
Active Member
Sep 20, 2017
What is the bad news is written on his Patreon page ?
From Patreon:

Bad News

I regret to inform you that I will not be able to get Episode 13 released before I fly out, so I will have to postpone until early June. I'm getting on a plane in an hour, so I'll send further details once I get back online. I know it's shit, but sometimes real life gets in the way of the development. I try my best to not let my real life (social or professional) impact on the game, but sometimes it's just unavoidable.
We came very close to getting it ready for this morning. Based on script length and artwork quantity, we definitely have a decent sized episode, but it is still disjointed and needs a lot of editing, but unfortunately I'm out of time.
I was considering doing a patch-up job and releasing it as "beta" version, but I decided against it as I don't want to release something that could be riddled with errors, that doesn't flow together as a complete episode and would look way too rushed.
I'll make sure that we make up for the postponement by adding extra quantity to the release when it finally comes out (And I'll add a Jenna scene).




Active Member
Aug 20, 2018
While we are waiting, I saw someone raising the Monica contact email again a few pages back.

Yet again nobody pointed out that the description of the sender is supplied by Jolina. Maybe she is lying.

If it was a 'mature' female then, it has to be one of Monica, Zarah or Elaine - maybe with a wig?
But remember this was BEFORE the will was read and the special terms were announced.
Whereas Jolina's "description" possibly came after.
We had that over reaction from her at the first meeting in the café?
Now she was ready to bed the MC until he had to rush off to save Jenna.

Just to throw another idea about the inheritance conditions into the melting pot - the dead Dad had a really big ego, and maybe Elaine's and/or the gold digger's terms are to get pregnant by the MC to continue Dad's dynasty.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
Speaking of the gold digger, I was just replaying the game while waiting and at one point in the game (Chapter 4? The part after introducing Debbie and Lily, then Katie got into MC's room), Katie said "MC, my long-lost broth.. friend... whatever ... I am glad you are back ...."

Of course the term "long-lost brother" could've been just a complete meaningless figure of speech, but at the same time, it sounded awkward to use that kind of term for a figure of speech. Is this a hint that they might share the same father but different mother? That Katie (and maybe even Jenna too) knew about Monica's relationship with MC's father? Or is this just harmless poor word of choice by Cheeky?

I'm still suspicious of Monica the most.
1. She fits Jolina's description (mature brunette curvy? can't remember exactly)
2. She can lie about the email (she sent it herself)
3. She has the motive (needing money for business)
4. She is an important character, not just a support character, thus making a better villain/plot-twist

I'm not suspicious at Jolina just because I consider her more of a side character that has less impact if she's revealed as the gold digger.


Active Member
Aug 20, 2018
I'm still suspicious of Monica the most.
1. She fits Jolina's description (mature brunette curvy? can't remember exactly)
2. She can lie about the email (she sent it herself)
3. She has the motive (needing money for business)
4. She is an important character, not just a support character, thus making a better villain/plot-twist
Cheeky is a master of suspense, and of course it is possible Monica sent the email.
As I pointed out, it was BEFORE any details of dead Dad's wealth emerged.
So Monica's reasons for sending it would have nothing to do with money - something went on with Monica and Dad - we don't know what it was. (I did suggest earlier, maybe Monica had an affair with MC's mother. ;) )

Doesn't make her one of the golddiggers.

Still I am just looking forward to the photoshoot.



Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
As I pointed out, it was BEFORE any details of dead Dad's wealth emerged.
So Monica's reasons for sending it would have nothing to do with money
To be honest, I'm not sure if the timing matters.

The one not advertised is the father having THAT much money (15M), but judging from the fact that he owned a house, nice car, and even a beach house showed that it's common knowledge that he was actually rich. Being nice to MC could easily be a way for Monica to expect some handout from MC if she assumed that MC would get the inheritance because MC is the son.

And purely my own speculation with Monica as the gold digger, MC's condition is to sever ties with Monica/Katie/Jenna, and then later on Monica found out that her condition is to keep MC in touch with her. In the father's eyes, MC is a winner if he can sever ties with those 3, but MC is a loser if he stayed with them.

As always, I could be very wrong.
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Active Member
Feb 12, 2019
And purely my own speculation with Monica as the gold digger, MC's condition is to sever ties with Monica/Katie/Jenna, and then later on Monica found out that her condition is to keep MC in touch with her. In the father's eyes, MC is a winner if he can sever ties with those 3, but MC is a loser if he stayed with them.
I understand where you are coming from this but I still feel MC would be a winner in case if Monica is the gold digger. If her condition is to keep the MC and she gets the money providing she keeps him, In this case, she gets the money and he gets to stay happy with his harem. The only things that I see in this would be if he decides to take the money then he would have to live without Monica and the girls and then I would say he is the loser.
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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
I understand where you are coming from this but I still feel MC would be a winner in case if Monica is the gold digger. If her condition is to keep the MC and she gets the money providing she keeps him, In this case, she gets the money and he gets to stay happy with his harem. The only things that I see in this would be if he decides to take the money then he would have to live without Monica and the girls and then I would say he is the loser.
Correct. BUT you (and I, as well as the other players) are not the father. The father is an asshole that enjoys torturing MC. Us, the players, want MC to get both the money and the women. The father and the players have the opposite way of describing winners and losers.

Going deeper, my speculations:
1. MC's condition: stay away from Monica and family
2. Monica's condition: make MC live with her
3. Elaine's condition: make MC live with her

So with the MC and Monica's condition being against each other, the goal is creating conflict where Monica would want MC to live with them, but MC would try to resist to try get the inheritence. And on the side, Elaine would have to try her hardest to get MC to forgive her (probably why her sudden 180-degree turn on the way she treated MC before and after the will being read by the lawyer) where the conflict is that MC is supposed to hate on Elaine. Then with both Elaine and Monica pretty much having the same condition, they would fight against each other on how to win over the MC too.

Basically just the father wanting chaos between the three people he cared for. MC vs Monica vs Elaine.


Active Member
Aug 20, 2018
Good theory.
I doubt Elaine's conditions are that simple - there was a reluctance to tell the MC 'something' during the discussion at Elaine's house when Bella was there. Bella seems to know, but Elaine was sort of suggesting it was perverse, and didn't want to discuss it.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
I doubt Elaine's conditions are that simple
I agree, I just can't think of a plausible but more complex condition for now lol.

Assuming Monica is the third person involved, the relationships between those three are:
1. Monica nice to MC
2. Monica ??? to Elaine (never mentioned yet)
3. MC nice to Monica
4. MC hates Elaine
5. Elaine hates Monica
6. Elaine ??? MC (unclear)

The confusing part about Elaine is what she truly feels about MC.
1. If she really wanted to be nice to MC but prohibited by the father, then it's basically just her going back to natural (nice) now that the father is dead. But why was she still a bitch after the father's death and only being nice after the lawyer's meeting? The sudden turn is too suspicious especially considering the timing.
2. If she really is a bitch to MC, why would the father say something about her wanting to be nice to MC and prohibiting her about it? Is it just the father playing a game to MC by lying even after death?

Anywho, my impression of the father is that he hates the MC the most out of the 3. He'd view the two women as gold diggers and disliked them for it, but he seemed to be so invested in trying to fuck up MC's life. So I feel like it'd make most sense for the three-way battle to be Elaine vs MC vs Monica.


Active Member
Aug 20, 2018
Well Elaine knows, or thinks she knows, about something Monica has done.

Until she says what it is, we don't know if it is true, or speculation, or just what the Dad told her Monica had done.
I cannot remember how long Elaine was married to Dad, and/or what the time gap was after MC's mum died before she appeared in MC's life.
In reality there are multiple answers as Cheeky can pretty much spin it any way he likes. ;)

As he has said that the plot is carved in stone, I would like to think that there will be a 'reveal' that makes sense with whatever events, conversations, or clues we have already seen, and from his attitude and behaviour so far, I think Cheeky will deliver.

Given all of the women involved have their fans, some of you are going to be disappointed.


Uriel ☁

Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2017
My personal theory: *puts on a tinfoil hat*

The father is not dead.
The gold digger does not exists.
The father wants to test your resolve and Elaine's faithfulness. For that he's giving you both a task you really don't want to do.

In MC's case leaving Monica's house and staying away from her family. All the father's actions always were towards making a man out of the MC, this is the final test. MC has to prove him he's a man by sticking up to his beliefs and refusing to accomplish his task.

In Elaine's case it might be something concerning the MC, either fucking him or making him go back home. Or both.

For both of them in case they succeed in their task they actually lose.
Dec 29, 2018
Just to throw another idea about the inheritance conditions into the melting pot - the dead Dad had a really big ego, and maybe Elaine's and/or the gold digger's terms are to get pregnant by the MC to continue Dad's dynasty.
That's what I'm thinking too. It would explain why Bella is so aggressive with the main character and so eager to forgo protection. It fits Elaine's character because she could either be telling the truth when she says that the request in the will was a horrible condition that she wasn't going to fulfill, which caused her to finally realize how awful your father was and led her to want to make amends. Or Elaine could actually be trying to slowly seduce the main character, first by being nice, and then later getting flirty in the upcoming updates. It also felt a bit like Bella was trying to keep Elaine from getting too friendly with you by reminding you of all the things bad things she did, even though she was also trying to smooth things over between the two of you. So maybe Bella suspects that Elaine got the same condition she did.

It's all speculation of course, but it seems to fit with what we've been given so far.


New Member
Jan 1, 2019
HELP. I downloaded the incest patch which comes with the walkthrough patch. I have the walkthrough option disabled for all girls but the game is still telling me the good and bad options its driving me nuts did anyone find a fix for this?


Jul 8, 2018
I really enjoyed the game and a big thank you for the mod Phalzyr I really hope the dev let us keep all the girls and everything is working out for the MC i know I am selfish there but the game is really enjoyable like that I would be a little disappoint if the MC lose any girl but I think we have to wait for the upcoming content for more keep up the good work but i am still curios what in the other to wills stand ;)
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Uriel ☁

Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2017
HELP. I downloaded the incest patch which comes with the walkthrough patch. I have the walkthrough option disabled for all girls but the game is still telling me the good and bad options its driving me nuts did anyone find a fix for this?
It's an incest MOD, not an incest PATCH. It seems the same but it isn't.
A patch is something that restores the original state of the game. So if the game originally contained incest, and it was removed after Patron went banana and started banning them, a patch would restore it like it was originally envisioned.
A mod is something that alter the game giving it a different or additional direction, like altering a game mechanic or dialogs.
This game has been around since before Patreon banned incest content and it never featured any kind of incest.

With that said you should ask about it to the mod author Phalzyr.
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Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Dec 17, 2017
It's an incest MOD, not an incest PATCH. It seems the same but it isn't.
A patch is something that restores the original state of the game. So if the game originally contained incest, and it was removed after Patron went banana and started banning them, a patch would restore it like it was originally envisioned.
A mod is something that alter the game giving it a different or additional direction, like altering a game mechanic or dialogs.
This game has been around since before Patreon banned incest content and it never featured any kind of incest.

With that said you should ask about it to the mod author Phalzyr.
I need to take issue with your definitions.

A patch is a change. "Restore the original state of the game" is something you can do with a patch, but it's not all that a patch is.

A mod is a change that makes the program do something that the original release didn't intend. So, in a sense, an incest patch could be a mod. Almost all patches are mods; all mods are not patches. You could have a "total conversion" that is distributed in toto, instead of as a patch.

In WTHI's case, the patch is a mod, since the game was not created as an incest game. In Sisterly Lusts's case, there's a patch that flips a switch, and a console command to flip that switch, so you don't need the patch. I wouldn't consider that patch to be a mod.
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