely falls into "anticlimactic" is when physics/logic fail in a way which prevents fetish content. I like belly bulges so you'd think I like big dick games but they almost always go in with no heft or volume to them like clipping 3D models. Many "cheap"/simple games don't limit the number of times you can cum but spamming the button (even enemas if they're featured!) for hours won't cause leakage, bloating or any reaction at all.

Obviously applies to bukkake, sweat, body hair, impregnation, dirty anal etc. too as well as some more extreme stuff like pee/scat, bruising and outright gore from those truly gigantic dicks.


New Member
Oct 22, 2019
Hum working on a mini game I would be rather curious that would not be considered as a common trope in blackmail.

I was my self unnerved by into a lot games - either is way too light, like "hahaha, I've got this picture of you where your panties are visible. Now let's go for a gangbang involving a horse and a saiga antilope, either I'll publish it on social networks and you'll be very very ashamed! - Oh, my god I have no choice i must accept."

Another boring trope is money/dept. I find it usually as unrealistic as the first one. if a girl ends in a situation where paying with her body is the only possible solution, she'll rather opt for usual, clean prostitution, then to obey to her blackmailer, which usually asks for stuff way worse then a common hooker ever see in her timelife. The only way to avoid it, is to ask for a totally unrealistic sum, which is a boring trope too.

The third way would be to have something that could be a real blackmail subject in real life, but that tend to be quite hard to place. If you were into a money laundering scheme, that need quite a lot of explanation about character's past. Which is totally fine in a long game, but out of place in a short one.

So being for once on the other side of the keyboard I feel it's quite hard to use this trope without being unrealistic or boring.


Nov 9, 2018
Aight... There are better ways to coerce a prey other than stolen shots. Plots like that aren't given a deeper thought so I won't be surprised if those vn's take a hail storm of boo's and rotten tomatoes.
Mar 23, 2019
The worst offender for unbelievable bullshit is the mother that has about 3 or 4 kids seeing her sons dick and instantly turning into a drooling cock whore. Who writes this shit. The womans been taking dick for years, behave your nonsense.
I agree that this premise is hard to believe, which is why games like Summertime Saga does incest so well. But on the other hand, there is the element for the mother and the son that their relationship has a limit as far as "normal" goes. The mother has seen her son growing up all this time, and has actually seen his penis, wiped his bottom and cleaned his drool. I was in New York City and saw this interaction in person when a woman helped her son aim while he tinkled in the street. Grabbed his penis and everything. I don't think it's a matter of preference or the mother giving her son's dick special treatment, it's more based on trust and safety. Maybe a woman is more likely to trust a penis if she knows where its been or if there is that level of trust and closeness that a person who has been on three dates with her can never have. The School of Life has done a well thought out video on Youtube about this subject.
Mar 23, 2019
Boner killer in porn games?
Scat mostly, but it's more an aesthetic thing than a theme or a single act. If the animated stuff looks bad, then it kills my boner, but if it's live action aka real porn, then it's based on the characters looking too "pr0n-y". I don't like caricatures of people, but if the artist put a lot of thought and effort into crafting a fine specimen of female or male beauty (much like a sculpture), then of course I'll admire it with my boner.
Most hated trope?
A female protagonist that tries too hard to retain her self-respect to the point of making the closeness and intimacy of sex seem too rapey all the time. I know some people get off on the whole non-consent thing, but real rape is not about sexual satisfaction- it's about hurting someone else to make the rapist feel good. One of my biggest turn-ons is a woman getting aroused while having sex with someone they don't like, be it an ugly bastard, an enemy or a monster (sometimes you can get all three, which is why I like seeing women fuck ugly evil monsters lol).
An example of this would be if I play Lilith's Throne and create a monster (an imp or incubus) that is hideous, malicious and evil, and have my female protagonist get all wet and ready for him at a moment's notice. :devilish:
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Engaged Member
May 11, 2017
Realistic dream/It was all a dream. (It can be told as a dream, a fever dream, drug induced hallucination, etc)

This is where the MC has a dream of doing their normal life and at the end they have sex with someone, they then wake up and realize it was a dream. This trope is used as a way to put "sex" in a game usually early without it affecting the game, and thus trying to please as many people as possible.

I hate this trope in any media, it invalidates basically anything of the story, and for anything that comes after the "wake up" in no way can you even trust that is "real". It might just be a dream within a dream... ad infinitum.