
Herald - Super Naked Ginger Cuddle Time
Sep 8, 2020
Wouldn't work.

She's leaving town and you have the option to let her go, if she was the third she'd be sticking around.

Essentially you can remove her from the game this update so it's pretty much impossible for her to be the third.
Or....just hear me out...she could be just saying that to gain sympathy and use it as a last ditch effort to get the MC tied to her. She also could use it as an excuse to remove herself from added suspicion depending on who else she was working with...cough..Bella...cough...

I know I have my tinfoil hat on and the paranoia is real, but outside of Katie/Jenna/Debbie and Lily, I can't rule anyone else out. Though Monica and Zarah are pretty likely safe as well.


Engaged Member
Aug 19, 2019
I would like to know if there is a chance at some point in the game to impregnate all or some female characters?
I am certainly hoping so. Debbie and Lily are my top contenders. Going to get that family building out of the way ASAP. Unless Ace & Cheeky stab me in the back by somehow making Deb the Dizzy. Then my MC will just tie a noose in his beach house and hang himself.
All the CCTV proves is Elaine went to the Cafe. Whom used the computer is a complete unknown. We only have Jolina's word on that. There was no CCTV of the computer usage.
CCTV is also notoriously low-res compared to television and the like, and it would be much easier to slip in some faked frames of another person's face. If Jo has that computer savvy, it probably wouldn't have taken her very long at all to be able to drum up some fakes, especially with the evidence that she's involved somehow, either with Elaine or Bella. Money's on Bella, though. The fortune teller's comments about the the sister's blonde friend, who also prefers women? It doesn't have to be Debbie she was talking about, it could have readily been Jolina, which would make her immediate dismissal of the MC (when he asked for her number/asked her out, whichever it was) even more sensible. She's probably tired of guys hitting on her all the time, and she had zero problem getting freaky with Jenna in the later scenes.
I swear some of them are literally bigger than me. It's like there are women our there that could swallow me whole with their giant, small person swallowing pussies.
Feel free, if you haven't yet, to observe the feats of HotKinkyJo. She could have hidden Verne Troyer in there just fine. (from either entrance)
What you don't like that you can can fuck her? :) J/K Thanks!
My mind goes only to one place with this statement.
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May 21, 2020
What is a bit intriguing is the way Jolina reacts when you show her the picture of Elaine, she seems surprised, then hesitates, then confirm it was her. When it happened i was almost sure that she lied to me but why!!?? Like she was thinking about how to answer the right way.
Yea the dialogue actually varies depending if you're in a relationship with Jolina or not

Did not romance Jolina (lies straightaway)
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Romanced Jolina (hesitates, thinks about it, then lies)
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LionHeart 95

Active Member
Aug 30, 2020
Well Back to the Game at hand. I think our MC needs an intervention, a come to Jesus moment.

Not to be a Prude but he needs one of his Milf/cougars to slap him silly, The MC has acted just how his father would have been with the Ladies in his life.MC just says exactly what they want and need to hear. Then should he choose to dump them with no regard? Sure, he thinks “it's now or never do I continue lying or breakup. He knows he is a man-whore and seems mildly guilty about it. So I ask myself are we just the puppeteer or will the story lead us to where the heart belongs?

At this point, our choices seem to be girls who are: possessive, vindictive, loving and sharing, religious older ladies and a few tarts, some less than truthful, those wanting something but is it love or just money, ones willing to share the Mc with others, some clingy and most likely a gold digger among them. Along this adventure the MC has helped each of them in one way or another but outside sex who has helped the MC?

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
Feel free, if you haven't yet, to observe the feats of HotKinkyJo. She could have hidden Verne Troyer in there just fine. (from either entrance)
My mind goes only to one place with this statement.
Since Verne is dead... that would been an awful experience.....

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
Then again I think I was one of very few that gave AL 1 star. It just didn't impress me. His writing is okay but his storytelling is below average and he wouldn't know pacing if it bent him over and butt fucked him raw with a 14 inch horsecock.
If applied, that would be a teaching momment to remember though :ROFLMAO:

Majority of these games have creators that have a "make it up as they go along" process, that in the end make for utter dogshit story telling.
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Jul 9, 2021
My thoughts on the game to present: First, regardless of thoughts on what kind of person the MC is, his late, un-lamented father is one psychotic, manipulative piece of work (to keep things civil). There's also something to the vindictively cruel conditions specified in the Will Trust that hint at a very severe animus between Donald and the 3 women that were so supportive of MC and his mother..... speaking of his late mother... why did she never have a will or other legal documents which specified that, upon her death, custody of the then-minor MC would be transferred to Monica???? as custodial parent post divorce, she would've had that right.......Now, as to the identity of the third claimant: from things that have been let slip (Donald called her Dizzy in one of the audio recordings) and descriptions of her personality, I'm almost betting that it's Theresa Williams, Tommy's mother, that is being referred to. Next, the fact that MC has seemingly lost all chances at any type of romantic/sexual relationships with Monica, Katie or Jenna..... my personal feeling is that is a severe mistake in the story...... although, how it was left, I feel such relationships for MC with both Katie and Jenna could be salvaged by doing the following: Step One: everyone involved that the initial reactions were overly hasty and drastic, since both Katie and Jenna had to figure that, since both of them had strong feelings for him, he would have similar feelings for them. As a side possibility, a similar supposition could occur to Monica as well, regarding MC and her daughters, as well as herself. Step Two: all relevant parties agree to take some time to seriously consider everything and do some re-evaluations of what has happened. This would serve more than one purpose. It would give everyone some space to really think and give MC breathing room to consider just what his douche of a father was really up to. Step Three: After the final meeting to finalize the Will Trust, during which EVERY thing Donald knew (or thought he knew) regarding Monica and her daughters, Elaine, and the other recipient could be laid bare by the execution of another "time-sensitive codicil" of the will where, either by another audio file or other documentation, for all of them to consider... it could also shed some light on exactly when Donald had started seeing Elaine and/or Theresa. Step Four: this is going to be split into two parts: Step Four A: MC decides that, since things have so seemingly went to hell in a hand basket for him, he should take the money and move to a different city (he keeps the Main House and Beach House simply because he might want to use them from time to time when he visits back) he has a final meeting with everyone to let them know his decision, wish them all the best and say his goodbyes. Step Four B: MC decides that, since things have seemingly gone to hell in a hand basket for him, it's the Machiavellian machinations of his late father that have seemingly pitted him against everyone who has even shown him the smallest bit of kindness and affection and stays with Monica and her daughters, forfeiting his portion of the trust, believing that the millions are more trouble than they would benefit him in the long run. if MC chose Step Four B, then Step Five: There is an important meeting between MC, Monica and her daughters to clear and square everything. Katie and Jenna have had a chance to talk between themselves and decided that they're OK sharing MC with one another considering how much he's done to help them (building up Jenna's confidence and helping Katie get more in touch with her sensitive/romantic side). Monica would have had a chance to talk with her daughters as well and confess she had feelings for MC the same as they did and, after more thinking and talking, decided that there's no one she would rather see herself or her daughters with except for MC since he has genuinely attempted to show he's cared for and about them. IF MC had chosen Step Four A, that would've ended that part permanently.


Engaged Member
Aug 19, 2019
I'm almost betting that it's Theresa Williams, Tommy's mother, that is being referred to.
I won't weigh in on your other thoughts (largely because it's hard to disagree with the father sentiments), but this one I feel simply cannot be accurate. One of the complaints about Dizzy was that she couldn't give him a child. She clearly has one, and if you follow her side path through things she will not partake of birth control, because it goes against her particular branch of faith. She commended MC for being willing to become a father so young.

That would seemingly rule Theresa out. Thanks to acewinz, though, my paranoia has climbed again, as I mentally reviewed which characters have or have not discussed birth control and repurcussions, because Bella never has - and then I realized, though she should be far too young for the old geezer, I couldn't recall Debbie discussing it either, she lets the MC blast freely.

And I am, by nature, somewhat paranoid already. DAMN HIM!
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Wonder Wolf

Mar 3, 2018
First of all, I've been following where the heart is, now for almost 2 years and I have to say, it still has the charm and fun of trying out all possible constellations with the girls in every new update. A really great mysterious game about the last will of MC's father. Outstanding work by Cheeky, Ace and Cell.

Interestingly enough, I wrote my theory about who is the third in the will exactly almost a year ago on this day. Unfortunately I couldn't find my original post anymore. Maybe it was accidentally deleted but luckily my answer was quoted at the time.

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Active Member
Jan 23, 2019
Thanks for the theory.

I'm almost certain this is it.

I really hope acewinz doesn't change the story at the last minute because of this.

Also, I had no idea that there was a you-know-what in that place of residence.
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Developer of "The Call of Darkness"
Game Developer
Oct 15, 2018
I really hope acewinz doesn't change the story at the last minute because of this.
Cheeky had the main plot of this story laid out from the start, and while small details have changed/been fleshed out, and chars have evolved, we have no plans on changing anything major in regard to the overarching plot, even if people pick apart all the real clues we leave to come to figure out what is going on. That is why we leave clues and foreshadowing in the first place! The MC may be relatively clueless at times (something of a necessity for storytelling), but the player isn't (nor should be, they have access to more information and time to process it than the MC), and that is all as intended. Plus even though there are plenty of theories here that may or may not have some things right. There is always still some surprises in store. = )

I also experienced one game (probably more) that did change some main elements of the story (or characters) because I and others picked up on things and publicly theorized such, and it really not only hurt the story by making the previous foreshadowing worthless, but it hurt the character too. It is not pleasant and we wouldn't pull that crap.


The Crawling Chaos, Bringer of Strange Joy
Oct 23, 2016
Wow. Just saw that my review for WTHI was the second one ever. I knew I was one of the first, definitely on the first page of reviews, but I honestly didn't remember that I got mine in so early.
Initially it was only a 4-star review, some stuff like one-decision game endings and a rushed timeline at the start, held the game back a little, but a few episodes in, I changed my review to a five and since then never even considered changing that again.

Wow (again), more than 4 years now. If only people stopped replying to my posts as if I didn't know the game. But OTOH, why should I fare better than Cheeky himself? :cool:

Thanks to Cheeky, Ace, Cell and everybody else ever involved for giving me many hours of sexy entertainment.


Active Member
Jun 29, 2018
Soo.. in last episode I keep seeing those lines about hinting relationship between Monica, Kate etc.. ofc in my case it went bad, as I saw lines like 'your past actions made Kate suspicious about Monica' :LOL:, but anyway, does it mean we can expect some family harem ending? Despite of MC fucking everything that moves in this game, I didn't have any hope for that earlier, but chap 22 certainly gives me some.
4.30 star(s) 338 Votes