- Aug 5, 2018
- 34
- 115
I think there are a lot of good comments here, and much speculation to enjoy. However after playing through this game, numerous times and really putting myself into the mindset of the MC- I feel as though there's a deeper meaning and more than meets the eye.I agree, I just can't think of a plausible but more complex condition for now lol.
Assuming Monica is the third person involved, the relationships between those three are:
1. Monica nice to MC
2. Monica ??? to Elaine (never mentioned yet)
3. MC nice to Monica
4. MC hates Elaine
5. Elaine hates Monica
6. Elaine ??? MC (unclear)
The confusing part about Elaine is what she truly feels about MC.
1. If she really wanted to be nice to MC but prohibited by the father, then it's basically just her going back to natural (nice) now that the father is dead. But why was she still a bitch after the father's death and only being nice after the lawyer's meeting? The sudden turn is too suspicious especially considering the timing.
2. If she really is a bitch to MC, why would the father say something about her wanting to be nice to MC and prohibiting her about it? Is it just the father playing a game to MC by lying even after death?
Anywho, my impression of the father is that he hates the MC the most out of the 3. He'd view the two women as gold diggers and disliked them for it, but he seemed to be so invested in trying to fuck up MC's life. So I feel like it'd make most sense for the three-way battle to be Elaine vs MC vs Monica.
For starters,
Monica: She's hiding a deep dark secret and no- its not the e-mail. (We'll get to that later on). When she first encounters the MC, she smells like alcohol and provocatively walks up the stairs in front of him. Anyone with a basic elementary degree would know that proper decorum would be to have a man walk up the stairs first, and walk down stairs first. (to not look up a dress, and to catch the woman if she falls). Monica didn't do either. She's a single mother with the financial implications of a car restoration, a new home, two college educations plus her own student loans and business debt. She MUST know about some sort of inheritance, probably received an email about it as well and she's not letting on- and is trying to seduce the young and impressionable main character. With that said, the fact that neither of her daughters work, and are both in university tends to lead that she is deep in debt and would do almost anything for money. Even if it means seducing impressionable youth.
Zarah: She is your E-mailer. The whole reason she changed her hair color was to throw off anyone who saw her at the Internet cafe. This will come into vision soon enough. Zarah is secretly the sister of Elaine who was having an affair with the MC's father. She's also the mother of Katie (Hence the tan resemblance and the fact they both have amazing backsides). You'll notice that half way through the story Katie AND Zarah's appearance changed. This is because they're both out together to get the MC to break his inheritance guarantee and in order to do so, need him to sleep with Monica. Mysteriously enough Zarah is always there right when something troubling is going down with Monica. This is because she's causing it all. Secretively and Seductively she's using her influence to take the inheritance from her sister. You see, MC's father is also the father of Katie, and he abandoned her for Elaine. She's out for revenge against the whole family and won't rest until she gets it.
Katie: Doesn't know that MC is her brother, only that His family deeply hurt her biological mother. Likewise Monica doesn't know that Katie knows Zarah is her mother. It was only revealed when they went swimming together and have matching big dipper birthmarks under their right armpits. Katie has a deep misunderstanding of romance and spends the nights furiously reciting line by line of 50 shades of grey hoping at one point in time she'll find her own Christian.
Jenna: Is Monica's biological daughter. She knows there's something fishy going on and is the smartest of them all. She's also playing dumb to the MC and getting him to reveal information to her. She knows that the cafe owner has more information than she's letting on and is slowly creeping into her personal life to get the answers. (Going on a date with her stalker who knows EVERYTHING about her) and logging into her own camera at home. She also knows that she's not related to the MC and has been scoping out his nefarious activities via his own computer cam. at the end of the day, Jenna is the one to watch out for... she knows all.
MC: The MC is like a puppeteer with all the strings, but only half of the controls. He doesn't know about Zarah or Katie which is his biggest weakness. However he's holding a secret of his own. Secretly he IS his own father. One night while waiting online for the next update of the game, he saw Cheeky's apology and delay notice, and in a fit of rage, went into his hard drive archives to play dreams of desire. Then during a freak electrical storm he traded places with his son. His son, who had never played DOD went through the whole game and landed on the bad ending giving his a heart attack, thus ending his life.
Im looking forward to what's next.