
Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Dec 17, 2017
Patreon has nothing to do with it, it's PayPal that has a problem with it. Credit card companies don't want to be liable or associated with illegal or questionable material, so therefore incest, bestiality, shota, etc. is all banned on Patreon. Is incest a really popular fetish in the outside vanilla world? No. Is it really popular among all of us sexual deviants here on F95, yes, yes it is. Do some people here still get put off by it? Sure, but I'd wager they're in the minority.
I'm going to have to disagree with you on the "not popular in the outside vanilla world". Go to pornhub, click categories, click step fantasy. See how many videos there are? It's huge!

"Step mom" is a very popular search term on pornhub.
Trendy terms aside, Pornhub’s top 4 searches by volume remained the same from 2017 to 2018. These included ‘lesbian’, ‘hentai’, ‘milf’ and ‘step mom’.

what does it matter, if it's patreon or paypal, who has the problem with it? it's seen as illegal or questionable material, like you said. my point exactly.
everything else you said i completely agree.
(i never said they weren't in the minority)
haha, yeah me too.
but i think it would be kind of hard to make a poll, of all of the F95zone
Incest is illegal in most places. Incest games/stories are not. Patreon didn't care until they got a capital infusion - their new backers didn't like all the porn - and the Credit Card companies started yanking Paypal's chain.

John Winkel

May 19, 2018
Hmm, I wouldn't exactly go saying "a lot of people are put off with incest", it's one of those most dominating fetishes out there, has one of the biggest following, no, I wouldn't say incest is the problem, the problem is that most incest stories are pretty generic and lacking, poorly written in a way that it doesn't feel natural nor believable.
I find that the beauty of this story is that there's NO incest, but has the implication of an incest element, nonetheless. Somewhere in the distant past, the MC lived with these nubile women as a very young man (boy?) Though not blood-related, Monica apparently considered him a 'nephew' of a sort, and Katie & Jenna considered him to be an older brother or cousin - BUT THE KIDS, INCLUDING THE MC, WERE PRE-PUBESCENT. They weren't old enough to develope a sexual attraction. Enter the time lapse and MC returns as a developed young stud with 'normal' urges, two 'sisters' in their mid to late teens who are ALSO experiencing 'normal' urges, and a lonely 'aunt' who has blocked HER 'normal' urges to maintain her business AND her household. MC and daughters enjoy teasing/confiding with MC and each other. Monica is attracted because of MC's OBVIOUS attraction to HER, but she's fighting these demons off as best she can. MC is attempting to subtly beat said demons down. Her best friend and business partner is a self admitted slut who likes the occasional dick, but thoroughly desires to protect her more staid friend. Slut friend finds MC's interest in Monica, encourages him to woo Monica but SEVERELY WARNS HIM NOT TO EVER HURT MONICA...I think Tara would soundly kick MC's ass if he ever did! Tara still want's to fuck him at her leisure if he's willing. This story is FILLED with titillating drama!


Aug 19, 2017

Not a fan of the incest anyways so here y'all go. Honor me por favor.
Broken link, BTW is it the new version cause its finished

Episode 9 release

Episode 9,
PC Release,


Active Member
Jun 4, 2018
Well it was a nice effort cheeky. I appreciate the effort to try and postpone the inevitable.

You know what they say about instant gratification.


P.S. you would think people would be into possibly getting more of your awesome content after the initial game was finished. :shrug:


May 1, 2017
im a patreon and actually have this game (and no, i won't share it), so this is out of shear curiosity.. did this guy post a bogus link to troll or did cheeky manage to get it taken down less than 30 minutes after it was shared? it says the link is down due to TOS copyright/violation

Eerie Entity

❤︎ Victoria Shields' One True Love ❤︎
Game Developer
May 28, 2018
Well it was a nice effort cheeky. I appreciate the effort to try and postpone the inevitable.

You know what they say about instant gratification.


P.S. you would think people would be into possibly getting more of your awesome content after the initial game was finished. :shrug:
Indeed, I mean, this is a pirate site after all, so can't be mad, judgmental or can one act surprised when a pirate does what pirates do, it's what we're here for. I definitely always want to get my hands on the latest update ASAP, especially when talking about a game I really love, but at the same time, I'd love nothing more than extra content, if all it takes is having to wait a few extra days per update, the more content, the merrier, haha. It's kind of a double-edged sword sort of thing :p

Cheeky's efforts are totally appreciated :)


Active Member
Sep 18, 2018
Tbh, I pretty much knew this shit was going to happen, I was just really looking forward to using my shame meme and then sitting back and watching the inevitable flame war. Too bad the mods are so damn good at their jobs :p. Oh well, time to fap.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
Dayum, someone better give that guy new pair of pants because the one he's wearing now can't hold his huge balls! That was definitely an assert dominance kind of move there. He's at the top of leaderboard when sorting the members based on ball size. I thought they would've at least stayed anonymous if they shared.

On a more serious note, I think it was worth the attempt, but the outcome is completely as expected. So let us all do what we can and appreciate Cheeky's creation once again.

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Mar 17, 2018
At least the non-compressed version is not shared.

Anyways funny thing that the dude shared the game because he hates incest.

Kid, this game has no incest... :D:D:D


Active Member
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Picture the scene folks... Katie being the good older sister is applying fake tan to Jenna in preparation for her first visit to the beach in years. Her brand new white bikini clings tightly to her skin. Katie suggests that she remove the bikini to avoid getting tan on it. "What's the harm in being naked ? We are sisters after all" Katie is applying the tan to Jenna's upper thighs, when her hand slides slightly further than she had planned and....

Still picturing the scene? Me too! Pity it's fucking shit-canned, isn't it? :LOL::LOL:. I'm as disappointed as you are!


Mar 17, 2018
Picture the scene folks... Katie being the good older sister is applying fake tan to Jenna in preparation for her first visit to the beach in years. Her brand new white bikini clings tightly to her skin. Katie suggests that she remove the bikini to avoid getting tan on it. "What's the harm in being naked ? We are sisters after all" Katie is applying the tan to Jenna's upper thighs, when her hand slides slightly further than she had planned and....

Still picturing the scene? Me too! Pity it's fucking shit-canned, isn't it? :LOL::LOL:. I'm as disappointed as you are!
Anyways Cheeky I don't think this experiment was a complete fail. Yes they shared the first version as expected, as some people just doesn't think on the internet. However the game is still not presented in the updates page, and it's only the compressed version is shared.

I'd say as far as a theory can go on it's first try, this one went pretty well.
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Active Member
Jun 29, 2017
Picture the scene folks... Katie being the good older sister is applying fake tan to Jenna in preparation for her first visit to the beach in years. Her brand new white bikini clings tightly to her skin. Katie suggests that she remove the bikini to avoid getting tan on it. "What's the harm in being naked ? We are sisters after all" Katie is applying the tan to Jenna's upper thighs, when her hand slides slightly further than she had planned and....

Still picturing the scene? Me too! Pity it's fucking shit-canned, isn't it? :LOL::LOL:. I'm as disappointed as you are!
updating my pledge to 500 dollars as we speak
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