OK, I'm like 600 post from the end, so forgive me if this discussed then.
The most important thing to remember when talking about the will is that you can't be sure of ANYTHING unless you see it yourself. If you hear about it from someone, it could be a lie. If you see it for yourself, you know it's true.
Having said that, I am going to suggest a theory that involves things that two people have told you. I hope that this will lead you to believe that Elaine did not know the conditions of the will before meeting with the lawyer.
Otherwise, Elaine did not know the MC's condition. So she kicked him out of the house and did not send the e-mail pretending to be the MC to Monica or anyone. When she found out about the will, naturally she had to change direction. Or, maybe the third beneficiary sent a bunch of e-mails, and a text message pretending to be Elaine, and has been lying through her teeth ever since. I don't KNOW who that it, but I suggest it might be Bella.
Some of this has surely been stolen from thing others have said RantingOldMan certainly having been one.
Again, sorry about the wall of text, even if some of it is spoilered.