My thoughts on the game to present: First, regardless of thoughts on what kind of person the MC is, his late, un-lamented father is one psychotic, manipulative piece of work (to keep things civil). There's also something to the vindictively cruel conditions specified in the Will Trust that hint at a very severe animus between Donald and the 3 women that were so supportive of MC and his mother..... speaking of his late mother... why did she never have a will or other legal documents which specified that, upon her death, custody of the then-minor MC would be transferred to Monica???? as custodial parent post divorce, she would've had that right.......Now, as to the identity of the third claimant: from things that have been let slip (Donald called her Dizzy in one of the audio recordings) and descriptions of her personality, I'm almost betting that it's Theresa Williams, Tommy's mother, that is being referred to. Next, the fact that MC has seemingly lost all chances at any type of romantic/sexual relationships with Monica, Katie or Jenna..... my personal feeling is that is a severe mistake in the story...... although, how it was left, I feel such relationships for MC with both Katie and Jenna could be salvaged by doing the following: Step One: everyone involved that the initial reactions were overly hasty and drastic, since both Katie and Jenna had to figure that, since both of them had strong feelings for him, he would have similar feelings for them. As a side possibility, a similar supposition could occur to Monica as well, regarding MC and her daughters, as well as herself. Step Two: all relevant parties agree to take some time to seriously consider everything and do some re-evaluations of what has happened. This would serve more than one purpose. It would give everyone some space to really think and give MC breathing room to consider just what his douche of a father was really up to. Step Three: After the final meeting to finalize the Will Trust, during which EVERY thing Donald knew (or thought he knew) regarding Monica and her daughters, Elaine, and the other recipient could be laid bare by the execution of another "time-sensitive codicil" of the will where, either by another audio file or other documentation, for all of them to consider... it could also shed some light on exactly when Donald had started seeing Elaine and/or Theresa. Step Four: this is going to be split into two parts: Step Four A: MC decides that, since things have so seemingly went to hell in a hand basket for him, he should take the money and move to a different city (he keeps the Main House and Beach House simply because he might want to use them from time to time when he visits back) he has a final meeting with everyone to let them know his decision, wish them all the best and say his goodbyes. Step Four B: MC decides that, since things have seemingly gone to hell in a hand basket for him, it's the Machiavellian machinations of his late father that have seemingly pitted him against everyone who has even shown him the smallest bit of kindness and affection and stays with Monica and her daughters, forfeiting his portion of the trust, believing that the millions are more trouble than they would benefit him in the long run. if MC chose Step Four B, then Step Five: There is an important meeting between MC, Monica and her daughters to clear and square everything. Katie and Jenna have had a chance to talk between themselves and decided that they're OK sharing MC with one another considering how much he's done to help them (building up Jenna's confidence and helping Katie get more in touch with her sensitive/romantic side). Monica would have had a chance to talk with her daughters as well and confess she had feelings for MC the same as they did and, after more thinking and talking, decided that there's no one she would rather see herself or her daughters with except for MC since he has genuinely attempted to show he's cared for and about them. IF MC had chosen Step Four A, that would've ended that part permanently.