What trope are you tired of seeing in adult games?

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Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
Also, blackmail, mind control, creeping, ultra horny. Anything that goes against respect for other peoples rights to decide, unless there is a big story reason as to why, like they are already mind controlled so the only way to help is to master mind control.

i would like for vanilla options, be a lil more common in adult games.
Dude, you have normal porn for that, this are just fantasies. Im ok with this as long as the creator never tries to transfer them to the real world. Again, the ugly bastard OH SOO DEEP speech about the EVILNEESSS of the woman is always a big cringe moment to me.


Jun 2, 2018
Dude, you have normal porn for that, this are just fantasies. Im ok with this as long as the creator never tries to transfer them to the real world. Again, the ugly bastard OH SOO DEEP speech about the EVILNEESSS of the woman is always a big cringe moment to me.
i want adult games, not just porn, but games with an story that is mature enough that adresses sex as part of a relationship and life itself and its not just that, im not saying i want porn games to dissapear or be replaced, i know they are fantasies, i just wish there where more games that are less over the top fetish focused, i ve seen a few with good stories, but in the sea of other games, they are really really few.

i kinda dislike how adult game equal porn game.


Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
i want adult games, not just porn, but games with an story that is mature enough that adresses sex as part of a relationship and life itself and its not just that, im not saying i want porn games to dissapear or be replaced, i know they are fantasies, i just wish there where more games that are less over the top fetish focused, i ve seen a few with good stories, but in the sea of other games, they are really really few.

i kinda dislike how adult game equal porn game.
Well, i do agree with you in everything you said but its important to know that some fantasies could be represented as realistic even if they are inmoral. See the black souls games for example. They are games with rape, but with ACTUAL repercusion to raping characters, driving some of them to insanity or suicide. Its realistic, even if it is not everyday sex. And it is ok, because it is still a fantasy. (Sorry if my english is not the best).

Deleted member 606724

Not sure how this counts but i'm tired of seeing in every generic hentai rpg game at the start there's always the hassle of talking to X character before going to B character and getting important key item to progress the story and leave the first town you start in i'm tired of seeing and doing that's it's always obnoxious as i downloaded this game in order to see Hentai related content not running errands i'm doing that plenty already as is.


Jun 18, 2019
The "sibling/mom sees MC's doodlidoo rock hard in the morning and goes to touch it and think that it was not appropriate but still grabs it and then leaves in a hurry"
that was kinda long
(that's what she said)

EDIT : Of course it's not that bad. I always chuckle because I kinda expect it everytime but not a big deal.
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Jun 12, 2020
it's bit vague question, and it seems you've already received much answers, but if you'd like more answers anyway, here's my 2 bits

General Tropes:
-> Extreme Fashion Sense, or Hairstyle/Haircolor of EVERYONE in the Game World.
Like i get that people might like to dress up, or dye their hair horribly (or sometimes natural? i mean wtf? how? natural violet hair? why? anime trope...) but there are people who just want to dress comfortably and not go with outright 80s fashion garb all the time.
-> Extremely Clashing Personalities, but poor Sparking.
It's a writing fallacy. When done right, it's really something, because it can develop the characters in the mind of the reader more than intended. But...this is the adult gaming market. the writing is Horrible. Just Horrible, about 70% of the time. People expect that clashing personalities would bring out some enjoyment in the debates, but it just gets agitating and gets on the nerves for the 13th time. There needs to be an outcome of "change" due to it, or it's just a pointless thing.
-> Character Motivation changes suddenly.
"For 15 years you have been chasing after you father's killer. but suddenly, you get captured, some guy tortures you, and after quite a bit of struggle, you suddenly start to enjoy his dick, get mind broken, and gives up on your 15 years of purpose, just to hang around the guy and get your daily dick juice while bickering with the others on his harem"
A+ writing. or not.
-> It's an All You Can Meet Women Buffet
Face it. Not everyone's a Rance. Too much chutzpah and no balls. there's no need to force relationships, but just an oversaturation of just girls in a story and no males to be found feels.... absurd. Especially when your the Male in the story. Not like, there needs to be a guy in the mixed shower in an all girls merrygang. It's just, there needs to be atleast an incline of a balance atleast

The Juicy Bits:
-> The Human Anatomy
As pointed in a above post, the shape of the body and size of the Important Bits in relation to overall physique. Aint nobody gonna have a G-Cup and not keel over as soon as they try to stand if they're not 80+ kilos heavy and a bit muscular at the shoulders atleast. If not about the art, but rather the scenes description, simple and straightforward words are the best.
-> Too much scene bulding
There are extreme bookworms who like... get off to "majestic thesaurus contents", but that's like not the general folk. getting too off the topic or getting too into details while describing the features and stuff ruins the immersion, cuz.... we have a dick in hand. the action begins when you say it, and suddenly changing lanes right before the climaxing traffic lights is just annoying.
-> Written *Sound Effect* Saturation
it's a common bad trope to have too many of those. it ruins the flow. nobody wants to read out "clap clap clap" "thwop thwop thwop" "thup thup thup" in the middle of the fire scene too much
-> Out in the open sex
if you do the deed where people can see you, just like irl, somebody's gonna approach you and talk about it. They dont just watch excitedly and move on or ignore the thing whatsoever like that.
-> "Every girl has the potential to be a thot/slut"
It's not. That just doesn't work. Corruption is a thing, but it can only go so far.
-> Sex goddess after the virgin run
You dont become skilled at anything by just doing it once.
-> Beastiality isn't harmful
._. fuck no, it's damn damaging to the body. i dunno why it's pushed off as a high orgasm inducing in some, and extremely torturous sex in others. The human anatomy is not fit to fit foreign things, and it's not something you can shove off within 5 mins, even if you "enjoyed it secretly". But that's just my personal trope gripe.
-> Women are weak willed creatures.
It's more like a mass fantasy at this rate. given that irl, bad things do happen on a constant rate, but they can be hella strong if needed, and not give up after 2 minutes of pinning down.
-> Ridiculous CG timings
It's more of a F95 thing. but much of the games here have a bad habit of the H-CGs being either too short, or too long. In the former's case, it's usually due to it being a part of the gameplay, possibly a game-ending event. And for the latter's case, due to overtly long dialogue that takes place during them. and if it's dialogue, by hellspawn!! the text box MUST be toggle-able. nobody wants to jerk off to a CG with a textbox saying some fucked up shit under it.
-> Cheap 3D Model Animation "Story" games
hot to some, not to others. there's no need to be 3D or full model animations. if story's the focal point, simple CG scenes are enough. If game, 2D models can work too, but too many people rely on the bad 3d modelers to spice up the games. it's just a big turnoff
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2018
Since I've never really liked this trope at all, and it's possibly one of the most common things to see in these games overall, you could say I really dislike seeing this.

When the thoughtful, sensible, kind, helpful, and good looking MC breaks into a girl's room at night and nuts all over them.


I write.
Game Developer
Mar 12, 2018
Kinda cool to see what everyone likes/dislikes about adult games. Really interesting thread to read, especially after becoming a dev myself.

Things I enjoy:

-Careful writing. If you can make something that would be totally absurd irl be believable on the game's context (like incest, for example), that makes a good game for me (looking right at you, Long Live the Princess).

-Third Person. If you make the whole game 2nd person, you're not making me feel immersed - you're making me feel like a screen. The player is also a character in the game, so I personally think there's no point in creating a faceless mannequin with a horse dick. So yeah, I'll enjoy way more having a character I can shape the personality of rather than having to pretend I'm said character. The developer always ends up writing the character anyway, so that breaks the whole point of having a 2nd person game.

Things I dislike:

-Sex game with background story. We start playing something, the game lays out a specific context, putting us in a situation where we have to do X thing to get Y stuff. So...one hour in we forget all of that to just have mindless sex? I mean, porn has to have a story to some extent, but when you say in your writing that the game has an important event going on...stick to that. Sometimes I kinda feel like I'm reading a porn mag with a (very) confuse backstory.

-Games where the story is way too rushed or games where the story is way too slow-paced for the sake of adding sex scenes. Dude...come on...do you think I was waiting for that juicy update to see 2-3 sex scenes? I have Pornhub for that.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
Honestly I never get tired of tropes. I could play the "horny son wants to fuck mom and sis" and "only male alive in the island/city/world" for hours and hours. What it does get me tired is how similat they all apply the trope. When I play the fifth game in a row with a similar/identical story and trope it not only seems bad for the fifth game I'm playing but also it looks bad for the other 4 games as well.

In any case, my advice would be to take everything you read here and everything you could find in any post of a future dev asking things just as an idea/suggestion at most and not as a formula, a true or anything aplicable to anyone else, cause everyone has different tastes and what's good for someone is the most tedious thing from others. Just think that in the 30 mesagges you have here so far you can find like 10 contradictions. Just do your game and what you think it works for you.


Feb 20, 2018
When the game mechanics and sexual content are barely related. For example, when winning/losing an rpg battle gives you a sex scene... and that's it, and the rpg battle has nothing to do with the fetishes and the sex has no impact on anything else.

Also, while I generally enjoy sandbox games, I've noticed that some sandbox games have too much gratuitous grinding/mechanics. Like, in Trap Quest, hunger and thirst make sense because those mechanics are used to incentivize the player character to drink cum or explore to find more food items. But then there are games where getting food and water would just be tedium and add nothing. Like, does this game really need the player to spend 15 button presses every ingame day to buy and eat sandwiches? If you want to have the player pay living expenses or whatnot, just have a setting for how much the player character automatically spends on food and give them a debuff if they don't have enough money. Also, it's realistic for people to have fixed work schedules and get into trouble if they don't spend 8 hours a day, 5 days a week at work, but when the player wants to explore or experience other parts of the game, having to get through 5 ingame days before they get to do what they actually want to do is tedious. And another thing, if every in-game day it takes five-ten clicks to navigate to your bedroom and go to sleep or whatever, then I've noticed that sometimes there's no reason to not just implement a fast-travel option.
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Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
Open world games that are only empty maps with a small amount of grind content.
When the game mechanics and sexual content are barely related. For example, when winning/losing an rpg battle gives you a sex scene... and that's it, and the rpg battle has nothing to do with the fetishes and the sex has no impact on anything else.

Also, while I generally enjoy sandbox games, I've noticed that some sandbox games have too much gratuitous grinding/mechanics. Like, in Trap Quest, hunger and thirst make sense because those mechanics are used to incentivize the player character to drink cum or explore to find more food items. But then there are games where getting food and water would just be tedium and add nothing. Like, does this game really need the player to spend 15 button presses every ingame day to buy and eat sandwiches? If you want to have the player pay living expenses or whatnot, just have a setting for how much the player character automatically spends on food and give them a debuff if they don't have enough money. Also, it's realistic for people to have fixed work schedules and get into trouble if they don't spend 8 hours a day, 5 days a week at work, but when the player wants to explore or experience other parts of the game, having to get through 5 ingame days before they get to do what they actually want to do is tedious. And another thing, if every in-game day it takes five-ten clicks to navigate to your bedroom and go to sleep or whatever, then I've noticed that sometimes there's no reason to not just implement a fast-travel option.
While I agree with your statements, I'm not sure if those are things you can call a trope.
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Game Developer
Jul 3, 2020
I'm tired of the MC perving and peeping, basically the young moron (and some older dudes also have 18 year old brains it seems).

The HJ/BJ/steps to sex, that's not how anything works.
The sight of a big cock syndrome.
While I agree with a lot of people here responding (very big thank you, by the way), this is one that I have on the top of my list. I want to get far, far away from the peeping and perving, and doing the hj/bj/sex progression.
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Carpe Stultus

Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2018
The typical incest bullshit setting like Milfy City and so on with the 13yo looking MC with a horse dick + 1 of his sisters is a huge cunt until she see's his dick.

Senseless "male domination" where you constantly treat the female like garbage, thats not how it works.

Harem games where literally every female wants to jump onto the mc's dick without him having to do anything except well showing his dick.

There are probably a lot more things that are annoying but they didn't come to mind directly.

Other things that make no sense at all to me in games are these weird choices like: Handjob, Boobjob or Blowjob as choices for one scene. If someone ever had a good Blowjob in his life he will 100% choose Blowjob over everything else.

Oh yeah this whole sleepsex stuff is also something that checks the box of unnecessary, i get it people are horny but its way more fun if she isn't out cold and who wouldn't wake up if "little timmy" plays with your pussy, rubs his dick on your body or even shoves it into you...come on.


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2019
What is Black Souls?
If you mean Dark Souls I don't think action games like that is a good fit.
He meant what he said. A quick and effortless search would have helped you with that, but here let me spoon-feed you: https://f95zone.to/threads/blacksouls-final-eeny-meeny-miny-moe.29512/

As for the threads topic, the trope that I absolutely hate are the "writers" who think they are the next fucking Dave Chappelle and just can't help themselves by thinking they need to write an adult games as if it were a stand-up special.

I'm talking about how 75% of adult games (renpy VN's are specially guilty of this) have this infantile and "comical" writing style and undertones, with the writer needing to make a joke/pun every other sentence and its characters seem to be able to interact with each other only if it's in this facetious manner. The worst parts are the sex scenes and adult content, where immersion is throw out of the window and what you usually get is some variation of "hehe FAT COCK", or "WE SEX NAO?". You see, there's definitely a place for that style of jovial writing so having some games in this style is fine, but as it stands this trope is just way too prevalent to brush it off as simply a "style choice" of a couple of writers as it instead gives the impression of a bigger problem with the writers themselves.

I'm not sure if this is due to the overwhelming majority of these writers being young/immature, or amateurs, or they have little to no experience with real sex life, or they feel shy or uncomfortable with themselves when having to writing mature and believable dialogue, or what I dunno... but it is what it is and unless an specific game exceeds at some other part (like the game-play or whatever), if I see that it has this type of writing I usually give it a hard pass.


Game Developer
Jul 3, 2020
Is this why we have a lack of good games now? Developers listened to these quite frankly boring complaints? "Less incest, less corruption, less options to be the asshole, just be a friendly good feller who would never treat m'lady wrong because how hot is that" gimme a fucking break you have your boring vanilla-game on #1 already now please stop it. Oh yeah last but not least "Chad MC please, not only do I want Chad to fuck all the women I couldn't dream of fucking IRL but also in my vidya game please" might as well play NTR at that point.

On-topic I dislike that "anal sex" is like the final boss of adult games, there's so much more fucked up shit you could think of, just use your imagination.
As someone with limited "adult" game experience -- more in playing, less in writing -- I had some... I guess you would call them pet-peeves... in the games I had played, and I was curious if they were common ones held or not. Additionally, I wanted to know what players/designers thought along these same lines. There are plenty of games I have started and as soon as something popped up, I would shut it off because they had certain aspects that I didn't find appealing, or ones I had run into over, and over, and over again (e.g. "Truth or Dare").

While it is my first true writing project in a Adult/NSFW game, I didn't want to fall down the hole of "ho-hum, another one," that even I, basically a noob, could see. As any developer should, I'm writing something I enjoy writing and adding aspects I know, understand, and can do reasonably well (I hope). However, the purpose of the question isn't to take a poll and make a game based on what people want, but to gauge what people say about what is over-done, over-used, and tiresome to the point they click the X and put the game away for good.

To your last part, I agree on that, and it is something I'm planning on dealing with in what I'm writing.


Jul 30, 2018
The magical high school trope: 'I'm a [Insert name because I got zero personality anyway] and I'm a student at Slut high school, with my younger naive sister, my older bitchy sister, the next-door newborn babygirl, the little girl I babysitted yesterday, and with 700 other students, all female. Don't worry, they are all 18 with magically grown triple G size tits, and no brain or personality.'

The magic dick trope: 'You killed my husband, raped my daughter, burned down my house and destroyed everything I loved, but god them if this isn't the best dicking I have ever had. I can't stay mad at you'

The story 99% being about sex, regardless of the beginning/setting: 'I'm Robert the Third, Son of the Mighty Robert the Great, King of the largest kingdom ever seen by Man, and Heir of the throne. But my legacy is in danger when my father is brutally murdered. Through a long quest leading my over the mighty mountains of Misty the Farmgirl, through the bush Downunder, I end up at my destiny; the backdoor of my own Mother. Who killed my father? Evil uncle or something, who cares we got anal incest!'

The massive perving good guy: 'I just couldn't stand by seeing that old lady being harassed by those scum. With danger of my own life I intervened. Yeah, I took a beating, but it was worth it seeing the smile and the gratitude of the old lady. Well, time to rape my sleeping sister for the 76th night in a row'

The endless terrible narration: 'Her tits glowed like two ripe melons in the evening sun. I had never seen such beautyfill tits. Two perfect round spheres like two large melons. Perfectly round and perfect, like ripe melons. And that smell, oh god that perfect smell. It was sweet like ripe melons in the evening sun. I just had to taste them, and they tasted perfectly perfect. Like the juice from perfect ripe melons in the evening sun perfect. It was just all so perfect. I licked them like I would lick the juice from a slice of perfectly ripe melon in the evening sun. Two perfect Melons'.

The meaningless choices (sometimes presented as big things): The seconds were ticking away. Sweat dripping from my forehead. I have to make a decision while I still can. With a lump in my throat, I decided: Coffee or a Capachino'.

The clean sheet trope: My father died and with nobody to support me, I was forced to move back to my mother and now upgrone sisters, I hadn't seen for years, leaving my old life, friends, and memories behind. Gladly the second I arrived, I hit my head and forgot everything from my past live so I can be the creepy, brainless, characterless, fuckface I deep down always have been'.

The though tattoed hair colored bitchy girl who opens up to you and becomes a dick craving softy: 'I'm a bitch, look at my bitchy bitch face. Fuck of and leave me alone, you wimp. My dad? How did you know about [Insert generalised dady issue]? You understand me, let me cry on your shoulder and ride your mega dick, ow my gentle soul'

Honestly, just play 10-20 (abondended) games and you would exactly know what you shouldn't do .


Oct 12, 2018
Gigantic tits. Seriously why?
Asses so big they wont fit through a door.
Incest between mother/sister and son/brother.

Harems where the MC has to just do one thing and suddenly everyone wants his cock.
The MC is always the orgasm-boy for some reason without doing something. Just stick in there my man.
You get to save me? Fuck me please!

There is more. It's just from my head and I'm drunk.

Anyway. Do your game. If you like it do it!
If you want to sell it, listen to what these people say in this thread.
5.00 star(s) 1 Vote