
Lezz kiss for peace!
Feb 7, 2018
last update was: 2018-11-07

1,5 months later new update before x-mas? seems realistic imo!
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John Winkel

May 19, 2018
New update next year. Cheeky isn't Santa.
Cheeky-san, we both know that Monica is hot for my bod...concentrating on my 'nether regions' as I am concentrating on hers (in my perverted dreams.) I'm an old West-Pac sailor (note the -SAN). I'm asking (PLEADING) that you and your fellow developers give me a genuine sniff of my honey, Monica, SOON! (Asking for a limp dick. Fuckin' E.D. moved in and I haven't found a way to kick him out yet!)


Dec 4, 2018
One of the best graphic novels i have played, thank you so very much for all the hard work you have put into it...
btw, just hope the "creepy fuck guy" that was outside the cafe, was just a one time thing, and it really was just some stupid lost dog, last 5 games i have played through really ruined the story with creepy ass "rape threats" on the daughters or family members in general, just my opinion, i know its your novel and all you do a great job with it, the others did it as a reinforcement of the MC protecting what is his and gaining trust through the telling, just honestly don't like seeing "rape threats or attempts on girls"

But just thanks again for making a really great novel...


What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
Cheekies, kids! It's a quickie update...

Hey Folks,
As hinted at earlier (and the reason I turned off payment in December), Episode 9 will not be out in December. Currently looking at an early January release!

And more advent render catch-up tomorrow


Nov 30, 2018
I was really enjoying myself up to the party. Game seemed to have an easygoing air to it and it suddenly got incredibly mean. I mean Natasha was a bitch and Roger's a fucking idiot but nothing that would deserve such punishment.

Also I was attepting to do a 100 % faithful monica run and you basically have to fuck the skank (still did it with a second save because the game implies that not going through with the horrible revenge plan is a big mistake)

I'm a bit disappointed but I'll still keep an eye out for the game I guess.
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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
Also I was attepting to do a 100 % faithful monica run and you basically have to fuck the skank (still did it with a second save because the game implies that not going through with the horrible revenge plan is a big mistake)
Why do you care about Katie's revenge if you're 100% faithful to Monica anyway? Just don't do it.


Active Member
Aug 25, 2016
The game practically encourages you to go full harem. I mean, you score points with Monica if you tell her that you exchanged numbers with Angel. That's a green light if I ever saw one. A pox on virtual fidelity!


Nov 30, 2018
Why do you care about Katie's revenge if you're 100% faithful to Monica anyway? Just don't do it.
Still wanted to be on good terms with all the family, I think Katie is absolutely delightful... Well I thought she was until the vile, vile revenge plot, haha.
The game practically encourages you to go full harem. I mean, you score points with Monica if you tell her that you exchanged numbers with Angel. That's a green light if I ever saw one. A pox on virtual fidelity!
I'm really new to porn games and I wanted a break from all the games where you essentially play as SATAN HIMSELF (last games I tried were Milf's Villa and Dreams of Desire) and wanted a little bubble of romance. Entirely my fault for expecting the wrong game though :)


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
LOL I do think people defending Roger and Natasha might have their priorities a bit wrong. :p Good old Roger is portrayed as a bully, who has been emotionally and physically abusing poor Sammy for years and years without being stopped by anyone and abused untold others as well including Katie. Especially the way he treated Katie already had MC pretty angry before he ever went to the party. Katie is someone he cares for and not just to get into her pants. Even if she is not his sister, due to their past there is that family dynamic between them and to him she has been seriously abused and hurt by that duo. So yes he was quite willing to get physical with Roger, also if follow game you know he might have had his own bullies in past.

Natasha is more or less portrayed in the same way as Roger and every bit as abusive and remember the whole tape thing was her idea to hurt and abuse Katie even more. MC was there just to help Katie out, protect her and help clear her name in first instance. Then Natasha goes out of her way with her plan to give him an option and incentive as well to go much further as he originally intended by turning the tables on Natasha. Have no doubt if he had really been a douchebag new boyfriend of Katie instead someone who cared for Katie, Katie would have been hurt badly at least emotionally at the end of that party. As far as I can see Roger and Natasha got hung by the rope they themselves provided and deserved everything they got in the end and provided MC with all the motivation he needed to go as far as he did, even the Sammy part.

Sorry if you think you should sympathize with bullies and not with their victims as MC does, but the kind of manipulation and abuse that people like Roger and Natasha like to dish out created likely way more emotional victims and suicidal people that might actually been helped a little in their anguish and help them move forward. Now if you think MC only did what he did to get into Katie's pants and not out of some true anger himself about the behavior of those two in past also to poor Sammy, yeah then it might seem weird behavior, if you see him as getting angry about people hurting people he cares about with no reason then his actions do make sense. Payback is a bitch just as is Karma, poor Roger and Natasha.

Admittedly though with that model he might have shown himself to sometimes be to easily triggered, but not by Roger and Natasha. My two cents. :p


Nov 30, 2018
Ah, who knows? Maybe Cheeky has a nasty surprise in store for those of us who play the field.

Don't do it, Cheeky.
Nah I wouldnt want harem fans to be penalized, I just want "being a gentleman" to be a viable choice. Cheeky obviously is doing something right with his characters if they're likeable enough that I'd feel guilty for not choosing one and sticking to it.
Sorry if you think you should sympathize with bullies and not with their victims as MC does, but the kind of manipulation and abuse that people like Roger and Natasha like to dish out created likely way more emotional victims and suicidal people
I'm fine with a wee bit of revenge I just think it was a bit much. Made me feel no better than them. Having sex with someone just to hurt them ranks pretty high on my "things that are completely evil and fucked up" list. And Sammy blowing Roger ? He hates Roger ! What kind of man-whore would do such a thing just out of revenge ?
I dunno, I'm getting old maybe. haha


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
True about the Sammy part so there may be another weird dynamic there as well between victim and oppressor, but on the other hand it also shows how bad Roger is likely that Sammy is prepared to go this far to get his revenge.

Fucking Natasha should be not that big a chore for someone that has trouble to keep his pants on anyway for every woman around:p Also again, do not forget Natasha did provide the motivation for MC to go that far all by herself by her actions at the party. Not that MC is only a white knight and a gentleman anyway, more a horndog. :)

Yeah I do suspect there will be a harem option, but think I read somewhere before from dev that will have complications. Might have been on Patreon though. :p
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