What trope are you tired of seeing in adult games?

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Game Developer
Aug 18, 2018
ok. I'm gonna write 2 answers for this, first will be what I don't like, second what I'm making.

What I don't like :
  1. I'm bored that every game has some cliche story - MC has some sort of power and is dominating everyone. If you're going to do that, make the story at least interesting. it's the same cliche in every game. manipulation and dominance.
  2. BBC or Just Big cock, which somebody else replied "putting shame to horses" - it's annoying and boring lol.
  3. mostly I see MOM / Son incest games. kind bored with it.
  4. landlady/landlord and etc. I know Patreon blocks it but bored with it.
  5. I don't hate the idea of grinding, but most of the games are confusing unless I read a guide or walkthrough. People on f95 mostly want to have fun, not spend 24/7 grinding.
  6. 0 story - either story is boring or no story at all. Jumps straight to fucking.
  7. cow tits - annoying to see 90% of characters have cow tits.
  8. probably I hate other things as well but I forgot.

What I'm making :
why am I posting here this? I got bored of such games so I wanted to make something unique, but the problem is when I started making a mostly story-based game, people were less interested so I had to include some sexual cliches. But it will balanced by story as well. Including some humor and funny moments to balance everything out I want people to enjoy the game not only fap on it.

Shortly: gam starts as the female protagonist, switching to male protagonist, after that they are selectable, Leading to different kinds of events. As much as I hate the idea of dominance and manipulation. I'm trying to balance it yeah the main characters are demons (partially), but they do have an adventure together (a not sexual way), normal adventure, you just need to reach a farther point in the game. Of course, there are sexual adventures as well. I did have a grinding mechanism in the game, but I decided to partially remove it, so it doesn't take days and nights to grind for points, making it much simpler. No huge cocks, No huge tits. sticking to semi-realism. with some fantasy adventure.


Mar 1, 2019
Except incest is not easy and realism exists to make your character's experiences more immersive. I don't know what's up with a lot of people here, but it seems to me that just having the characters be blood related (in name) is enough to get their rocks off. If you make it so that romancing your mom or sister is as easy (or even easier) than someone who's not blood related, or that there's no consequence for openly being infatuated with your relatives, then you've cheated your audience out of the potential excitement that incest entails. For me, incest is supposed to be a form of taboo fantasy. You and your character knows it's wrong, but it's the risk of discovery and consequences that make it all the more delicious.

Like imagine this: You like your mom, daughter, cousin, or whatever. You want to make a move on them, but you're afraid that if you're too obvious, the rest of the family finds out and you'll be forever barred from seeing your object of affection. So you try to be "normal" around your love interest, but they're dropping subtle signs that they like you too, but you push the thought out of your mind and you resolve to look for someone who's not blood related. You meet up with someone who's a good match for you, but not quite as good as your relative. And after a little too much PDA, your relative gets jealous, pulls you aside and makes a move. You two soon cross the line and progressively push your boundaries until people start to find you two's behavior strange. You try to scare off your lover by being a bit sexually aggressive with her, but to your surprise, she's kinda into it. And you kinda dig how into you your lover is. In fact, your lover now has no problems being super open with their affections, but every time your incestous lover sees it, she bitterly bites her lip in the shadows. And that frustration drives them to also act more aggressive in their desire to "monopolize" the MC when they're alone, even if for a moment. So you live the good life of being wanted by two (or even more) women for a while. But when one of them gets pregnant? Holy shit.

That's hot, right? But it doesn't work if you're fucking the whole family, which seems to be the norm of games these days. I don't hate incest. I don't hate harems. I hate how it's been diluted by lukewarm "vanilla" romance. What's the point of having a visual novel focused on dating your sister or cousin if's going to be identical to dating your best friend or whatever? What's the point of fucking your mom or aunt if it's the same as dating like your boss or like that one thirsty widow down the street? At that point, moms and aunts are just older women who just want younger dick, cousins/siblings are just "best friends" of similar age, and daughters are just impressionable younger women with daddy complexes (which doesn't actually need you to be their dad to work). If you're going to fuck everyone in your house and no one's there to stop you, why bother making anyone blood related? The dynamics are no different than if they weren't. And it's because of how stupidly common and overly simplified it's become that I don't bother to download the incest patches anymore.
I tend to agree. But when it's done well the domino effect can make it all the sweeter. Let's keep everything the same up to hitting the jealousy point. One of them figures out what's wrong explicitly (preferably the one who is least guilty in this scenario), they get mad at first but they sleep on it. They can see the obvious affection between you two they realize you haven't shortchanged them on affection in spite of having been sharing it with someone else. They're tempted to want to just tell you off because what you're doing is just so wrong, but why does allowing you to indulge sound so "deliciously wrong?" On top of that, maybe this girl has some bi curious tendencies maybe she sees how easy it is for you to fall for the other girl. Maybe she's not the only one she's jealous of, maybe the only thing she needs to make things right is to be sharing a bed with both of you when this happens sometimes, combined with a little alone time with the other woman.

Even if corruption isn't your kink it's really exciting what happens once you've pushed past the taboo and really started exploring.

I think it works really well if it works the angle of planting the seed of desire where there was once only jealousy.

Though that's why I really don't like the thought of your cock being so super special that straight girls will fuck each other while you watch just because you want it and will push down whatever EXTREME jealousy they feel towards each other so they can compete for who is the most obedient in bending to your will.

Incest or no there's no moment hotter in a harem story for me than the moment two of the girls you're with start to fall in love with each other or barring that at least fall in lust. For me a threesome is only hot if the two ladies would be just as satisfied without you.


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Jun 14, 2018
At this point... pretty much all of them.
With special shout outs to "going clothes shopping in that same damned boutique" and "MC goes from sex starved man-child to drowning in sexual encounters in only 3 short days".

It's okay, I get it... most devs aren't authors, graphical artists, game designers or even programmers. They have a single scene in their head they'd like to write and have decided to write a whole game around it. Then they fill in the gaps with generic "people like this sort of stuff" to try to make it popular, not realizing that they now just making largely boring generic "insert MC here" games.

What I'd like to see:
  • Write an interesting story, then add sex to it. Not the other way around.
  • Spontaneity. Not just the usual A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F/H/J -> G/I/K/L -> M -> N banality.
  • Characters doing what fits the character's backstory, not the entire opposite because the MC needs it to happen for story reasons.
  • Characters living in the real world, behaving normally - except where the story requires a suspension of belief.
  • Humor.
  • Good sex scenes when the player makes the "wrong" choice. (Too many games with choices, but really only one "real" route).
Don't get me wrong. I like genies, unusual fetishes, mind control, secret organizations, potions, lost relics, old gods, etc. But the point where I'm thinking "This only happens in adult games, and I've already seen it in a dozen games already"... then that game has to do *SOMETHING* better than the other dozen.

And to completely contradict my "Characters living in the real world"... Something... anything... NEW. The MC doesn't have to live at home with "landlady and roommate" to have sex with landlady and roommate. The MC could be bitten by a radioactive spider and now all women are aggressively attracted to him, whether he's interested or not (the aim of the game being to avoid the old lady from the post office and not get killed by your sister's black-belt martial arts husband). Just avoid the "this ONLY happens in adult games" and we'll be golden.

Crazy Penguin

Game Developer
Jul 17, 2019
:cool: That will be seriously hot, there can even be scene where they both are doing their own stuff if you focus on some other girl.
Its a lot harder to make games truly random, one of my friend is trying to do that, lol, through making 30 different route that a player can reach randomly, its taking a long time to develop it though and he is using hs as that many renders from daz would take a lot more time.
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Jun 8, 2017
My view on these tropes is that I'm not "tired" of anything.:)
About incest someone wrote here on some topic and I saved it because i like it:
"As well as the reason why other popular incest games rely on some kind of magic, because from the start it put the context in an alternate universe, and therefore everything can become believable, including an incest relationship raising from nowhere.
Yet for the later, it generally stop to be believable once one of the character start the guilt trip ; you don't put your story outside of our norms and reality, to later put those norms and reality back into your story."

I agree with this person and I say that this also can be valid in every scenario, not only in incest "tropes". The moment I play a game I usually tend to leave our so called "reality logic";) behind and enjoy the game.
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Feb 20, 2019
Those ever and always Honey Select standard models that are used over and over again...

And it is not like HS isnt any good, HS offers so many many options from Color to all kinds of Bodytype, from Chubby to Futa to Furry or even Demon but barely any dev makes good use of it... By now thats sometimes an interest killer for me..


Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
I tend to agree. But when it's done well the domino effect can make it all the sweeter. Let's keep everything the same up to hitting the jealousy point. One of them figures out what's wrong explicitly (preferably the one who is least guilty in this scenario), they get mad at first but they sleep on it. They can see the obvious affection between you two they realize you haven't shortchanged them on affection in spite of having been sharing it with someone else. They're tempted to want to just tell you off because what you're doing is just so wrong, but why does allowing you to indulge sound so "deliciously wrong?" On top of that, maybe this girl has some bi curious tendencies maybe she sees how easy it is for you to fall for the other girl. Maybe she's not the only one she's jealous of, maybe the only thing she needs to make things right is to be sharing a bed with both of you when this happens sometimes, combined with a little alone time with the other woman.

Even if corruption isn't your kink it's really exciting what happens once you've pushed past the taboo and really started exploring.

I think it works really well if it works the angle of planting the seed of desire where there was once only jealousy.

Though that's why I really don't like the thought of your cock being so super special that straight girls will fuck each other while you watch just because you want it and will push down whatever EXTREME jealousy they feel towards each other so they can compete for who is the most obedient in bending to your will.

Incest or no there's no moment hotter in a harem story for me than the moment two of the girls you're with start to fall in love with each other or barring that at least fall in lust. For me a threesome is only hot if the two ladies would be just as satisfied without you.
Well put.

I apologize if I sounded like I had something against the love interests getting together. What I was trying to say was that fetishes aren't just what you see, it's also what you feel. Most people like incest because they know it's wrong, and because it's wrong, it's exciting. I was trying to show that there should be a logical order of escalation between conflict and desire, that the feeling of "this is so wrong" shouldn't just magically end once you get with your incestous lover, and that it can even be rewarding to keep it going. I tried to word it in such a way that let people's imagination fill the gaps.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
The worst and most unrealistic trope, imo, is that all these women in the game:
1. Never communicate with each other about whom they're dating or what they're going through in their personal lives--including with blood relatives!
2. Never experience meaningful jealousy or start to make increasing demands on the MC's time and affection as things become more intimate
3. Never pick up on changes in the social dynamics between the MC and all the other women he interacts with(i.e., they can't suss out that sexual tension exists or that they're in a relationship)

I love incest games and harem games, and group sex scenes, and I feel like devs paint themselves into a corner by never addressing or portraying this even semi-realistically. The only way that MC has a "happy ending" with a blood relative or with multiple partners is if they're ultimately fully aware of the MC having multiple partners. If the devs find a story based way to justify the MC developing a harem, even a family harem, including the struggle of the members to adjust to the situation and the struggle of the MC to persuade them to participate, that imo would make a much stronger and hotter game. Plus group sex and group incest!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2018
The worst and most unrealistic trope, imo, is that all these women in the game:
1. Never communicate with each other about whom they're dating or what they're going through in their personal lives--including with blood relatives!
2. Never experience meaningful jealousy or start to make increasing demands on the MC's time and affection as things become more intimate
3. Never pick up on changes in the social dynamics between the MC and all the other women he interacts with(i.e., they can't suss out that sexual tension exists or that they're in a relationship)

I love incest games and harem games, and group sex scenes, and I feel like devs paint themselves into a corner by never addressing or portraying this even semi-realistically. The only way that MC has a "happy ending" with a blood relative or with multiple partners is if they're ultimately fully aware of the MC having multiple partners. If the devs find a story based way to justify the MC developing a harem, even a family harem, including the struggle of the members to adjust to the situation and the struggle of the MC to persuade them to participate, that imo would make a much stronger and hotter game. Plus group sex and group incest!
How would you explain a harem without at least one of the three 'unrealistic tropes' you listed?


Mar 1, 2019
Well put.

I apologize if I sounded like I had something against the love interests getting together. What I was trying to say was that fetishes aren't just what you see, it's also what you feel. Most people like incest because they know it's wrong, and because it's wrong, it's exciting. I was trying to show that there should be a logical order of escalation between conflict and desire, that the feeling of "this is so wrong" shouldn't just magically end once you get with your incestous lover, and that it can even be rewarding to keep it going. I tried to word it in such a way that let people's imagination fill the gaps.
Honestly I think we're mostly on the same page, just respect our intelligence even if it drops a few points while fapping, and if you're going to employ a fetish get everything you can out of it. But yeah I think a lot of us can agree, way too comfy endings to incest harem games are kind of stupid and go against the whole fantasy.
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Mar 1, 2019
i have nothing to complain, but something i really REALLY hate is foot fetish in games, look, i do not kink shame, but if this is your kink, im shaming you
I can see how if it's not your thing it could be one of the groser ones, but most of the time it's skippable.


Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Oct 10, 2017
Funny how i see a tons of sex or story related tropes and here i am with something else..

The damn pointless grind hell! The banality simulator trope! Can we just kill that off please? Please?

So we don't have to click through dozen of such things as work thrice-a-day, shower, leave bathroom, leave hallway, leave house, enter office? Or that we don't need to get through this manually for like 3 weeks to advance from "Don't try to kiss me!!" to "You may kiss me"?

Or the part where we need to check every possible location all over the map to figure out that we need to be at location X at 15:30 on Thursday and if we miss its another week of grind, to advance the plot with our current love interest? And i definitely don't wish to go and ask for a dating advice from a random woman whom i don't even know the name of so that i could charm my own mother....

This kina grind elements are more than just tiresome. If i have to wait for 3 months to advance a relationship then let me give the option to skip ahead if i want to! I'm sooo tired of going through hours of IRL time of grind to get it. IF someone makes a game its soooo lame that the only thing the Dev is able to come up with for grind is just mindnumbingly boring, pointless grind of officework/schoolvisiting/housechores and whatnot.

Just implement a questline that serves as time skipping. Be an athlete who competes, or in a championship that provides matches and a sense of relevancy. Its perfectly viable with school background and with work too. You can add meaningful work projects that actually reward the player with something instead of just money to buy spycams...


Mar 1, 2019
Funny how i see a tons of sex or story related tropes and here i am with something else..

The damn pointless grind hell! The banality simulator trope! Can we just kill that off please? Please?

So we don't have to click through dozen of such things as work thrice-a-day, shower, leave bathroom, leave hallway, leave house, enter office? Or that we don't need to get through this manually for like 3 weeks to advance from "Don't try to kiss me!!" to "You may kiss me"?

Or the part where we need to check every possible location all over the map to figure out that we need to be at location X at 15:30 on Thursday and if we miss its another week of grind, to advance the plot with our current love interest? And i definitely don't wish to go and ask for a dating advice from a random woman whom i don't even know the name of so that i could charm my own mother....

This kina grind elements are more than just tiresome. If i have to wait for 3 months to advance a relationship then let me give the option to skip ahead if i want to! I'm sooo tired of going through hours of IRL time of grind to get it. IF someone makes a game its soooo lame that the only thing the Dev is able to come up with for grind is just mindnumbingly boring, pointless grind of officework/schoolvisiting/housechores and whatnot.

Just implement a questline that serves as time skipping. Be an athlete who competes, or in a championship that provides matches and a sense of relevancy. Its perfectly viable with school background and with work too. You can add meaningful work projects that actually reward the player with something instead of just money to buy spycams...
A lot of these are in Unity instead of Renpy... which is annoying because if you're actually using Unity "House Party" is a much better model of both that game type and how to actually use Unity. Actually makes exploring interesting instead of clicking on a map.

I still have a soft spot in my heart for GDS and the Chloe games though. Their shit is hilarious and sometimes even worth the endless grind.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
How would you explain a harem without at least one of the three 'unrealistic tropes' you listed?
There's a variety of ways. Exceptionally charismatic MC, mind control of course, unusual circumstances such as post-apocalyptic or dependence upon the MC for basic necessities of life, open minded family, trauma or dramatic event making such an occurrence more plausible, and so forth. The biggest challenge for an MC in a harem scenario(after putting one together, of course) is "maintenance"(managing jealousy, meeting the needs of each member, perhaps covering the expenses of the lifestyle, etc.).


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2018
There's a variety of ways. Exceptionally charismatic MC, mind control of course, unusual circumstances such as post-apocalyptic or dependence upon the MC for basic necessities of life, open minded family, trauma or dramatic event making such an occurrence more plausible, and so forth. The biggest challenge for an MC in a harem scenario(after putting one together, of course) is "maintenance"(managing jealousy, meeting the needs of each member, perhaps covering the expenses of the lifestyle, etc.).
Not trying to be overly nitpicky here, but most of those you listed aside from mind-control and trauma would still rely on at least one of the three tropes listed above to work.
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