Everybody generally enjoys diversity in their media. In this genre (AVN's) sometimes you want something with no frills and kinetic, or with a conveyor belt of harem friendly if unrealistic women to indulge in the fantasy. But not always or in some cases not even often (there is regular porn after all). From our POV... the rarest and most memorable/enjoyable games are the ones you don't necessarily play off the cuff because it actually makes you think and weigh your choices. Encourages you to try different things because the responses are so varied, but not non-nonsensical. I personally do enjoy plenty of harem games, especially with a taboo nature, but I really do play a large variety simply because that is the spice of life.
But when it comes down to it, Cheeky and I get the most enjoyment from the types of games when you feel immersed... and the choices presented feel like they have real impact on the story, plot, and relationships. The extra nine yards to that is when the characters themselves will also respond to not just your choices involving them, but all of your choices they are privy too. Add to that when you have a lot of content and options, girls, choices, etc. It provides replayability (which admitedly not everyone wants in this fashion, but usually you would rather have it than not).
Anyway, that is what we set out to do here. And I believe we do it better than anyone else, even to a fault. Most other games with an update this length could be about 3-4 hours long, while ours only is if you try all the combination of choices to see all the outcomes. Chances are our next game will not have anywhere near the grandiose variety of impactful choice and numbers of ways to skin the cat so to speak. It is just too labor intensive. While this makes us sad, it also makes us happy that in a crowded field of relatively similar games, ours will and does stand out, and enough people enjoy it and appreciate that to make it worthwhile monetarily as well.