- Sep 10, 2019
- 946
- 1,613
What can I say.. boning them all and looking for a payday from the lawyer. Does that make me a bad person?
I say NO! just a horny one.
I say NO! just a horny one.
Dizzy is referenced with the MC's lawyer - referring to the unknown third heir, not Lily. AFAICT, the only person who has called Lily "Dizzy" is the MC, and he didn't know her growing up. So I have no idea why he picked that name, unless it's just to scare the audience.when was it referenced in the last episode? I really dont think its Lily
nah im not biased with lily at all and i 100% agree with you, it just doesnt add up for her to be it, as you said unless everything about her is a lie. shes not that type of girl who would do that. If i had to pick one right now who i think it is id say bellaDizzy is referenced with the MC's lawyer - referring to the unknown third heir, not Lily. AFAICT, the only person who has called Lily "Dizzy" is the MC, and he didn't know her growing up. So I have no idea why he picked that name, unless it's just to scare the audience.
Personally, I think it's all but impossible for Lily to be the gold digger. Unless we think Donald was fooling around with an underage girl, the affair could only have been within the last few years, and he somehow managed it without the MC or Katie/Debbie noticing. That's a stretch. Moreover, the Lily we know wants to be respected for more than her looks, has a hard time focusing on practical matters, and doesn't use birth control. None of that seems compatible with being Donald's secret lover. Unless we assume everything we've learned about Lily has been a bald faced lie, it's hard to see how she could fit the role.
I think it's much easier to assume Lily is innocent and the Dizzy 'nickname' is a red herring. But I'm admittedly biased since I adore the Lily we know.![]()
Broken Arhives, i load from one off links for PC and try unpack,[VN] [Ren'Py] Where the Heart Is [Episode 1-22] [CheekyGimp] [OS@3.93GB, HQ, MyRepack-YAC]
PC =You must be registered to see the links/ WorkUpload / PixelDrain /You must be registered to see the links(Thanks giqui2018 )
Elaine drove meaning she had to pass through the security barrier. Bella walked (from the bus-stop) in a thunderstorm...so easier for the security team to miss. It's just a rent-a-cop company monitoring a beach, not Fort Knox so not everybody gets stopped / noticed. Also, when MC is in (i.e. house is occupied) sec company don't need to be as vigilant. That was our thinking but let me know if this doesn't sound plausible. Easy enough to add a line where sec company contacts MC asking is it OK to let the visitor (Bella) through just before she arrives at the door.I agree, I am now wounding if I don't offer the Beach house for either will Bella still show up like the lunch date. that I did not agree to. Everyone once said Monica throws herself at MC but Bella does it much better. and way too many in game spoilers to (now we Know)not show the connection to Jolina if we just looked for them. I do have an add to the reason for Bella being at the Beach House. You do know that they are connected (Jo and Bella) so maybe Jo added he to the gest list before showing up with MC as he added Jo before they arrived. info to be confirmed latter.
If there's a gate, there's normally a fence or hedge wall around the area to keep people from circumventing a gate.Elaine drove meaning she had to pass through the security barrier. Bella walked (from the bus-stop) in a thunderstorm...so easier for the security team to miss. It's just a rent-a-cop company monitoring a beach, not Fort Knox so not everybody gets stopped / noticed. That was our thinking but let me know if this doesn't sound plausible. Easy enough to add a line where sec company contacts MC asking is it OK to let the visitor (Bella) through just before she arrives at the door. Also, when MC is in (i.e. house is occupied) sec company don't need to be as vigilant.
It is possible that Jo added her to the guest list if you let Jo stay there. However even when i let Jo move across the country, and rejected Bella at every turn she still showed up at the end of the update. On my main save i turned her away but it appears she shows up regardless of your choices .I agree, I am now wounding if I don't offer the Beach house for either will Bella still show up like the lunch date. that I did not agree to. Everyone once said Monica throws herself at MC but Bella does it much better. and way too many in game spoilers to (now we Know)not show the connection to Jolina if we just looked for them. I do have an add to the reason for Bella being at the Beach House. You do know that they are connected (Jo and Bella) so maybe Jo added he to the gest list before showing up with MC as he added Jo before they arrived. info to be confirmed latter.
The "Dizzy" reference that I pointed out wasn't meant to be taken so literally, though. Even if the "Dizzy" nickname is a red herring, it doesn't change the fact that there is more to a lot of the love interests than what one initially perceives. Earlier on in the game, for instance, I thought that Jo and Bella were more or less victims of circumstance, but after recent updates, I can see that there's a side to them that the MC hasn't seen; he hasn't exactly been characterised as the most intelligent person, either. In short, I meant to say that few love interests are as they seem to be on the surface.nah im not biased with lily at all and i 100% agree with you, it just doesnt add up for her to be it, as you said unless everything about her is a lie. shes not that type of girl who would do that. If i had to pick one right now who i think it is id say bella
yup, thats why my mc has performed, whenever possible, some quite deep exploration of those fine ladiesThe "Dizzy" reference that I pointed out wasn't meant to be taken so literally, though. Even if the "Dizzy" nickname is a red herring, it doesn't change the fact that there is more to a lot of the love interests than what one initially perceives. Earlier on in the game, for instance, I thought that Jo and Bella were more or less victims of circumstance, but after recent updates, I can see that there's a side to them that the MC hasn't seen; he hasn't exactly been characterised as the most intelligent person, either. In short, I meant to say that few love interests are as they seem to be on the surface.
The Mc doesn't get any Aha Moments yet. he is a silver tongue devil great with the words and we can help with the girls we don't want or how we want to respond but he needs to get smart really soon. and start seeing what we see or at least think about it someEdit: Also the MC is clearly a brain dead idiot, because he somehow forgot that days before Bella had Elaine's phone but we have no choice to mention that in the conversation. What clearly could have been an "aha!" moment turned into him just believing everything she was spouting.
The game doesn't necessary need for the game to serve up aha momments in a text box. It does a good job at leave that to the player (if you followed the story that is).The Mc doesn't get any Aha Moments yet. he is a silver tongue devil great with the words and we can help with the girls we don't want or how we want to respond but he needs to get smart really soon. and start seeing what we see or at least think about it some
The guards say they stop her at the gates (Monica) driving obviously. true The girls are there on the beach but Lily drives has a car took the girls to mall and MC to her house. so after shopping Lily must have taken them to the beach house.(no?) not sure how they got there as I did not see a comment about it. but Bella the bus? we don't know how she gets around so possible! it explains the soaking wet look. but now I want to know why not call for a ride why show up (we know maybe).Elaine drove meaning she had to pass through the security barrier. Bella walked (from the bus-stop) in a thunderstorm...so easier for the security team to miss. It's just a rent-a-cop company monitoring a beach, not Fort Knox so not everybody gets stopped / noticed. Also, when MC is in (i.e. house is occupied) sec company don't need to be as vigilant. That was our thinking but let me know if this doesn't sound plausible. Easy enough to add a line where sec company contacts MC asking is it OK to let the visitor (Bella) through just before she arrives at the door.
I Know the player gets them not the MC. but I'm just saying "WAKE UP MC" hopefully since he got lawyer he get smart now too.The game doesn't necessary need for the game to serve up aha momments in a text box. It does a good job at leave that to the player (if you followed the story that is).
I disagree. ADI is no RR. Avaron1974 actually lays out the facts of the game (Sometimes hard boiled) something ADI seems to struggle with.I feel like andrew david irving pulled a deadpool on Avaron1974, Re: deadpool meeting Negasonic Teenage warhead.
hey just finished another run not adjusting stats with mod, an Bella still on MC and shows at beach house with this score we are stuck with her.i brought that up earlier got no answer though. I guess it was just a plot device, keeps Elaine out of this update and allows Bella to continue to do whatever she wants.
So it is impossible for something to exist unless it was specifically detailed by the Dev in the first paragraph. I call BS. There is nothing that precludes this concept at all. The beach party uh just spitballing but, MC told security that three super hot girls were coming to his house. Did we need to know that, at that point in time, for the story to be believable? Nope. Further, depending on your choices with Bella you may have elected to give her the option of living with you at the Beach house if Elaine tosses her. The MC could easily add her to the access list. The same with Jolina. Since Elaine has a house he can restrict her access based on she has no need.If there's a gate, there's normally a fence or hedge wall around the area to keep people from circumventing a gate.
Her just popping in seemed implausible. Her visiting before also doesn't make sense. Because Elaine has been there before.
But your introduction of a Security Force altogether makes no sense, because no mention of it was made when Katie's group showed up for the sleepover. Bella's also gotten through before on that same event.
It feels like an interjected plot point to fix a loophole. Unless you retroactively go back and make mention of the security every time someone has been to the Beach House, it makes no sense. You could have also easily added a bit with Bella calling first to be let through security.
Edit: Also the MC is clearly a brain dead idiot, because he somehow forgot that days before Bella had Elaine's phone but we have no choice to mention that in the conversation. What clearly could have been an "aha!" moment turned into him just believing everything she was spouting.
sadly i think there will be no duo ending...i wished to commit to the whole family..Monica is too sweet and sexy to give up...as the 2 daughtyer...quitting on 5 milions dollars i think would be worth a little family sharing...sighI thought i loved Lilly until that one scene, this update with the sisters. Now i realize that my heart belongs only to Katie and Jenna (as a duo). My god seeing them fight over my MC was .....hrrrrgggh. And what we did in the gym after.
i dont think so...she has a very welthy family...no need money and it's too young for the asshole..i think me too that only 1 remain qand is Bella...her behaviour wasn't so clear...throwing herself to MC firsdt time she see us..and her remarking she is no gold digger agasin and again...and that dad asshole tried to get on her...now is suspiciousDizzy
Mentioned as one of the heirs
Lilly nickname in school, one was Dizzy Lilly......
Is this a nightmare moment?
Based on the comments from Ace and cheeky it all makes sense to me now. As you said Elaine would have been on the fathers guest list hence how she was able to go get it ready for the MC.So it is impossible for something to exist unless it was specifically detailed by the Dev in the first paragraph. I call BS. There is nothing that precludes this concept at all. The beach party uh just spitballing but, MC told security that three super hot girls were coming to his house. Did we need to know that, at that point in time, for the story to be believable? Nope. Further, depending on your choices with Bella you may have elected to give her the option of living with you at the Beach house if Elaine tosses her. The MC could easily add her to the access list. The same with Jolina. Since Elaine has a house he can restrict her access based on she has no need.
Both Elaine and Bella had been there many times PRIOR to the MC having it as his house. Therefore a standing guest list would likely exist (as many security companies do). Once MC is owner he adjusts/eliminates the list and puts it on a case by case basis. None of this is difficult and is real.