Hey all. Quick Question. in EP 23 Natasha wrote me about meeting in the Evening but no matter what i try, she always tell me ok you got more time and i dont see her in 23. Is there a way to meet here in 23 and even fuck her or is it just a teaser again? thanks for your Awnser
p.s.: if so maybe someone would be so nice and share a save with me for that point pretty pls?
Hey all. Quick Question. in EP 23 Natasha wrote me about meeting in the Evening but no matter what i try, she always tell me ok you got more time and i dont see her in 23. Is there a way to meet here in 23 and even fuck her or is it just a teaser again? thanks for your Awnser
p.s.: if so maybe someone would be so nice and share a save with me for that point pretty pls?
Yeah, go for it provided you have a full harem. It's easy to restart each ep if you make a mistake, but they get angry if you lie... The only one you don't want to have relations with is Natasha. The rest is your choice.
Yeah, go for it provided you have a full harem. It's easy to restart each ep if you make a mistake, but they get angry if you lie... The only one you don't want to have relations with is Natasha. The rest is your choice.
Thanks again for your reply. Why I wouldn't want a relation with Natasha? I choose the revenge+anal and then at the coffee shop for BJ without telling Roger. I'm at the start of EP22.
dont get what you mean?are you saying that the dnload on pg 1 should have created them. if so my .rar didnt. can u give me those folders so i can cut and paste into my game
I think I've given Episode 23 a pretty thorough playthrough. In general I'd say it's good.
We get the big reveal of the gold digger which was very satisfying (though it's left to the end so we won't hear her story until next time). We also get a great date with Debbie that mirrors Lily's date despite being totally different. But the big showstopper, the cosplay con with Jenna, was IMHO one of the weaker parts of the episode. It definitely had its moments, but I think the drive to make it bigger wound up also making it unfocused; there's a lot happening and I frequently found the explanation for how it all fit into the story either confusing or unengaging.
But that's more a disappointment than it is a real problem. What we got is okay and the rest of the episode holds up well. There's a lot of great dialog and even some nice cameos by other girls. All in all it was a satisfying outing that leaves me wanting more. For a more in-depth look, I'll put the details in spoilers since this is still sorta new and I do tend to ramble on.
Thanks again for your reply. Why I wouldn't want a relation with Natasha? I choose the revenge+anal and then at the coffee shop for BJ without telling Roger. I'm at the start of EP22.
Ah yes, Natasha. If you don't do any sort of revenge on Natasha at the party, she shows up at the Coffee Shop with a different attitude. It's actually more flirtatious. You can still get the blowjob from her... In this situation you would think she has no reason to blackmail you, but she does anyway.
You can even approach her and speak about the possibility of getting together... But the game is coded that if you have any sort of sex with Natasha, you're getting blackmailed no matter the circumstances.
Of course some of that is also her rivalry with Katie.
Well, if we meet Natasha again, MC's gonna have to put her over his knee.
Thanks again for your reply. Why I wouldn't want a relation with Natasha? I choose the revenge+anal and then at the coffee shop for BJ without telling Roger. I'm at the start of EP22.
There are too much LI's, and that's Why Natasha is Just side character. Still she's attractive and maybe a bit bitchy (and dev shows her as some collection of bad traits) but not that bad tbh, so if Natasha'll be sexually satisfied and find a man with balls, I don't think she'll be that bad as Girlfriend.
I've been playing this for a while now, not yet reached Ep23, and am wondering how many endings are we potentially looking at? Is there one with all women, 1 with the sisters and Monica etc?