Jun 26, 2017
You can't rape the willing. It was consensual with Natasha, and the MC never once touched Roger in a sexual way. Sammy's blowjob scene was not only all Sammy's doing, but was also consensual, at least until he later found out it was Sammy. The MC wasn't even in the room when it happened, so you should be hating Sammy for that, not the MC. As for "beating people up", it was one punch, and the pos deserved it.
It's not consensual if you are consenting under a fraudulent presentation of the facts. If I Roger = you, and sammy = your brother, did you consent to sex with your brother?

Regardless of the consent, what happened to them is the kind of thing that leads real life people into mental illness and self-destructive behaviors. It was psychological and physical rape. You can make the 'it's a game with fake characters argument so no person was harmed 'with some justice... but you're not doing that. You're making non-virtual paralels arging that rape can be justified, and we're just going to have to strongly disagree on that score.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
You can't rape the willing. It was consensual with Natasha, and the MC never once touched Roger in a sexual way. Sammy's blowjob scene was not only all Sammy's doing, but was also consensual, at least until he later found out it was Sammy. The MC wasn't even in the room when it happened, so you should be hating Sammy for that, not the MC. As for "beating people up", it was one punch, and the pos deserved it.
Sammy told the MC what he was planning to do but interestingly enough it's not shared with the player. Maybe the dev realizing that most people would go "wtf, get away from me you psycho" but apparently the MC thinks it's a sweet plan. Also there's nothing consensual about it. That is rape.

Mt PewPew

Active Member
May 3, 2018
Sammy told the MC what he was planning to do but interestingly enough it's not shared with the player. Maybe the dev realizing that most people would go "wtf, get away from me you psycho" but apparently the MC thinks it's a sweet plan. Also there's nothing consensual about it. That is rape.

Regardless of what the MC thought of the plan, you are still blaming the MC for "raping" Roger even though the only thing the MC is actually guilty of here is not stopping Sammy. It doesn't matter how you want to spin it, the MC didn't rape anyone. And as for that scene, the whole thing is one big grey area because Roger was recorded begging for it and he was genuinely happy and excited all the way through the act. He never once complained about it, he never protested it nor did he ever ask to stop.

That said, I understand that you're going to cling to your opinion, and I'm going to stick to mine on the matter, so I'm not going to clarify it any further.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
Regardless of what the MC thought of the plan, you are still blaming the MC for "raping" Roger even though the only thing the MC is actually guilty of here is not stopping Sammy.
No, I'm blaming the MC for being a terrible human being for thinking this was an acceptable thing to go along with to get into his sister's pants. It doesn't matter that he didn't do the actual deed himself.

It doesn't matter how you want to spin it, the MC didn't rape anyone. And as for that scene, the whole thing is one big grey area because Roger was recorded begging for it and he was genuinely happy and excited all the way through the act. He never once complained about it, he never protested it nor did he ever ask to stop.
So if I tied you up and blindfolded you and told you Taylor Swift was going to suck your cock and you consented to this experience, but then I brought in a hobo I paid 10 bucks to suck your cock you would call yourself getting sucked off by a hobo a consensual experience? That's an interesting perspective.


Jun 14, 2017
I prefer games where the choices are important and lead to consequences, so it suits me.

After that if you had not seen the trick coming because it's not exactly said (Sammy plan) then I can understand your point of view. But the fact remains that you are not forced to follow this path.
And so the MC can quite stay in what you envision. Unless you really find that defending the honor of your friend (conquest?) And her physical integrity is a bad thing of course. In this case ... it does not meet your expectations.


Låt den rätta komma in
Jul 2, 2017
Hell, even the way Roger treated the MC from the beginning of the party, calling him a fag and talking shit to the MC, someone he didn't even know, should have been a huge indicator that Roger and Natasha are a couple of a-holes that I honestly feel got everything they deserved.
Totally agree. And I'd like to add that Natasha was planning to humiliate Kathy in the same way, showing a video to everyone in the party. Both deserved all.
Jun 26, 2017
I prefer games where the choices are important and lead to consequences, so it suits me.

After that if you had not seen the trick coming because it's not exactly said (Sammy plan) then I can understand your point of view. But the fact remains that you are not forced to follow this path.
And so the MC can quite stay in what you envision. Unless you really find that defending the honor of your friend (conquest?) And her physical integrity is a bad thing of course. In this case ... it does not meet your expectations.
A few posts back I wrote that I objected on the grounds of narrative agency and unintended consequences.

When I looked through the code after decompling it, I noticed that the game tracks progress with the girls based on a pure points system. If you do something a girl likes, it's score+1. There is nothing unusual or wrong with the mechanic... but it has an unintended consequence that is at odds with the rest of the narrative.

Specifically, your sister likes you behaving like a gentleman, and the game rewards you with points for doing so... until it switches this completely around and fails to reward gentlemanly behavior (i.e. refusing to go along with the revengeporn plot) and rewards you for behaving like a douchebag (raping destroying the lives of two other people and publicly humiliating them while doing it.)

Narratively, this is jarring and not exactly best practice in writing, because it is not consistent either in reward/consequence from the game, or in character motivations.

The fixes I suggest are:
a) Give the MC a path consistent with 'gentlemanly' behavior. For example, giving them a path where they make Miss Bitch and Asshole admit it was all a lie.
B) Optionally, create an earlier path where the MC could behave like a d-bag and reward that behavior as well, so that rewards are consistent. Yucky personally, but to each their own since only pixels are being harmed.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
I guess I could do that, but that's kind of beside the point. It's not like this is some deep RPG where you get to choose what kind of character you are.
While it is not a deep RPG where you really decide what kind of character you are, the choices in this game do portray what your character does/not. A simple example is banging Wanda or not. Does your MC care that he lied about his identity just to bang a stranger? How about getting frisky with Monica while she was drunk? Does your MC care that he could be taking advantage of someone who wasn't in the right mind to give her consent? And so on.

I could choose to "skip" this event, but clearly the dev has envisioned the MC as a person who is fine with doing this stuff, so it's likely that there will be more about his character that will rub me the wrong way in the future
I understand what you're trying to say, but the choices are there exactly to give you options to not do things that you didn't want to. You have the right to be upset at what happened on Chapter 8. But you were also given the option to not do so if you didn't want to. To me, what I disagree with you is that you treated the MC based on what the dev envisioned rather than what you chose to actually do.

I also don't think it's fair to use one thing you didn't like in one chapter out of eight, and then concluded that the future would be the MC being more like that one chapter instead of the other seven chapters that you didn't have a problem with beforehand.

Also Zarah is best girl.
Zarah rubbed me the wrong way the moment she tricked Monica into grabbing MC's dick at the very beginning of the game. That's sexual assault. It bothered me so much that to Zarah, it was all just a joke. Imagine doing that to someone you just saw for the first time without any reason. I've been avoiding her since.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
I prefer games where the choices are important and lead to consequences, so it suits me.
What consequences though? Like Roger is going to show back up in a few episodes and stab you? I doubt it. This feels pretty self-contained and with how many girls there are in this game I doubt there is time for any consequences from your "let's have Roger raped for talking shit about my sister waifu" sidequest.

After that if you had not seen the trick coming because it's not exactly said (Sammy plan) then I can understand your point of view. But the fact remains that you are not forced to follow this path.
It doesn't matter that you aren't forced to do it. The fact that the option exists means it's within the range of the MC's character. And it's part of the optimal path. In games like this, where you grind points by picking correct dialogue options (i.e. play with a walkthrough) any option that is offered to you is part of your character. There are no Good/Evil paths in this game to differentiate your personality. I could choose not to let Sammy participate and still feel grossed out about the fact that the MC would happily go along with it if i let him. Again, this is not an RPG, the available choices are an indicator of who the MC is.

And so the MC can quite stay in what you envision. Unless you really find that defending the honor of your friend (conquest?) And her physical integrity is a bad thing of course. In this case ... it does not meet your expectations.
I wouldn't call turning into DOUCHEBRO 2000 "defending the honor of your friend (conquest?) And her physical integrity", I physically cringed at the endless tough guy dialogue. Also if some bitch needs me to set up rapes and revenge porn for her honor I'm probably out of there. Personal preference.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
When I looked through the code after decompling it, I noticed that the game tracks progress with the girls based on a pure points system. If you do something a girl likes, it's score+1. There is nothing unusual or wrong with the mechanic... but it has an unintended consequence that is at odds with the rest of the narrative.

Specifically, your sister likes you behaving like a gentleman, and the game rewards you with points for doing so... until it switches this completely around and fails to reward gentlemanly behavior (i.e. refusing to go along with the revengeporn plot) and rewards you for behaving like a douchebag (raping destroying the lives of two other people and publicly humiliating them while doing it.)

Narratively, this is jarring and not exactly best practice in writing, because it is not consistent either in reward/consequence from the game, or in character motivations.
Ok first of all, Katie is not MC's sister. I understand people love their incest games, but when a game is not incest, it's not incest.

Secondly, I have issue more with MC's aggressive behavior than Katie's characteristic. Katie has been clearly described from the very beginning that she absolutely hated Roger. That is consistent with her desire to have revenge. It is then up to you as the player to decide whether MC would go along with her revenge plan or not.

Thirdly, the scoring system is consistent because it's simply based on if you're doing something they like or not. What Katie likes is not the MC behaving like a gentleman. What Katie likes is when the MC agreed with her. If you choose MC to be gentleman, then feel free to refuse to go along with the revenge. If you put more importance to bang Katie who wanted you to go along with the revenge, then put aside your gentleman act. The choice is yours.
Jun 26, 2017
Ok first of all, Katie is not MC's sister. I understand people love their incest games, but when a game is not incest, it's not incest.
Fair enough - my memory was spotty on the MC's relationship to Katie, so I'm not prepared to disagree with you there.

Your second and third points though...
Secondly, I have issue more with MC's aggressive behavior than Katie's characteristic. Katie has been clearly described from the very beginning that she absolutely hated Roger. That is consistent with her desire to have revenge. It is then up to you as the player to decide whether MC would go along with her revenge plan or not.

Thirdly, the scoring system is consistent because it's simply based on if you're doing something they like or not. What Katie likes is not the MC behaving like a gentleman. What Katie likes is when the MC agreed with her. If you choose MC to be gentleman, then feel free to refuse to go along with the revenge. If you put more importance to bang Katie who wanted you to go along with the revenge, then put aside your gentleman act. The choice is yours.
The problem is a not a narrative one alone. It's at the intersection of choice + reward. You correctly point out that points = something Katie likes, but nothing prior to chapter 8 lead me to believe that either she or the MC were sociopathic enough to carry out rape and publicly destroying someone's psyche and reputation. Paths where the MC acts like a D-bag are not the paths that reward points... until chapter 8, out of left field. The paths where you don't act like a d-bag are the ones that you are 'punished' for by missing points. It's a complete flip. It's not that the MC couldn't be either way, but it's a single point system, rather than one I've seen in other games where there are separate scores for separate 'versions' of the MC.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
While it is not a deep RPG where you really decide what kind of character you are, the choices in this game do portray what your character does/not. A simple example is banging Wanda or not. Does your MC care that he lied about his identity just to bang a stranger? How about getting frisky with Monica while she was drunk? Does your MC care that he could be taking advantage of someone who wasn't in the right mind to give her consent? And so on.
Sure, I just think most of those choices still fall into a category of acceptable dichotomy where it's like "are you good and chaste" or "are you a naughty boy," while Episode 8 kind of pushed those boundaries into crazy land. Though Wanda is an interesting point, I actually enjoyed her scene, but now that I think about it maybe it should have been a warning sign.

Not in that I think there was anything wrong with it, but I think it was actually the first time I went "Huh? where is this coming from now?" when the MC suddenly starts acting like a character from 50 Shades of Gray without ever having given any indication that he's into that type of stuff. I just think the characterization of the MC was neglected for much of the game and then these things feel like they come out of the blue. Like suddenly he wants to act super dominant towards a woman or suddenly he's a frat boy who can't wait to beat people up.

I also don't think it's fair to use one thing you didn't like in one chapter out of eight, and then concluded that the future would be the MC being more like that one chapter instead of the other seven chapters that you didn't have a problem with beforehand.
This episode was so different from everything that came before, it felt like a radical shift that signaled a new direction. Also, again, the MC didn't have much of a character for the first 7 episodes, so there wasn't much to get upset about.

Zarah rubbed me the wrong way the moment she tricked Monica into grabbing MC's dick at the very beginning of the game. That's sexual assault. It bothered me so much that to Zarah, it was all just a joke. Imagine doing that to someone you just saw for the first time without any reason. I've been avoiding her since.
Sexual assault? I guess we all have different definitions. I saw it more as a rude prank. Maybe that's benevolent sexism. I guess I judged it on the outcome of Monica being not that mad about it and actually eventually liking that it happened. I doubt Roger is going to feel like that about his situation.

Ok first of all, Katie is not MC's sister. I understand people love their incest games, but when a game is not incest, it's not incest.
Oh, come on. This game has more incest related dialogue than your typical incest game. Replete with plenty of "Oh God, what am I doing" and "I'm so fucked up!" dialogue after you molest your fake family. You even get to call Monica "mommy" at multiple points in the game. This game is clearly meant to imitate an incest game and just didn't go all out because of Patreon or to be "different", but it's an incest game.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
You correctly point out that points = something Katie likes, but nothing prior to chapter 8 lead me to believe that either she or the MC were sociopathic enough to carry out rape and publicly destroying someone's psyche and reputation.
Correct. And now you know that Katie is crazy enough to do that, you can control the MC to not do that if you want to. You, as the MC, have the choice to not go that crazy. If you consider Katie as more important, then be willing to be as crazy as her. If you consider it's too crazy to do, then don't do it. It's pretty straight forward.

Think about it like IRL. You like this girl, you've gone on dates a few times with her, then suddenly she told you that she wanted to do revenge porn to her ex-bf and wanted your help. Do you help her out or not? If you really want to bang her, you'd help her. If you feel that it's wrong and not something you can do, then dodge the crazy lady. It's completely in your hands of what you do.

Paths where the MC acts like a D-bag are not the paths that reward points..
The fundamental issue here is that you're trying to split the paths into "Gentleman" (points) and "D-bag" (no points). While in reality, the paths are "what Katie likes" (points) and "what Katie doesn't like" (no points). Your inability to separate the two is becoming a problem because you're trying to fit a square peg into a round hole and be upset that it didn't fit.

This episode was so different from everything that came before, it felt like a radical shift that signaled a new direction.
With all due respect, it showed that you haven't been paying attention to the story. Yes it's very different, but this revenge during the party has been mentioned and planned since very early on in the game. This revenge/party was Katie's main plot story. We just didn't know how far it would've gone to. This is by no means a radical shift, nor signal to a new direction. This is something that happened because it's Katie's main plot (up to that point). Episode 9 with Jenna being the focus would have nothing to do with being a douche because the plot for that is not about being a douche.

Sexual assault? I guess we all have different definitions. I saw it more as a rude prank. Maybe that's benevolent sexism. I guess I judged it on the outcome of Monica being not that mad about it and actually eventually liking that it happened. I doubt Roger is going to feel like that about his situation.
Of course it's sexual assault. What else would you consider a woman grabbing a guy's junk if not sexual assault? Reverse the gender, and this is Donald Trump's famous line "Grab them by their pussy".

Oh, come on. This game has more incest related dialogue than your typical incest game. Replete with plenty of "Oh God, what am I doing" and "I'm so fucked up!" dialogue after you molest your fake family. You even get to call Monica "mommy" at multiple points in the game. This game is clearly meant to imitate an incest game and just didn't go all out because of Patreon or to be "different", but it's an incest game.
Again, it clearly showed you haven't been paying attention whatsoever about the story. Monica is not a "landlady" or a "step-mom" to bypass Patreon because there exist the actual step-mom in the storyline. The main story plot is also about the mysterious email that Monica received though the MC didn't send it.

It's interesting how one can be so disgusted by revenge porn in a video game, but completely be okay with incest to the point of considering something as incest even if it wasn't intended to.

True, but I was talking about the interactions with Katie.
Yes, but we've established that interaction with Katie would give you points if you do what Katie likes. What Katie likes isn't necessarily just you being a gentleman. Their relationship has always been full of lewd jokes, and I wouldn't consider spanking her at the gym as being gentleman-ly either. Same deal with trying to touch her specific body parts when putting sunscreen on her.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
With all due respect, it showed that you haven't been paying attention to the story. Yes it's very different, but this revenge during the party has been mentioned and planned since very early on in the game. This revenge/party was Katie's main plot story. We just didn't know how far it would've gone to. This is by no means a radical shift, nor signal to a new direction. This is something that happened because it's Katie's main plot (up to that point). Episode 9 with Jenna being the focus would have nothing to do with being a douche because the plot for that is not about being a douche.
"We just didn't know how far it would've gone to" That's the point. You can't just go "well, we knew this party was going to happen to how can you be surprised" when my whole point was that the radical shift I'm talking about is in the MC's and Katie's behavior. Nothing in the game was even remotely close to that before Episode 8.

Of course it's sexual assault. What else would you consider a woman grabbing a guy's junk if not sexual assault? Reverse the gender, and this is Donald Trump's famous line "Grab them by their pussy".
The MC wanted her to do that though.

Again, it clearly showed you haven't been paying attention whatsoever about the story. Monica is not a "landlady" or a "step-mom" to bypass Patreon because there exist the actual step-mom in the storyline. The main story plot is also about the mysterious email that Monica received though the MC didn't send it.
My point has never been that I don't understand the "story" and think it actually is an incest game, my point is that all the character interactions and relationships are clearly designed to mimick incest relationships. If you changed the story and made Monica the MC's mother and Katie and Jenna his sisters 95% of the dialogue and interactions would play out exactly the same.

It's interesting how one can be so disgusted by revenge porn in a video game, but completely be okay with incest to the point of considering something as incest even if it wasn't intended to.
Incest is something that can happen between consenting adults and isn't designed solely to hurt and traumatize another person to the point of destroying their life, but otherwise great point.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
First i think you guys should thank the devs, they have clearly created a story that has caused you to think outside of a game about your own values and then feel strongly enough to talk about them in forums, that is good writing.

Secondly opinions are one thing facts as accepted by society are another, please refer to the link

it was sexual assault not rape as defined by law not personal opinion. As for the MC's change in personality it is a tested method of story telling used in many cases, for example superman story where he has killed lex luthor and general zod, going completely against the personality we all believed him to have. The shock value alone story wise was great but it also caused people to think what they might do if pushed to those limits. good story telling there.

noun: incest
  1. sexual relations between people classed as being too closely related to marry each other.
    • the crime of having sexual intercourse with a parent, child, sibling, or grandchild.
sexual roleplay
1. Acting out a fantasy while engaging in sexual activity. Each person takes on a character role. This may include dressing up for the roles, using props, and/or creating or finding the right setting.

pretending to have incest is a fetish and people roleplaying it talk to each other as if they were related and roleplay but no matter what they do or say they ARE NOT related and so it is not and never will be incest. Dialog no matter what it is doesn't change the facts that the MC is not related by blood or marriage to the three women he is living with so it is not incest. Just once again good writing.

Also remember this is a game and adding fetishes into a porn game to reach the largest audience is just good business. On top of that a game that stirs such strong feelings in people is a good thing.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
First i think you guys should thank the devs, they have clearly created a story that has caused you to think outside of a game about your own values and then feel strongly enough to talk about them in forums, that is good writing.
lol, please don't do that. Next you'll tell me The Last Jedi was the best Star Wars movie because it "subverted your expectations" or "started a conversation." Just because something is terrible enough for people to talk about it doesn't make it good or valuable, it just means people thought it was bad enough to stop fapping and complain on the forums.


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 27, 2017
lol, please don't do that. Next you'll tell me The Last Jedi was the best Star Wars movie because it "subverted your expectations" or "started a conversation." Just because something is terrible enough for people to talk about it doesn't make it good or valuable, it just means people thought it was bad enough to stop fapping and complain on the forums.
In all fairness though, this would make for a better Star Wars movie than The Last Jedi.
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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
"We just didn't know how far it would've gone to" That's the point. You can't just go "well, we knew this party was going to happen to how can you be surprised" when my whole point was that the radical shift I'm talking about is in the MC's and Katie's behavior. Nothing in the game was even remotely close to that before Episode 8.
You're confusing things. Look again at what we were talking about when I made that comment. We were talking about you using what happened on Episode 8 (1 episode) to judge the whole game (8 episodes) and I didn't think it's fair that your dislike of Episode 8 suddenly override what you've enjoyed in the previous 7 episodes. You then in return talked about how Episode 8 was a radical shift that signaled a new direction.

I agree with you that Episode 8 has been nothing like the previous 7 episodes. But I disagreed with your conclusion that it signaled a new direction because Episode 9 has nothing to do with Episode 8. If the Roger/Natasha revenge arc is fully concluded in Episode 8, then Katie would also have a new storyline to follow which has nothing to do with Episode 8 either. You're free to completely hate Episode 8, but understand that it's contained in that one single episode and not affecting the future/whole game unless dev suddenly introduced more ex-boyfriends that Katie wanted revenge on.

The MC wanted her to do that though.
Please replay the game again. MC multiple times stated that he didn't understand what Monica was talking about, and MC didn't expect her to grab his dick. She grabbed his dick anyway.

My point has never been that I don't understand the "story" and think it actually is an incest game, my point is that all the character interactions and relationships are clearly designed to mimick incest relationships. If you changed the story and made Monica the MC's mother and Katie and Jenna his sisters 95% of the dialogue and interactions would play out exactly the same.
This is probably the single dumbest thing I've read. It's like if a porn game is about MC trying to bang a woman and her daughters, then suddenly it mimics incest game lol wtf. There is zero interaction in the game that mimics mother-son or brother-sister relationship at all. Some people are just so desperate.
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