1) Assuming any particular theory of yours is more or less correct. How do you think things will end up when the cat is out of the bag? How would you like them to end up? (This is not a harem question...)
When a cat is let out of a bag they are usually very "clawy" so I would find it interesting for the "gold digger" to go on the offensive. Whoever it turns out to be lashing out at the MC, his choices, how "pathetic" he is compared to "The Don", etc. A near complete personality switch, so if it is Bella she goes from "sympathetic, happy, and horny" to her "true" nature of angry, manipulative, and mocking.
2) Also something I wanted to touch on is plenty of games like ours have angles of betrayal or areas of grey when it comes to actions of friends or love interests we have spent a lot of time with in these games. Needless to say sometimes the emotional response of the player can be... extreme, even if they did anticipate the twists. I don't expect people to end up in more disappointment from the reveal than enjoyment from the mystery (I hope), but feel free to share your thoughts on this too.
If the "gold digger" turns out to be someone we all didn't really expect, Monica for example, then I hope that there is a long detailed flashback or explanation showing how and why she sabotaged the MC throughout the game. Otherwise it would be so out of left field to the point where it is unbelievable. I am not really "emotionally invested" in any other characters besides perhaps Katie and Jenna. And once again I would want a detailed explanation of the how and why. Bella, Jolina, Theresa, and Zarah have always felt like secondary characters (and obvious suspects) to me so finding out that one of them (or more in the Bella/Jolina love-spiracy theory) had "betrayed" the MC wouldn't surprise me. I suppose the "why" they betrayed him would be interesting if it was for more than money.
3) While our course has been set in many regards which we have been open about. We actually did see some pushback this Ep in regard to a lot of "forced" breakups. Although it is actually possible to maintain every relationship (though not without major danger signs), there will come a point sooner than later where this won't be possible. Hence why the difficulty of continuing to juggle or lie is becoming harder, and the suspicion variables (yes, we have those) have been far more active in causing breakups even when you could have lied your way through before. Anyway, my question is do you think we have been too hard when the axes have came down? Do you want to see more when the drama goes full bore? Do you enjoy the continued tension when sleeping around?
I think you've gone too easy on the cheating bastard, you should go full telenovela on the MC. I want to see cars and houses burning, faces slapped, revenge in all its glory. I don't play a man-slut character but I do think that Katie, with or without the help of her friends, would go full revenge... I also think that Jenna and Jolina, being computer savvy, would destroy the MC online. The MC should be punished for trying to juggle all of the women, more than once various characters have told him they are seeking monogamous relationships and that they love him. After all of that to find out he had been telling everyone that he "loved" them would be such a betrayal that it would be great to see him reap what he sowed.
On the other hand it would be great to see a "reward" for the non man-slut playthrough. Perhaps the women (Katie, Jenna, and Monica or Katie, Lily, and Debbie) discuss how the MC had all this temptation and never acted on it, causing his chosen woman to be even happier with him?
4) Tying somewhat into #1... I like to think we have properly treaded the line to keep you guessing, but also not come out of nowhere with the big reveal when it happens. We also have certain angles/outcomes covered and options not yet unveiled that will allow the players to deal with certain individuals in unexpected ways. (No murder though!) But what do you want/expect when it comes to this?
I expect that when all is said and done we shall see a range from sweet and sappy "happily ever afters" to homelessness, destitution, pregnancy, heartbreak, screaming and furniture tossing... You know, the average Maury Povich "Baby Daddy" episode.