What trope are you tired of seeing in adult games?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2019
Just had a thought:

Reading the thread and each different complaint/dislikes for all of these tropes, I realized that you could get the top 30 most popular adult games (you know, the famous ones... I won't name them so as to not start any shit lol) and every single one of them could be linked here to exemplify a certain bad trope or bad design that was mentioned.

And yet they all were and still remain immensely popular despite those things, so I guess that the majority of people either don't care at all about those tropes or perhaps even worse: the mass of average coomers that flock to those games actually WANT AND ENJOY those bland tropes, that is, they need the writing and gameplay to be easily digestible otherwise they can't coom to it, so the writers and developers actually have to make their games using these cheap tropes in order to get mass appeal and be succesful.

Quite a disheartening thought but it is what it is...


Jul 30, 2018
Just had a thought:

Reading the thread and each different complaint/dislikes for all of these tropes, I realized that you could get the top 30 most popular adult games (you know, the famous ones... I won't name them so as to not start any shit lol) and every single one of them could be linked here to exemplify a certain bad trope or bad design that was mentioned.

And yet they all were and still remain immensely popular despite those things, so I guess that the majority of people either don't care at all about those tropes or perhaps even worse: the mass of average coomers that flock to those games actually WANT AND ENJOY those bland tropes, that is, they need the writing and gameplay to be easily digestible otherwise they can't coom to it, so the writers and developers actually have to make their games using these cheap tropes in order to get mass appeal and be succesful.

Quite a disheartening thought but it is what it is...
The popular ones where often the first ones using the tropes and are popular because they are often the first adult game people play. I'm sure milf city/Big brother are the first game for a ton of people on here.

First time I played both of them I thought they were great. But looking back? Fuck no.

Tropes become annoying when they are repeated over and over. Some new games add something new that lift them up or change the trope. Radiant for example got a lot of support/popularity quickly as it changed incest with your mom/sisters, to incest with your daughters. It's something new in a popular fetish, even if the rest of the game is mediocre at best. The majority of new games though are just quick cash grab worthless pieces of junk that copy the same shit over and over. The amount of big brother clones for example is insane.


Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
Gigantic tits. Seriously why?
Asses so big they wont fit through a door.
Incest between mother/sister and son/brother.

Harems where the MC has to just do one thing and suddenly everyone wants his cock.
The MC is always the orgasm-boy for some reason without doing something. Just stick in there my man.
You get to save me? Fuck me please!

There is more. It's just from my head and I'm drunk.

Anyway. Do your game. If you like it do it!
If you want to sell it, listen to what these people say in this thread.
This reminded me of another gripe of mine. I hate how butthurt some people get whenever one of the love interests is boning or even flirting with another dude. And then screech about "NTR" ruining their game. Like dude, the target audience isn't you. Some of us want a realistic, independent love interest. I want to feel like my in-game decisions make an impact on their character. If the love interest is obviously desirable, I want to feel like I've earned their attention and affection. You know what kind of people fall for pickup artists with a big dick? People with no/low self esteem. I don't want a harem of insecure people who only feels validated when they're fucking and orbiting the protagonist.

Edit: And "No NTR" Mods is just closing your eyes and pretending something else is happening with extra steps.
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Mar 1, 2019
I love female protagonist games. Don't like a lot of the tropes that seem mandatory.

Beginning of the game you're a frigid virgin who proceeds to get raped and blackmailed until you actually have a sex drive. If I'm playing as a slut I want to play as a slut, super confident, super horny super funny willing to give it up to just about anyone, but if she doesn't like you you're not getting in her pants.

Also lesbian options with female characters I hate having to hit a certain "slut" level to start lesbian content even if you're playing it romantically. Maybe I just want to fall in love with my best friend/sister/mom without having to be blackmailed into 20 gangbangs first. Also I think it's hot playing someone who's just discovering their sexuality so if I'm playing a lesbian route I want the option to actively turn down dick. An extreme case that I'll never see but would like to would be reaching a friendship point with the guys who were trying to get into your pants where, you talk with them about how hot chicks are and you wingman for each other based on whether the girl is straight or gay.

For harem games, I don't like them being too dominant where you're with all these girls who are super loyal to you alone but not into each other. I feel like a creepy cult leader. I like them fooling around with each other, but prefer that they have attractions/feelings for each other independent of me because it gets super creepy if the only reason they fuck is because I ask them to, especially if one or more of them is straight.

As for incest, I'm in the lucky demographic that this was my fetish before it was popular. Since there is a negative connotation to incest relationships anyway making them rapey/overly dominant takes it from sexy to wrong. I kind of like these games to be either playful or romantic. But yeah the excessive pregnancy in these games I could do without.

That's the big stuff.


Mar 1, 2019
Short/ugly/misoginist MC in domination games. I want to have a master/slave relationship, not play the creators personal vendetta against THOSE EEEVIL WOMEEEEEEN. Seriusly, im ok with things like goblins or demons, but every time a ugly bastard MC start another ''WOMAN ARE ALL WHORES SO I RAPED THEM AND THEY LIKE IT'' speech i swear to satan i can smell the guy who wrote it from here. I want to enslave woman like a RIPED AS A FUCKING JOJO DEMON, not you average japanese man angry against the UNFAIR female population.
Too much of a 4chan feel definitely pulls me out of a game.


Mar 1, 2019
The popular ones where often the first ones using the tropes and are popular because they are often the first adult game people play. I'm sure milf city/Big brother are the first game for a ton of people on here.

First time I played both of them I thought they were great. But looking back? Fuck no.

Tropes become annoying when they are repeated over and over. Some new games add something new that lift them up or change the trope. Radiant for example got a lot of support/popularity quickly as it changed incest with your mom/sisters, to incest with your daughters. It's something new in a popular fetish, even if the rest of the game is mediocre at best. The majority of new games though are just quick cash grab worthless pieces of junk that copy the same shit over and over. The amount of big brother clones for example is insane.
For me it's a push/pull but for me it comes down to "this game does X amazingly so I'll put up with Y."

Like Dreams of Desire has some very rapey elements especially in early nights but once you get really deep in the connections become very loving and romantic and you can kind of forget you were sleep raping them in early chapters. Also the characters are beautiful... Though it is disturbing how the only character that you seduce completely on your own and gives you completely consensual sex turns out to be a villain.

Sisterly lust does a good job of minimizing the creepy cult leader aspect of a harem game because characters start actively developing feelings for each other and state it, there are even sex scenes between them that your character isn't even aware of, they're just acting on their own attraction/affection.

The other problem is they've just become so common that people don't know how to do games without them. Even though people admit these are problems.

Really no excuse for female protag games that lock lesbian content behind hitting a certain extremely high level of hetrosexual content.
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Sep 4, 2019
Too much of a 4chan feel definitely pulls me out of a game.
You can absolutely tell which game devs are well adjusted members of society who have experienced real friendships, real relationships, etc. I get that Adult games are meant to be fantasy and some people want to make the game where they rape and pillage with horrible dialogue, but it's way too unrealistic for me to enjoy. If I get a whiff of that crap in the first few minutes I just close the game and never look back.


Jun 12, 2020
Oh yeah, about Harems?
Why is it such a common trope that after your harem forms, regardless of what urgent matter or personal quest your harem party members were engrossed in prior to joining it, they just completely forget all about it. And ...IF you're lucky, and the author not horny while writing, .....maaaybe they'll bring it up once or twice again in the whole remaining game. Other than that... POOF
"I was on the trail of the mysterious disappearance of my family's large savings, but i bumped into you, and i think you were on the way to saving the world or something. anyway who cares, you have a 10-feet long wang, i can get my fill everyday and bicker with you other whores all day, who cares about my father's money? i'm set for life!"

In real life, even if you know the world's gonna end if you don't help out this one guy, you're still not gonna lose sight of you own goal / gain, just cuz the temporary life's good.


Jun 12, 2020
It's like the writers don't plan ahead while writing adult games. all they're focused on from start to finish is how to get to the sex scenes or similar stuff, be it smoothly or roughly along the ride, but as soon as possible. and they then end up either missing out a lot of context early on, or just stop making sense post their favourite scene has been made, because their mind has jerked itself off at that point.

The best adult titles are the ones which have, either stories that make sense while separated from the "fun" stuff , games that are fun to play by itself, or both! And the "Fun" content is just the frosting on the cake.
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Jul 30, 2018
Another thing, which isn't really a trope, is that the fast majority of games lack 'visuals' in their visual novel. The only thing that matters in there visuals is what character you are talking too and really nothing ells. Locations barely matter, characters often have blent facial expressions with the text expressing how they feel so seeing the characters themselves doesn't matter, and nothing really happens in the scenes themselves. You could litterly take all the visuals out of the novel and outside of the peeking toms/sex scenes you wouldn't miss anything.

It really makes most VNs feel pretty boring and lame to me personnally. The writing is often not good enough to lift up the rest of the VN, and after reading the fifth 20 page conversation about absolutely nothing I just quit the game and never look back on it.

Mimir's Lab

Game Developer
Sep 30, 2019
Another thing, which isn't really a trope, is that the fast majority of games lack 'visuals' in their visual novel. The only thing that matters in there visuals is what character you are talking too and really nothing ells. Locations barely matter, characters often have blent facial expressions with the text expressing how they feel so seeing the characters themselves doesn't matter, and nothing really happens in the scenes themselves. You could litterly take all the visuals out of the novel and outside of the peeking toms/sex scenes you wouldn't miss anything.

It really makes most VNs feel pretty boring and lame to me personnally. The writing is often not good enough to lift up the rest of the VN, and after reading the fifth 20 page conversation about absolutely nothing I just quit the game and never look back on it.
That's how I feel too. There are two things that don't work for me in this regard.

One, your eyes are glued to the text for most of the VN, you only glance up at the renders once in a while to remind yourself of the context of the situation. It doesn't mix well at all with sex scenes where most of your time is spent looking at the images and reading the text when you're ready to proceed. It should be like a well-designed game, you train the audience to do one thing (pay attention to the images) so that when the sex scenes come, it feels natural to stare at the images. Not ignore most of the images then stare when it gets to the good part.

Two, visuals should explain half of what's going on, dialogue the other half. For example, you can have a character poison a cup of coffee and then use dialogue to keep the person who's about drink it unaware of the poison. The purpose of the dialogue is to distract while for visuals, you can show the poisoner nervously tapping her foot while trying to remain calm as she excitedly awaits the death of her victim. This makes you feel part of the present instead of just a hearing two people talk about the past all the time.

But yeah, not a trope but a horribly underutilized storytelling tool.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
The popular ones where often the first ones using the tropes
I would be seriously surprised if any of them were the first at anything. obviously I haven't played more than a fraction of games here (maybe a few hundred?), but the only NEW thing I've ever seen was someone embedding porn video clips as 'online porn' in a standard daz VN. (forgot the name, you hacked into sister's laptop to make her see unwanted incest popups).

big brother certainly wasn't first at anything, there are literally thousands of incest house games with everything it had predating BB. same applies to all top games I've seen. most of the themes are as old as porn itself, have dozens of mainstream examples, and the big ones go back at least 2500 years.


Jul 30, 2018
I would be seriously surprised if any of them were the first at anything. obviously I haven't played more than a fraction of games here (maybe a few hundred?), but the only NEW thing I've ever seen was someone embedding porn video clips as 'online porn' in a standard daz VN. (forgot the name, you hacked into sister's laptop to make her see unwanted incest popups).

big brother certainly wasn't first at anything, there are literally thousands of incest house games with everything it had predating BB. same applies to all top games I've seen. most of the themes are as old as porn itself, have dozens of mainstream examples, and the big ones go back at least 2500 years.
Ofc they weren't the first one coming up with the trope, but they were the first ones popularizing them in 'modern' adult VN's. Big brother for example popularized the younger naive sister and the bitchy older sister, dating my daughter popularized the specific daughter model, etc. Yeah they weren't the first one, and ofc they didn't made up the incest trope, but they were the ones that popularized them. They are both like 10+ year old games (first release), and while I as well highly doubt they came up with anything they made some of the tropes popular for sure.
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Aug 22, 2018
Short/ugly/misoginist MC in domination games. I want to have a master/slave relationship, not play the creators personal vendetta against THOSE EEEVIL WOMEEEEEEN. Seriusly, im ok with things like goblins or demons, but every time a ugly bastard MC start another ''WOMAN ARE ALL WHORES SO I RAPED THEM AND THEY LIKE IT'' speech i swear to satan i can smell the guy who wrote it from here. I want to enslave woman like a RIPED AS A FUCKING JOJO DEMON, not you average japanese man angry against the UNFAIR female population.
Would you be interested in a JoJo H-Game?

Crazy Penguin

Game Developer
Jul 17, 2019
Let me tell my own perspective

1) The massive size of tits and anatomy -- I agree with you lot in this
2) Incest -- The thing is, incest is simple, you don't need to make a backstory, and there are many ways MC can get the girl as she is someone that you know more about. :cry: its sad but incest is easy and a lot more people would be attracted to your game as many people like it, time taken to make a scene is shorter too as most of them happen at home and you don't need to make a lot of areas where romance occurs
3) the MC is a manipulative, scheming bastard -- Everyone manipulates, even a 4-year-old kid would cry if he knows he will get candy to be quiet, it's natural. It's slightly over the top in some game (don't know why)
4) Realism --- :LOL: no one wants that, in a game, I am making (Beautiful Dark Love), we were going to have sex scene at scene 13, leading through small build-ups and such, lmao, most of the messages we got were, why is there no sex scene in the game. People expect a sex scene every 5-10 minutes and expect it to be realistic at the same time. (Now the next update has a lot more sex scene packed and we just reached scene 8 to give you a perspective) we had to change a lot of things to make it so.
5) people don't have zero interest in each other or sexual matters till one nanosecond past their 18th birth date -- you do know that all the text is checked to see if there is any mention of a child in any way relating to sex, so be an adult about this
6) Be very careful using stats in a game -- very true, we introduced stats but are removing them now as they are very hard to fit in the game without breaking it in multiple ways.
7) only redeeming quality is that they have basic respect for others and common sense --- very true, being nice is kinda bad nowadays, you need something good to make you stand out and attract people.
8) All the love interests are virgins -- don't know why

:cool: I need to work too, so will see the rest later


Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
Let me tell my own perspective

1) The massive size of tits and anatomy -- I agree with you lot in this
2) Incest -- The thing is, incest is simple, you don't need to make a backstory, and there are many ways MC can get the girl as she is someone that you know more about. :cry: its sad but incest is easy and a lot more people would be attracted to your game as many people like it, time taken to make a scene is shorter too as most of them happen at home and you don't need to make a lot of areas where romance occurs
3) the MC is a manipulative, scheming bastard -- Everyone manipulates, even a 4-year-old kid would cry if he knows he will get candy to be quiet, it's natural. It's slightly over the top in some game (don't know why)
4) Realism --- :LOL: no one wants that, in a game, I am making (Beautiful Dark Love), we were going to have sex scene at scene 13, leading through small build-ups and such, lmao, most of the messages we got were, why is there no sex scene in the game. People expect a sex scene every 5-10 minutes and expect it to be realistic at the same time. (Now the next update has a lot more sex scene packed and we just reached scene 8 to give you a perspective) we had to change a lot of things to make it so.
5) people don't have zero interest in each other or sexual matters till one nanosecond past their 18th birth date -- you do know that all the text is checked to see if there is any mention of a child in any way relating to sex, so be an adult about this
6) Be very careful using stats in a game -- very true, we introduced stats but are removing them now as they are very hard to fit in the game without breaking it in multiple ways.
7) only redeeming quality is that they have basic respect for others and common sense --- very true, being nice is kinda bad nowadays, you need something good to make you stand out and attract people.
8) All the love interests are virgins -- don't know why

:cool: I need to work too, so will see the rest later
Except incest is not easy and realism exists to make your character's experiences more immersive. I don't know what's up with a lot of people here, but it seems to me that just having the characters be blood related (in name) is enough to get their rocks off. If you make it so that romancing your mom or sister is as easy (or even easier) than someone who's not blood related, or that there's no consequence for openly being infatuated with your relatives, then you've cheated your audience out of the potential excitement that incest entails. For me, incest is supposed to be a form of taboo fantasy. You and your character knows it's wrong, but it's the risk of discovery and consequences that make it all the more delicious.

Like imagine this: You like your mom, daughter, cousin, or whatever. You want to make a move on them, but you're afraid that if you're too obvious, the rest of the family finds out and you'll be forever barred from seeing your object of affection. So you try to be "normal" around your love interest, but they're dropping subtle signs that they like you too, but you push the thought out of your mind and you resolve to look for someone who's not blood related. You meet up with someone who's a good match for you, but not quite as good as your relative. And after a little too much PDA, your relative gets jealous, pulls you aside and makes a move. You two soon cross the line and progressively push your boundaries until people start to find you two's behavior strange. You try to scare off your lover by being a bit sexually aggressive with her, but to your surprise, she's kinda into it. And you kinda dig how into you your lover is. In fact, your lover now has no problems being super open with their affections, but every time your incestous lover sees it, she bitterly bites her lip in the shadows. And that frustration drives them to also act more aggressive in their desire to "monopolize" the MC when they're alone, even if for a moment. So you live the good life of being wanted by two (or even more) women for a while. But when one of them gets pregnant? Holy shit.

That's hot, right? But it doesn't work if you're fucking the whole family, which seems to be the norm of games these days. I don't hate incest. I don't hate harems. I hate how it's been diluted by lukewarm "vanilla" romance. What's the point of having a visual novel focused on dating your sister or cousin if's going to be identical to dating your best friend or whatever? What's the point of fucking your mom or aunt if it's the same as dating like your boss or like that one thirsty widow down the street? At that point, moms and aunts are just older women who just want younger dick, cousins/siblings are just "best friends" of similar age, and daughters are just impressionable younger women with daddy complexes (which doesn't actually need you to be their dad to work). If you're going to fuck everyone in your house and no one's there to stop you, why bother making anyone blood related? The dynamics are no different than if they weren't. And it's because of how stupidly common and overly simplified it's become that I don't bother to download the incest patches anymore.
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Crazy Penguin

Game Developer
Jul 17, 2019
Wow thats good (y)

I was not talking about easy as in writing, writing incest is hard in many ways but its easy in renders/images. You need a single house where all the romance occur, limited amount of room mean things can be reused and you don't need to think about many different areas where relationship occurs.
For example, if you are going after sister, she will always be at house or at school, and apart from just a simple conversation at school, all the development happens at house. This helps in image department a lot as you just have to make the room ones and after that if you need any images of that, you just go back to it and continue from there.
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