Hmmm. Getting a bit tense in here. I can understand though given the wait, but we would rather delay than release an inferior product. We are finalizing things now and so long as something else major doesn't jump out at us from the QC guys it will be released today.
As for the question of are we working, it's just my word, but Cheeky has been putting in 14-19 hours solid on the game the last 3 days. I've been close behind those numbers.
As for those curious about the pay. Honestly, only the top tier devs in the adult VN community make what you would consider a full time jobs pay doing this. Cheeky maintains a fulltime job outside of this (and is still working, although he took days off to tie up this update), Red I'm pretty sure is a fulltimer outside of this as well, not sure about Cell, but I would assume so also. I'm the only one that doesn't work per say (full time dad). I am positive that after the money is split between us that none of us make what would be considered minimum wage where I live in the US (8-10$ an hour in most places).
There is also the factor of assets. The models/backgrounds etc we use aren't free, at least if you purchase the rights to use them which we do. Just the clothing you see on Jenna this episode for example, was 400$ US. Adult VN development is usually a labor of love and/or perversion.