No other LI will.....none. Even with the sharing girls, you are actually cheating on them until they find out/accept it. Even the ones you're cheating on (and yes, you are cheating on them) that have not discovered about each other until Ep 23....will not be happy going into the last episode.
Enough with this fucking bullshit idealogy that they are ALL happy with sharing (and thus it should be a harem), because they are not.
They all start out exclusive to the MC. And then they are exclusive to maybe 1 or 2 others as well. Its always about broaching the subject correctly or having them suggest it themselves somehow. And again, its a fantasy. Its not unreasonable given a bit more time and the perfect set of choices that the MC would be dating 4-6 of them at a time with all of them being aware of it.
I'm perfectly happy with this because it fits how I play these games, but the simple fact is that the girls in this game have consistently shown themselves as willing to hook up with the MC and any other aroused female characters that they like well enough.
I disagree about it being cheating in most cases. How many of the women in this game require a commitment to engage in sexual activities? Oh...none? So, no commitment, no cheating.
And I feel like I'm beating a dead horse at this point by bringing it up AGAIN, but this is a game and not a realistic one but a fantasy. A harem finale (if it existed) would not be the least believable thing that happened in this story, you must admit.