The dev Dr Pinkcake received a ton of backlash for that decision. He didn't just not allow harem, he killed off a character based on user choice and put another in the loony bin. He is still the best dev around no question, but I don't think that decision is seen as the reason. Dev's still have the right to do what they want, just like supporters have the right to complain or commend.I think i figured it out. BaDK devs took a hard stance of no haerm. But it paid off. The production value of that game was out of this world. The best of the best. So many paths in the story. Perfect renders and animations.
"Where the heart is" devs thought they'd copy that success due to a myopic understanding of what made that game great. They tried to end it with a similar ending with only one sole interest LI. Clearly it didn't work out so well.
The game should've just went pure harem with its inferior renders, animations and story. It would've been legendary, but instead it ended up as a "meh game".
Sad days, folks. Sad days.
He loses the ability to think when there are boobs in the room.The Mc doesn't get any Aha Moments yet. he is a silver tongue devil great with the words and we can help with the girls we don't want or how we want to respond but he needs to get smart really soon. and start seeing what we see or at least think about it some
The problem here is that Bella gets on the property without any problems, regardless of whether you've offered for her to come to stay in the past or not. In fact if you've gone out of your way to blow her off entirely, she still shows up. She still gets through. So even if he was setting up on a case by case basis, that wouldn't have been the case here. Also, with Elaine, she has been there with him after he had taken ownership as well, just like Bella. So if security is letting Bella through without clearance, they should have had no reason to stop Elaine either.So it is impossible for something to exist unless it was specifically detailed by the Dev in the first paragraph. I call BS. There is nothing that precludes this concept at all. The beach party uh just spitballing but, MC told security that three super hot girls were coming to his house. Did we need to know that, at that point in time, for the story to be believable? Nope. Further, depending on your choices with Bella you may have elected to give her the option of living with you at the Beach house if Elaine tosses her. The MC could easily add her to the access list. The same with Jolina. Since Elaine has a house he can restrict her access based on she has no need.
Both Elaine and Bella had been there many times PRIOR to the MC having it as his house. Therefore a standing guest list would likely exist (as many security companies do). Once MC is owner he adjusts/eliminates the list and puts it on a case by case basis. None of this is difficult and is real.
unless i quoted or replied to you i was speaking in general, i wasnt talking about the kinectic novel thing at all, thats someone elses opinion not mine lol. I dont think if you like harem or want harem you should just play a KN, said multiple times that some games i like as a harem, this game i think works best as it is.The genesis of the conversation was Avaron1974 said...
... in response to someone stating they always wondered why harem content wasn't standard to games so that people could witness all the hard work a developer puts into a game instead of a limited amount, and in the original non edited version of the post, Avaron ended the post by saying and i quote "If you want porn fuck off to pornhub." which has since been edited out by a moderator.
So that is how the conversation started that was the whole point of me getting into the conversation was to challenge the notion that harem = kinetic novel and their rude conduct towards other people. when i did challenge this non sensical position Avaron went on and on when they though harem should or shouldn't be added to the game. Which had fuck all to do with my post. And completely ignored there hostile attack on someone's likes.
You jumped into the conversation and then claim I took things out of context. Okay fair enough but I just assumed you took your position because you knew Avaron made that claim and your were adding support to said claim by your expressing of your feelings toward harem and choice. I could not take your position any other way then I did because the whole point of the conversation you joined was a challenge to the claim Harem = kinetic novel. And you didn't make any caveats with regards to your position and the original premise that Avaron1974 made.
This is text so this likely sounds like i am annoyed or belittling you, neither is true. I can assume now that you had no idea that you were joining a conversation that took the hardline stance that harem = kinetic novel but as you can see from the quote that was exactly what avaron was claiming so i assumed anyone joining the conversation with a similar position to avaron shared their position unless they directly stated otherwise and that is why i responded the way i did.
The CCTV videos shows bella. It is not only about Jolina confirming it. At least from what we saw on CCTV video it was Elaine who went to that coffee shop as well.So I have been going over everything in my head and it makes complete sense to me that Bella is the gold digger and has been playing the MC against Elaine from the start.
however I had a thought what if Elaine didn’t send the emails and it was actually Bella dressed up to look like Elaine. We only have Jo’s word it was Elaine.
My other theory is that it was Elaine but she was convinced to not only send the emails but from the coffee shop instead of using her home computer by Bella.
Bella appears as it is certainly a very important choice scene for the end game. This update was mostly a spring cleaning one, not the occasion to fuck around with every girl.Hey everyone, I was wondering, is there any way to fuck Jolina in this new episode? Because no matter what is my relationship with Bella, she always appears at the MC house that night at the final escene
What is a bit intriguing is the way Jolina reacts when you show her the picture of Elaine, she seems surprised, then hesitates, then confirm it was her. When it happened i was almost sure that she lied to me but why!!?? Like she was thinking about how to answer the right way.The CCTV videos shows bella. It is not only about Jolina confirming it. At least from what we saw on CCTV video it was Elaine who went to that coffee shop as well.
well I will not create theories, I will only talk about what I have seen so far in the game. Create theories I leave it to the dev writerWhat is a bit intriguing is the way Jolina reacts when you show her the picture of Elaine, she seems surprised, then hesitates, then confirm it was her. When it happened i was almost sure that she lied to me but why!!?? Like she was thinking about how to answer the right way.
If someone else would make Elaine look like the mailer, he/she could just invite Elaine to that coffe shop that day, so she would be on the CCTV and then later send the mail, maybe Jolina did it herself to help someone.
I got the feeling Jo was lying as well. Also i may be wrong but didn't she say when we first asked her that the person came asked to use the computers then left with barely any interaction.What is a bit intriguing is the way Jolina reacts when you show her the picture of Elaine, she seems surprised, then hesitates, then confirm it was her. When it happened i was almost sure that she lied to me but why!!?? Like she was thinking about how to answer the right way.
If someone else would make Elaine look like the mailer, he/she could just invite Elaine to that coffe shop that day, so she would be on the CCTV and then later send the mail, maybe Jolina did it herself to help someone.
Wouldn't work.Jo is the 3rd and her quest is to start a company and sucker the MC to blow money on her to show the dad he is a wuss. Then she gets the beach house
You can't.Anybody knows how to make Lily accept a 4-way relationship in ep. 22? It seems that if MC is in a relationship with Katie she will make him choose only one of them, but she would accept a "throuple" with Debbie if MC is only friends with Katie. As in ep. 20, morning after the foursome, you're practically forced to choose between being a relationship with Katie or breaking up forever with the three of them, if you choose the former then Debbie and Lily slowly start to walk away from the MC (the latter obviously is a no go). While if you're only friends with Katie before the beach house night with the three chicks, then you can do a threesome with D&L and the "throuple" option becomes available in the future, which of course excludes Katie and thus no "fourouple".
However, when playing mode "start any episode", if you select "girlfriend" for Katie and Lily and "romancing" for Debbie (can't gf her yet), plus adding that MC did a foursome with them in ep. 19 when the game asks you, then Lily will accept being a "fourouple" with MC and her two friends (see attachment). Nevertheless, for me at least, this happens only in the "start any episode" mode. When playing the real thing, I can't reach this situation. Does anybody know how to get Lily accept the "fourouple"?
Pretty sure you didn’t read the message? It is indeed possible to get Lily to agree to it, but I, like the other poster, only successfully managed to pull it off in “start at any episode” rather than continuing my save which had the foursome. My best guess is some variable didn’t get flagged correctly in ep19, but does get set correctly if you use quickstart.You can't.
Katie is okay sharing but not full time, Lily isn't up for sharing at all.
If Lily is your main then she wants a serious relationship. Basically if you want her then she wants full committment.
I didn't think it was quite that bad. I just figured the companies primary job was protecting the property when the MC isn't there, and be close by if needed, not necessarily to screen his guests when he is home. But either way Cheeky is going to add more details to that and likely to an earlier ep to cover its inclusion.He loses the ability to think when there are boobs in the room.
The problem here is that Bella gets on the property without any problems, regardless of whether you've offered for her to come to stay in the past or not. In fact if you've gone out of your way to blow her off entirely, she still shows up. She still gets through. So even if he was setting up on a case by case basis, that wouldn't have been the case here. Also, with Elaine, she has been there with him after he had taken ownership as well, just like Bella. So if security is letting Bella through without clearance, they should have had no reason to stop Elaine either.
It's a plot hole.
I felt like she accepted it in my playthrough but she wants us both to talk to Katie about it, so she doesn't feel like we are cheating on Katie.You can't.
Katie is okay sharing but not full time, Lily isn't up for sharing at all.
If Lily is your main then she wants a serious relationship. Basically if you want her then she wants full committment.