I finished this update and I have to say that it was pretty good. So far, I'm leaning more towards the rework being slightly better than the old version. There's some stuff I liked in the old version more but some stuff I like better here. Miru, for one, continues to be way better than the old one, where she was a bit obnoxious. That said, I'm still going for an open relationship.
The main improvement, I felt, was the family interactions are better. In the old version, it didn't really feel like they were all a family. In here, they felt like one. I would say I prefer the old Katie a bit more but the new version is still good. She just feels a bit tamed/timid. Old version of Leia was slightly better too. I'm referring to there character, not their looks here. They look great, visually.
As far as everything else went in Ch 2. The MC was a much bigger asshole. I also enjoyed seeing the previous cast being updated with their new looks. Now I'm curious how much story is going to be changed since Monica and other things are turning out vastly different. That spider scene was honestly wholesome and hilarious as shit.
Overall, I'd say it was an great update but that worry about the game taking forever because of it's quality came true. Hopefully the dev can manage to bring the release time down to at least 6 months. A year is way too long time for an update. Especially one that's trying to go more in a slow burn direction. Anyway, I'll be looking forward to it. I just hope it isn't too long of a wait again.